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Needs Triage 5535 1623 bugs
Next bugs- 38757 - Adding order from a staged file - "Some required subfields are unset"
- 39107 - kohastructure.sql doesn't load on new MySQL versions
- 38974 - Error when submitting patron update from the OPAC Can't call method "dateofbirthrequired" on an undefined value
- 38933 - Some oversized records with UTF-8 characters cause import worker to die
- 38806 - Dismissing a "Wrong transfer detected" modal leads to transfer not cancelable anymore
- 38788 - Fix '0000-00-00' issue on database
- 38737 - Batch item deletion w/delete record and Elasticsearch is broken
- 38242 - ILL table status and backend fitler are not remember when using table's copied sharing link
- 38110 - Staff interface tables with filters - date format needs to be YYYY-MM-DD, need to use authorized value codes or coded values (can't use descriptions)
- 37942 - Problematic calculation of overdue recall fine (overrides regular overdue fine)
- 37831 - [OMNIBUS] Timezone ignored when passing rfc3339 formatted date
- 37718 - MarcFieldsToOrder cannot process repeated fields
- 37716 - Patron search fails if press "enter" key or don't choose more than one filter
- 37671 - Can't print receipt for refund from cash register transaction history
- 37449 - Authority matching using Elasticsearch on 'Number' fields fails
- 37397 - Vue - Strings pass to attribute are untranslatable
- 37269 - Saving edits to a patron - error message clears or resets some fields
- 37174 - Patron’s checkout summary reports "0 of 0 renewals remaining" while circulation rules allow 3 renewals
- 36686 - Problems with manual transfers
- 36079 - Library hours and the Calendar are not linked in any meaningful ways
- 35957 - Does Serial module still allow saving 0000-00-00 in database?
- 35780 - HoldsAutoFill allows both a hold and a recall to be filled simultaneously by the same item
- 35465 - Ability to select multiple funds / split funds for a single order
- 35380 - PUT /biblios/:biblio_id doesn't respect overlay rules
- 35338 - Error in SQL syntax when upgrading to
- 35319 - Default sorting of the holdings table with OPACHoldingsDefaultSortField is broken
- 35118 - Background job workers are not tested
- 35035 - Koha hide field values in reference fields based on $w
- 34814 - Limiting item editing to library or library group disables choosing items from record's details page
- 34428 - Update database creates a wrong table transport_cost
- 33801 - Holds API doesn't follow holds policies like the staff/OPAC UIs
- 33194 - Wrong relationship between authorities crash Koha
- 33024 - Lazy load the components in the routes definition
- 32940 - [Bug 30280 follow-up] Subject-heading-thesaurus-conventions search field missing in Zebra
- 32332 - bulkmarcimport.pl -insert fails to add MARC field 999
- 32187 - (Bug 24161 follow-up) With IndependentBranches on a non superlibrarian librarian is not able to track late orders
- 31925 - AutoCreateAuthorities needs to preserve subject heading thesaurus to not create duplicate authority records
- 31394 - Background hold cancellation causing confusion
- 31336 - In-progress background jobs give incorrect progress message
- 31031 - MarkLostItemsAsReturned does not work with batch item modification
- 30319 - Patron self-modification values not retained if field blocked in PatronSelfRegistrationBorrowerUnwantedField
- 30106 - Items silently moved to serial record without updating search index
- 29985 - Cashup summary shows unexplainable odd amounts
- 29923 - Do not generate overpayment refund from writeoff of fine
- 29700 - Koha performs a second cashup in error when changing registers immediately after cashup
- 29308 - Regression: NewItemsDefaultLocation should not be applied to items.permanent_location
- 28896 - Checkin Slip doesn't work for anonymized checkouts
- 28895 - Don't fill in items.location with NewItemsDefaultLocation if blank
- 28504 - Hold pickup library match (hold_fulfillment_policy) not enforced when filling holds if set to "patron's group" / 'patrongroup'
- 28205 - Less important hold trapped before or no hold trapped in some cases (race condition)
Needs Patches 14 13 bugs
Next bugs- 38981 - Local cover images failing to load in OPAC search results 👑
- 35361 - Search filter on receive orders page crashes the system
- 38477 - Regression: new overdue fine applied incorrectly when using "Refund lost item charge and charge new overdue fine" option in circ rules
- 38145 - Having ES enabled but unreachable breaks cataloguing
- 36488 - Flatpickr creates invalid date entries
- 38983 - Foreign key constraints are case insensitive so can lead to erroneous data input via the API
- 38181 - Extreme slow search results on OPAC (only) search when result records contain multiple items.
