36195 - [Architecture, internals, and plumbing] CSRF - testing reports
36192 - [Architecture, internals, and plumbing] [OMNIBUS] CSRF Protection for Koha
In Discussion
32722 - [MARC Bibliographic data support] Mandatory subfields from UNIMARC framework shouldn't block the creation of a bib record when field itself is optional
38477 - [Circulation] Regression: new overdue fine applied incorrectly when using "Refund Lost Item Charge and Charge New Overdue Fine" option in circ rules
14210 - [Tools] Manage staged MARC records deletes replaced item when undoing import into catalog
36488 - [Templates] Flatpickr creates invalid date entries
38242 - [ILL] ILL table status and backend fitler are not remember when using table's copied sharing link
20956 - [Staff interface] BorrowersLog is not logging permission changes
32572 - [Architecture, internals, and plumbing] We should have a background queue for each job type
34814 - [Cataloging] Limiting item editing to library or library group disables choosing items from record's details page
35465 - [Acquisitions] Ability to select multiple funds / split funds for a single order
38134 - [Circulation] Koha::Items::filter_by_for_hold does not work
38110 - [Staff interface] Staff interface tables with filters - date format needs to be YYYY-MM-DD, need to use authorized value codes
38108 - [Staff interface] Staff interface holdings table - table navigation only shows when "Show filters" is selected
37919 - [Reports] Unable to report on patrons with borrowers.auth_method password
29308 - [Cataloging] Regression: NewItemsDefaultLocation should not be applied to items.permanent_location
37397 - [I18N/L10N] Vue - Strings pass to attribute are untranslatable
37942 - [Fines and fees] Problematic calculation of overdue recall fine (overrides regular overdue fine)
37718 - [Acquisitions] MarcFieldsToOrder cannot process repeated fields
35957 - [Serials] Does Serial module still allow saving 0000-00-00 in database?
37831 - [REST API] [OMNIBUS] Timezone ignored when passing rfc3339 formatted date
35380 - [REST API] PUT /biblios/:biblio_id doesn't respect overlay rules
37416 - [Cataloging] Holdings table errors or stuck on "Processing" in the staff interface - how to identify cause and possible solutions
36079 - [Staff interface] Library hours and the Calendar are not linked in any meaningful ways
37545 - [Architecture, internals, and plumbing] worker-output log - Size grows every minute
37716 - [Architecture, internals, and plumbing] Patron search fails if press "enter" key or don't choose more than one filter
37671 - [Point of Sale] Can't print receipt for refund from cash register transaction history
29700 - [Fines and fees] Koha performs a second cashup in error when changing registers immediately after cashup
37020 - [Architecture, internals, and plumbing] bulkmarcimport gets killed after update to 24.05. when inserting large files
35319 - [OPAC] Default sorting of the holdings table with OPACHoldingsDefaultSortField is broken
37449 - [Cataloging] Authority matching using Elasticsearch on 'Number' fields fails
30319 - [OPAC] Patron self-modification values not retained if field blocked in PatronSelfRegistrationBorrowerUnwantedField
37402 - [Task Scheduler] Task scheduling fails if you don't use the correct time format
29678 - [MARC Bibliographic data support] Can't use external URL for XSLT stylesheet
37269 - [Patrons] Saving edits to a patron - error message clears or resets some fields
37223 - [Label/patron card printing] Deleting the last item in a label batch needs to redirect to ?op=new
29923 - [Fines and fees] Do not generate overpayment refund from writeoff of fine
37174 - [Circulation] Patron’s checkout summary reports "0 of 0 renewals remaining" while circulation rules allow 3 renewals
28504 - [Hold requests] Hold pickup library match (hold_fulfillment_policy) not enforced when filling holds if set to "patron's group" / 'patrongroup'
33801 - [REST API] Holds API doesn't follow holds policies like the staff/OPAC UIs
33024 - [ERM] Lazy load the components in the routes definition
15050 - [Cataloging] Nonpublic note searchable from OPAC
24119 - [Test Suite] Records indexed into ES during tests are not removed by rollback
