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Needs Triage 5294 1553 bugs
Next bugs- 35361 - Search filter on receive orders page crashes the system
- 37919 - Unable to report on patrons with borrowers.auth_method password
- 37896 - Guarantor relationships should be form validated when editing/adding a patron
- 37831 - [OMNIBUS] Timezone ignored when passing rfc3339 formatted date
- 37718 - MarcFieldsToOrder cannot process repeated fields
- 37716 - Patron search fails if press "enter" key or don't choose more than one filter
- 37671 - Can't print receipt for refund from cash register transaction history
- 37594 - Holds assigned to multiple items when using RTHQ and Transport Cost Matrix
- 37545 - worker-output log - Size grows every minute
- 37449 - Authority matching using Elasticsearch on 'Number' fields fails
- 37416 - Holdings table errors or stuck on "Processing" in the staff interface - how to identify cause and possible solutions
- 37402 - Task scheduling fails if you don't use the correct time format
- 37269 - Saving edits to a patron - error message clears or resets some fields
- 37223 - Deleting the last item in a label batch needs to redirect to ?op=new
- 37174 - Patron’s checkout summary reports "0 of 0 renewals remaining" while circulation rules allow 3 renewals
- 37020 - bulkmarcimport gets killed after update to 24.05. when inserting large files
- 36889 - Unable to send a password reset for staff at my branch
- 36686 - Problems with manual transfers
- 36560 - ILS-DI API doesn't have mechanism to provide CSRF tokens for POSTs
- 36488 - Flatpickr creates invalid date entries
- 36314 - koha-email-disable does not disable all emails
- 36291 - Scrolling glitch on datatables with fixed header
- 36079 - Library hours and the Calendar are not linked in any meaningful ways
- 35957 - Does Serial module still allow saving 0000-00-00 in database?
- 35816 - Email Notification Alert for Purchase Suggestion don’t properly work
- 35780 - HoldsAutoFill allows both a hold and a recall to be filled simultaneously by the same item
- 35465 - Ability to select multiple funds for a single order
- 35399 - Error in authority types when modifying MARC structure
- 35380 - PUT /biblios/:biblio_id doesn't respect overlay rules
- 35338 - Error in SQL syntax when upgrading to
- 35319 - Default sorting of the holdings table with OPACHoldingsDefaultSortField is broken
- 35314 - yarn css:build generates deprecation warnings
- 35246 - REST API: api/v1/biblios crashes with accept header application/json
- 35118 - Background job workers are not tested
- 35035 - Koha hide field values in reference fields based on $w
- 34814 - Limiting item editing to library or library group disables choosing items from record's details page
- 34428 - Update database creates a wrong table transport_cost
- 33801 - Holds API doesn't follow holds policies like the staff/OPAC UIs
- 33194 - Wrong relationship between authorities crash Koha
- 33024 - Lazy load the components in the routes definition
- 32940 - [Bug 30280 follow-up] Subject-heading-thesaurus-conventions search field missing in Zebra
- 32572 - We should have a background queue for each job type
- 32332 - -insert fails to add MARC field 999
- 32187 - (Bug 24161 follow-up) With IndependentBranches on a non superlibrarian librarian is not able to track late orders
- 31925 - AutoCreateAuthorities needs to preserve subject heading thesaurus to not create duplicate authority records
- 31394 - Background hold cancellation causing confusion
- 31336 - In-progress background jobs give incorrect progress message
- 31031 - MarkLostItemsAsReturned does not work with batch item modification
- 30319 - Patron self-modification values not retained if field blocked in PatronSelfRegistrationBorrowerUnwantedField
- 30106 - Items silently moved to serial record without updating search index
Needs Signoff 159 27 bugs
Next bugs- 36171 - Incorrect translation of Template Toolkit directive causes patron view error in ru-RU
- 26282 - Allow staff to decide if a hold cancellation notice will be sent when cancelling a hold
- 37650 - Checkin does not create transfers for future holds
- 37526 - Handle redirects in SUSHI requests
- 35655 - Make it possible to switch off RabbitMQ without any warns in logs/about page
- 37869 - Plugin hook before_send_messages not triggered for any messages sent without use of
- 26929 - Koha will only display the first 20 macros Advanced Editor
- 35987 - See highlighted items below link broken
- 37905 - Correctly fix the "last hour" filter on the job list
- 37898 - All db dependent tests should run within a transaction
- 37891 - Editing a notice's name having SMSSendDriver disabled causes notice to be listed twice
- 37810 - Some SUSHI providers return ServiceActive instead of Service_Active
- 35729 - Koha needs to handle ISBNs starting with 979 for cover images
- 30745 - Elasticsearch: Search never returns with after-date and/or before-date in label batch item search
- 35434 - Non-superlibrarians should not place holds in other libraries when IndependentBranches is enabled
- 18086 - overduerules table is lacking foreign key constraints
- 37286 - Fix REST API authentication when using Mojo apps
