Hello Frédéric Demians
Rolling monthly stats
- Signed Off: 0
- Passed QA: 0
- Failed QA: 0
- Documented: 0
- Pushed to main: 0
Rolling yearly stats
- Signed Off: 7
- Passed QA: 0
- Failed QA: 0
- Documented: 0
- Pushed to main: 0
Lifetime stats
- Signed Off: 259
- Passed QA: 2
- Failed QA: 10
- Documented: 0
- Pushed to main: 89
Your bugs
- Blocker
- Critical
- Major
- Normal
- Minor
- Trivial
- Enhancement
- New Feature
Reported 6
New 3
- 20633 - UseAuthoritiesForTracings syspref isn't taken into account by Unimarc XSL
- 3069 - Add configuration to deactivate auto-updating the reservoir via Z39.50
- 2234 - Make cart email from/reply-to/return-path address configurable
Assigned 1
- 13291 - Remove prog option from OPACFallback syspref
Blocked 1
- 25453 - Koha::SearchEngine::ES
In discussion 1
- 20522 - Fields with only one $9 subfield are removed
Other bugs
CC Bugs 149
Needs documenting 5
- 34755 + Error authenticating to external OpenID Connect (OIDC) identity provider : wrong_csrf_token
- 36098 + Create Koha::Session module
- 38085 - Untranslatable options in OPACAuthorIdentifiersAndInformation
- 34481 - Add IncludeSeeAlsoFromInSearches like IncludeSeeFromInSearches
- 34943 + Add a pre-save plugin hook for biblios
Pushed to stable 2
- 38450 + Missing translation string in catalogue_detail.inc 👑
- 38707 + Patron restriction types from installer files not translatable
Pushed to oldstable 12
- 38164 + Translation process is broken
- 36034 + cas_ticket is set to serialized patron object in session
- 33237 + If TranslateNotices is off, use the default language includes in slips
- 37814 - Wrong use of '__()' in .tt files
- 36463 + We should compress our JSON responses (gzip deflate mod_deflate application/json)
- 35904 + C4::Auth::checkauth cannot be tested easily
- 36845 + Exclude meta tag from the translations
- 32313 - Complete database column descriptions for cataloguing module in guided reports 🎓
- 32312 + Complete database column descriptions for circulation module in guided reports 🎓
- 36872 + Untranslatable "Please make sure all selected titles have a pickup location set"
- 36516 + translation script could output useless warning
- 35531 + Add context for translation of gender option "Other"
Pushed to oldoldstable 1
- 37257 - Copy in OPAC datatable untranslatable
Pushed to oldoldoldstable 4
- 35941 + OPAC user can guess clubs of other users
- 28929 - No filtering on borrowers.flags on member entry pages (OPAC, self registration, staff interface)
- 36149 + userenv stored in plack worker's memory and survive from one request to another
- 19613 - Scrub borrowers fields: borrowernotes opacnote
Pushed to main 10
- 39077 + Translation script raises warnings for obsolete translations
- 38900 - Translation script explodes without a meaningful error when an "incorrect" structure is found
- 38630 + Make the REST API respect KohaOpacLanguage cookie
- 38147 + Edit button in bookings untranslatable
- 38377 + Improve translatability of remaining renewals counters
- 38823 + The word 'Reports' in ERM menu is not translatable
- 36836 + Review ERM module for translation issues 👑
- 38726 + marc vs. MARC in admin-home.tt
- 38727 + Improve the translatability of the patron categories administration page
- 38684 + Improve translatability in cat-toolbar.inc 🔧
Ready to push 1
- 39032 + "Items selected" in item search untranslatable
Needs QA 4
- 38904 - admin/localization should allow translation in OPAC languages
- 38142 - Choose language to report from authority to bibliographic record.
- 36833 + Update German translations for new languages added
- 36357 - Add Template::Toolkit filters for internationalization (I18N)
Needs signoff 5
- 38136 - Refactor database translations (alternative)
- 36027 + search_for_data_inconsistencies.pl - add options so you can choose what checks to run
- 39045 - Add translation context for "Active" and "Inactive"
- 39061 - Allow translation context in vue files
- 31736 - Context for translation: "All" 🎓
Failed QA 6
- 9352 + Zebra indexes useless subfields in UNIMARC 7XX
- 12302 - OPAC course details not displaying item status correctly for itemtypes that are not for loan
- 31897 - New hook when indexing with Elasticsearch
- 25314 - Make OPAC facets collapse
- 13811 - Silent Cronjobs
- 10858 + Browse selected biblios - OPAC
Patch doesn't apply 11
- 38903 - getTranslatedLanguages is still called with wrong theme
- 33856 - Inventory tool CSV export contains untranslatable strings
- 14560 - Introduce a way of handling Rameau composed authorities, without breaking normal workflow
- 26392 - Wrap all translatable strings in opac-main.tt
- 35342 - Use a Makefile to manage PO files
- 26547 - Move context from msgid to msgctxt in pref PO files
- 14493 - export_borrowers.pl - Export patron attributes
- 7957 - Routing lists: manage several routing list for each subscription, and export them as CSV
- 20442 - Use more HtmlTags filter
- 12017 - Move language description out of database
- 11130 - Change pl Place-publication index for Marc21
In discussion 10
- 29063 - [DOCS] Manual: Translation issue with repeated strings in system preferences
- 27635 - Add option for patron to view archived suggestions on the OPAC
- 11668 - Untranslatable "Total" in borrowers stats and other reports
- 15522 - New interface for revamped circulation rules
- 35933 - Do not translate text nodes in xsl:attribute and other tags
- 15341 - Performance - Retrieve all sysprefs at once
- 6590 + Removing hyphens from ISBN and ISSN when cataloging a biblio
- 6772 + Implementation of a recommendations engine
- 12780 - Addition of plugins-menu.inc for adding a nav menu for Koha Plugins
- 15538 - Use Koha::Logger in longoverdue.pl
Reopened 1
- 38058 - Backticks in vue files break translation script
Blocked 4
- 12310 + Decimal separators issues in patrons payments/fines
- 20988 - [OMNIBUS] Internationalization: wrap all translatable text inside t() calls
- 11311 - Browse selected authorities
- 11974 - Enable non-default unix socket location for database connections.