36889 - [Patrons] Unable to send a password reset for staff at my branch
36686 - [Circulation] Problems with manual transfers
32332 - [Command-line Utilities] bulkmarcimport.pl -insert fails to add MARC field 999
36314 - [Command-line Utilities] koha-email-disable does not disable all emails
34428 - [Database] Update database creates a wrong table transport_cost
29573 - [MARC Bibliographic data support] MARC framework subfield visibility doesn't work for 5xx displayed on the "Title notes" tab in OPAC
35338 - [Database] Error in SQL syntax when upgrading to
35780 - [Hold requests] HoldsAutoFill allows both a hold and a recall to be filled simultaneously by the same item
31925 - [MARC Authority data support] AutoCreateAuthorities needs to preserve subject heading thesaurus to not create duplicate authority records
28896 - [Circulation] Checkin Slip doesn't work for anonymized checkouts
29888 - [Architecture, internals, and plumbing] ->search_limited logic breaks searches
31124 - [Architecture, internals, and plumbing] koha-remove fails to remove long_tasks queue daemon, so koha-create for same <instance> user fails
21507 - [I18N/L10N] Decimal separators issues in patrons payments/fines, simplified
33862 - [Reports] reserve_stats.pl: Cancelled holds are counted incorrectly under processing status
31621 - [Acquisitions] aqbooksellers.deliverytime should not be nullable
26463 - [Hold requests] AllowHoldPolicyOverride overrides too many holds policies
In Discussion
31059 - [Architecture, internals, and plumbing] encryption_key config entry not generated when upgrading
28844 - [Acquisitions] Suggestion from existing title can alert patron in error
33166 - [Architecture, internals, and plumbing] Item type database fields should not be nullable
37774 - [Hold requests] Title level hold should fill even if specific item is not holdable
14293 - [Circulation] Error in the calculation of the suspension of users per day
35611 - [Architecture, internals, and plumbing] Never use "ON UPDATE SET NULL"
29063 - [Documentation] [DOCS] Manual: Translation issue with repeated strings in system preferences
31042 - [REST API] OVERRIDE_SYSPREF does not work for REST API
18153 - [Tools] UNIMARC bib records exported with invalid 'a' char in label pos.9
34338 - [Architecture, internals, and plumbing] Cardnumbers should be trimmed before insertion
28120 - [Fines and fees] Koha Account pay is logging fine amountoutstanding as 0 when paying selected lines
32709 - [Staff interface] Background job UI and REST API routes explode if JSON is incorrect
18186 - [Circulation] Plack config: Amounts with decimal comma instead of decimal dot breaking payments
26539 - [Patrons] Inconsistent case sensitivity around patron attribute code - potential data loss
29518 - [Templates] Title not displayed for additional contents
Failed QA
37035 - [Architecture, internals, and plumbing] Merging authorities triggers rebuilding holds for all affected records when RealTimeHoldsQueue is enabled
38384 - [Architecture, internals, and plumbing] General fix for plugins breaking database transactions
26282 - [Hold requests] Allow staff to decide if a hold cancellation notice will be sent when cancelling a hold
38258 - [Authentication] Connecting without a proper CGI cookie can disconnect all sessions
38072 - [Staff interface] Regression with modalPrint
37622 - [ERM] Error in ERM module when editing an agreement, a license, a package or a titles
31450 - [Tools] HTML customizations and News will not display on OPAC without Publication date
33284 - [Circulation] checkout_renewals table retains checkout history in violation of patron privacy
17704 - [Web services] Fix OAI breakage when using HTTP::OAI 4.03+
28259 - [Hold requests] Checking at branch B an item in waiting hold state at branch A kill Koha
35165 - [Tools] Batch item deletions are run in a single transaction and cause locking issues
32748 - [Cataloging] Library limitations will cause data loss when editing items
18450 - [Circulation] Renew in header bypasses hold block and renewal limits
31187 - [Cataloging] Regression, Permanent shelving location is always updated when editing location VIA BATCH ITEM MOD if both are mapped to MARC fields