- 34971 - Permission to close a serial subscription
- 36921 - Incorrect error description on local title import
- 30581 - Items should show on the Holds Queue and Holds to Pull even if they have requested transfers
- 36548 - koha-zebra should fix ownership on /var/run/koha/instancename files
- 35114 - Calculation around basket details and basketgroup not correct
- 33018 - debian package tidy-up
- 37761 - Tabs on page not styled right after Bootstrap 5 update
- 30699 - Fix various HTML validity errors in staff interface templates
- 37573 - Bad escaping in OPACSearchForTitleIn breaks JS in <script> tags
- 37931 - Wrong OPAC facet item types label
- 37844 - Remove C4::Members::DeleteUnverifiedOpacRegistrations
- 37845 - Remove C4::Members::DeleteExpiredOpacRegistrations
- 37722 - Add Koha Objects for Koha Holidays
- 37495 - Add ability to use metadata to filter plugins to run for
- 35451 - Add tablename field to additional_field_values
- 37305 - Remove C4::Biblio::prepare_marc_host and use Koha::Biblio->generate_marc_host_field in preference
- 28294 - C4::Circulation::updateWrongTransfer should be moved into Koha::
- 35716 - Duplicated assets in both koha-tmpl/intra-tmpl and koha-tmpl/opac-tmpl
- 36441 - Improve performance of Item::is_bundle
- 32476 - Add caching for relatively expensive patron methods
- 35625 - Add support for system flag to additional fields
- 31380 - Build Mojolicious controller for running Koha plugins
- 33348 - Show authority heading use with Elasticsearch
- 20153 - Add new column "source" in the authorities pages's result
- 37930 - Change how we handle authorised values in Vue
- 37918 - Properly encode email subjects in mailto: links
- 36454 - Staff - Provide indication if a patron is expired when searching patrons
- 37796 - Generated issue has incorrect number in pattern when receiving
- 29238 - Cataloging cron jobs are not logged
- 35061 - Add support to preserve patron category code when importing patrons with commandline script
- 37907 - Add column to user summary to show date an item was checked out on
- 37577 - Add additional fields support to ERM Packages
- 36833 - Update German translations for new languages added
Needs QA 208 59 bugs
Next bugs- 37775 - uses $dbh->commit but does not use transactions
- 37892 - Patron category 'can be a guarantee' means that same category cannot be a guarantor
- 36435 - Prevent warnings from interrupting koha-run-backups when deleting old backup files
- 37392 + Edit item permission by library group is broken
- 36594 - Library hours display issues
- 36474 - should not modify the record when the total issues has not changed
- 37871 - FindDuplicate finds weird duplicates
- 37326 - Batch modification should decode barcodes when using a barcode file
- 8425 - Autobarcode generates duplicate barcodes with AcqCreateItems = on order
- 37606 - Framework export module should escape double quotes
- 37528 - Using borrowerRelationship while guarantor relationship is unchecked from BorrowerMandatoryField results in error
- 14250 + Don't allow to generate discharges for patrons with fines
- 37872 - System information tab on About Koha page crashes with plugins disabled and ILLModule enabled
- 37854 - Barcode fails when adding item during order receive (again)
- 37328 - Cannot delete report after using Update and Run SQL button
- 37551 - MarcFieldsToOrder price is overriding MarcItemFieldsToOrderPrice
- 37525 - [SCO] "Return this item" doesn't show up in scan confirmation screen despite SCOAllowCheckin being allowed
- 37184 - Special character encoding problem when importing MARC file from the Acquisitions module
- 37505 - Statistical patrons don't display information about item status if item wasn't checked out
- 37790 - Prevent indexing and holds queue updates when running
- 29194 - Patron messaging preferences should be ordered
- 37478 - can die on bad records
- 36132 + Allow users to delete multiple patron_lists at once on any page
- 37550 - dies when adding items throws an exception
- 35466 - bulkmarcimport needs a parameter to skip indexing
- 36083 - Not able to create customizable areas to intranet home pages that are library specific
- 37709 - should die when the file cannot be opened
- 22223 + Item url double-encode when parameter is an encoded URL
- 37701 - Log viewer doesn't show everything when Module 'All' is checked
- 37639 + items.stack ( shelving control number ) not included in items API endpoint
- 35725 - ILL - Generic master form does not keep patron and cardnumber when changing type
- 36925 - ERM eUsage reports : data table filter does not work
- 34631 - Independentbranches - Non-superuser should not be able to write Additional contents for other branches
- 37928 - "Upload image" item not correctly styled
- 35905 + Missing permission check for "record batch delete" from reports
- 37866 - Unable to resolve claim from patron details page
- 37787 - Undocument koha-worker --queue elastic_index
- 37863 - Patron card batches don't detect when the patron is already in the list
- 37742 - My virtual card error message not showing
- 37848 - "Run with template" options need formatting
- 37836 - Prevent submitting empty barcodes in Self check-in