Assigned 4
- 21507 - Decimal separators issues in patrons payments/fines, simplified
- 38460 - Enable translations for authorised values (alternative)
- 24977 - Enable translations for authorised values (POC)
- 12815 - Adding browser based multi-lingual jquery.ime input method support to Koha
New 69
- 37397 - Vue - Strings pass to attribute are untranslatable
- 38828 - Add context to "items" in ERM so they can be translated differently 🎓
- 11285 - Vocabulary disambiguation 🎓
- 38523 - Simple quote in ILL standard form JS can break translations
- 38445 - msgid "" breaks translation process
- 38217 - TT tags breaking translation script when used to build a JS string
- 37017 - Untranslatable texts in reserve/request.tt
- 21941 - Incorrect GROUP BY in circ/reserveratios.pl
- 36451 - Parenthesis removed from biblio's title in notice
- 36377 - Fix translatability issues in koha-backend.js
- 24796 - No test coverage for getting translations from templates
- 24284 - Cancelling of holds and orders should allow for different translation than cancel as options in dialogs
- 32763 - Display of diacritics in patrons to notify on receiving is broken
- 32584 - Can't update po files on master, because of missing UNIMARC files
- 30215 - "Item found" in accountlines untranslatable
- 17239 - Vulnerabilitiy warning for package C4::Biblio
- 29831 - Fix incorrect use of _() in .js files
- 28877 - Fix warns in logs when using plural translations
- 23201 - Changing languages on the OPAC redirects to opac-main which logs out SCO/SCI users
- 14678 - Update Koha language codes to ISO 639-2 spec
- 21540 - Move bibliographic framework strings out of database
- 15307 - Delete link doesn't appear for newly-added item type translations
- 16559 - [%% ... %%] should not be picked for translation 🎓
- 33274 - Batch patron modification tool headers are not translatable for extended patron attributes
- 32315 - Complete database column descriptions for serials module in guided reports 🎓
- 32314 - Complete database column descriptions for accounts module in guided reports 🎓
- 28557 - Translation issue in MARC modification templates
- 17994 - OAI-PMH: ListSets logs a warning
- 20601 - Untranslatable strings in circulation statistics
- 39074 - Exclude subfield lists in XSLT from translation files
- 13358 - Untranslatable local use on system preference (systempreferences.tt)
- 10756 - Add carousel/coverflow display of new titles to the OPAC
- 33510 - Add context to "New" as a status
- 38618 - Remove implicit template translations (in .tt and .inc), use only explicit macro invocations
- 24712 - Use YAML files for some of the update data
- 36841 - Don't separate KTD and maintainer in about-team.inc
- 20678 - Save draft records without committing them to the catalogue
- 34856 - Move strings in messages.po back into their original file (or move everything into messages.po)
- 20281 - Allow translating library names for notices/slips
- 15521 - Make circulation rules backend more granular
- 34935 - ERM - "Agreement user" and "License user" not translatable
- 35200 - Patron attributes should be translatable
- 35031 - Improve translations of strings in serial collection template
- 34437 - Internationalization: Mark string not to be translated
- 34090 - Add context for AV category vs. patron category
- 34039 - TT comments in translated strings
- 25512 - Add support for LDAPS
- 31700 - Do not consider variable strings as translatable strings
- 22212 - Improve usability of column configuration page
- 30445 - Move translatable strings out of cataloging_additem.inc and into JavaScript
- 30245 - Add Turkmen and Sinhala to languages 🎓
- 28918 - Improve translation of multi-hold no items available message 🎓
- 28240 - Some classes in register.tt are translatable
- 15342 - Performance 3.22 - Omnibus
- 27184 - Make the circulation history use the API
- 13187 - Access keys should be localizable/translatable
- 16679 - Translatability problems in system preferences
- 17498 - Expose system preference values to JavaScript in the OPAC
- 15308 - Suggested new interface for item type translation process
- 10830 - Add schema.org microdata for UNIMARC
- 16940 - Show active currency's symbol to users in OPAC
- 20007 - build_browser_and_cloud.pl contains hard-coded text in French
- 18162 - Don't translate JSON keys
- 12221 - Remove TT statement placeholders from translatable strings
- 11527 - Do not pick up MARC subfield codes for translation from XSLTs
- 12208 - schema.org microdata should not be picked up for translation
- 12254 - I18N should ignore the example responses in ILSDI template
- 11669 - Allow setting 008 builder MARC country/language code URLs
- 16279 - Add ability to customize patron name format