- 37362 - Do not show the lists button if there are no public lists and opacuserlogin is off
- 33178 - Use template wrapper for authority and bibliographic subfield entry form tabs
- 37148 - Move the filter bar in Holds to Pull report from the bottom to the top of the table
- 36182 - Add booksellerid column to holdings table
- 37688 - Staff biblio detail view shows last_seen_date as date instead of datetime
- 37403 - Wrong progress quantity in job details when staging records with match check
- 37304 - The Created by filter in Acquisitions advanced orders search always shows zero results
- 37393 - Bundle items don't show their host in the staff interface
- 24690 - Make OPACPopupAuthorsSearch work with search terms containing parenthesis
Ready to push 8 8 bugs
Next bugs- 23685 + Exporting report may consume unlimited memory
- 35100 + Items assigned to StockRotation do not advance if a hold is triggered before the initial transfer
- 37840 - Wrong status in the Intranet detail page when the item type is not for loan
- 37330 + LocalCoverImages for items don't show after 33526
- 36049 + Rounding prices sometimes leads to incorrect results
- 37807 - "Export today's checked in barcodes" not disabled when needed
- 35087 + Discount rate should only allow valid input formats
- 37446 - Home/holding library facets missing user friendly label
Needs Documenting 264
50 Oldest bugs- 10339 - Link to content in the manual that matches the MARC flavor of the installation
- 24439 - Update documentation for -match option
- 24873 - Linking between files and manual pages should support URL parameters (
- 25071 - Explain close budget vs make budget inactive
- 2069 - Label Example Image
- 26907 - Fix POD for C4::Auth::checkauth
- 10816 - Relational operators in Search
- 18962 - Including valid system requirements in Koha manual
- 21253 - Clarify calendar used by book drop mode
- 19590 - doc of Clean Patron Records tool wrong about deletion scope + anonymization syspref
- 18365 - Appendix D. Notice & Slips Guides is out of date
- 28626 - Scrolling through the docs doesn't highlight the section heading on the left
- 31637 - Add clarity to LinkerKeepStale system preference description and/or manual
- 29188 - Expired serial subscriptions can still receive issues
- 31899 - [DOCS] Document misc/ script
- 33724 - Expand explanations of terms used in ERM module
- 32059 - How to run scripts found under
- 31365 - Plugin link location needs extra documentation so indicate where it may be found
- 30073 - Information on installation of plugins missing from manual
- 31099 - [DOCS] Export data tool - setup so database and configuration data can be downloaded
- 31070 - [DOCS] Did you mean? section needs an update
- 31638 - [DOCS] Log viewer - Expand section and add descriptions for objects and actions
- 28501 - Document how to use the search configuration page
- 28546 - Framework default value special var for year in Manual
- 28969 - [DOCS] Document script
- 27018 - Update library transfer limit info in manual
- 16791 - [DOCS] Explanation of plugin
- 25165 - Explain all the cataloging plugins
- 33659 - Using TT in CSV profiles is undocumented
- 33255 - Update the manual with information on searching with Elasticsearch
- 34947 - Koha Manual search does not bring user to the relevant place in the page
- 33357 - Manual 22.11 missing description of the LCC filing rules
- 34948 - Document items.datelastseen and borrowers.lastseen
- 29063 - [DOCS] Manual: Translation issue with repeated strings in system preferences
- 26531 - "add subfield" macro for Advanced Catalog Editor
- 23756 - Appendix for workflows
- 35684 - Koha XSLT material type icons documentation needs updating
- 24645 - Review implementation checklist
- 35818 - Message queue cron job vs. system preferences
- 32930 - [DOCS] No manual entry for "SMTP Servers"
- 36344 - Add schema changes summary to release notes
- 36391 - There is no listing of the cron job : archive_purchase_suggestions in the manual
- 36115 - Improve documentation for Return-Path (branches.branchreturnpath)
- 23668 - Manual on patron import: Information on syntax for patron attributes
- 36604 - Document what statistics wizards actually count
- 36599 - Add table settings information to the ERM chapter
- 35855 - Enhance Existing notices and slips list in the manual
- 5561 - Help on summary field in authority type editor
- 36732 - Add detail to the language selection system preferences to highlight the important of ordering 🎓
- 36990 - Move MarcEdit tutorials out of the manual, into the wiki
New features
10 Newest features pushed- 37929 - Cypress tests for Agreements aren't all running
- 37824 - Replace webpack with rspack for fun and profit
- 37601 - Add status field to bookings table
- 37592 - Add a record of creation and modification to bookings
- 34159 - Remove plan by AR_CANCELLATION choice in aqplan
- 30856 - Remove CanReserveBeCanceledFromOpac
- 26933 - Improve handling of multiple covers on catalog search results in the OPAC
- 37781 - Add translation context for "On" (when used alone)
- 37480 - Make C4::Serials::addroutingmember use Koha::Objects
- 37380 - Move GetMarcControlnumber to Koha namespace