- 37402 - Task scheduling fails if you don't use the correct time format
- 37041 - Logging into addbiblio.pl triggers a 403
- 27917 - Make it clear that standing orders cannot create items at point of ordering
- 27365 - Koha doesn't check marcxml field size is < 10000 and fails in various places
- 38621 - [% today %] variable unavailable in report templates
- 38407 - Eliminate event handler attributes in the staff interface
- 23758 - Advanced editor: automatically populate a field with the current date
Needs Signoff 141 11 bugs
Next bugs- 38760 - koha-mysql doesn't work with encrypted database connection
- 38986 - Restore "Any" option to purchase suggestion filter by fund
- 38040 - IndependentBranches doesn't prevent editing other libraries' holds
- 39029 - When a basket contains an order transferred from another basket some info is incorrect
- 39089 - Delivery note in patron notice table is confusing when the delivery method is print
- 39079 - Matchpoints with multiple fields require all fields to match under Elasticsearch
- 38912 - Elasticsearch record show is a 404 from staff catalog details
- 38336 - Confusion between 099 and 942 field in UNIMARC framework
- 39081 - Fix date and title sorting on batch extend due dates page
- 39078 - Incorrect variable checks in course reserve details template
- 39144 - OPAC virtual card page is missing custom CSS from OPACUserCSS
- 38941 - Convert the acquisitions menu to a Vue island
- 23898 - New data to share on HEA
- 37305 - Remove C4::Biblio::prepare_marc_host and use Koha::Biblio->generate_marc_host_field in preference
- 35625 - Add support for system flag to additional fields
- 31380 - Build Mojolicious controller for running Koha plugins
- 36365 - compare_es_to_db.pl should offer a way to reconcile differences
- 39135 - adding a OpacPasswordLabelTextContent system preference
- 39130 - Add unit tests for xgettext.pl
- 36027 - search_for_data_inconsistencies.pl - add options so you can choose what checks to run
- 38939 - Add reservenote to members/holdshistory.pl
- 39091 - Cash registers should have a list API endpoint
- 39083 - Fix title sorting on list of tagged titles
- 37463 - Include cover images from Amazon on staff interface check out screen for specific patron categories
- 26744 - Log changes to extended patron attributes
- 39045 - Add translation context for "Active" and "Inactive"
- 39061 - Allow translation context in vue files
- 39027 - News are order with older on top
- 39046 - Use Bootstrap badge to indicate late transfers
- 38093 - Bundles: Add MARC link options should also add a link in 462
- 36303 - Add after_circ_action hook action for checking in item that was not checked out
- 24720 - Remove special characters from beginning of sort fields
- 38982 - OpacLibraryInfo doesn't respect news expiration date
- 39043 - Style improvement to guided reports controls
- 39031 - ILL plugins should provide themselves the template path
- 39023 - Add utf8 output to CSV output of overdue_notices.pl
- 36372 - Allow privileged users to set the 'record source' on cataloguing
- 38404 - Make clear in RestrictPatronsWithFailedNotices syspref description that restrict_patrons_with_failed_notices.pl cronjob has default days setting
- 38997 - Remove reference to "members" in SendAlerts
- 19339 - Enhance streaming cataloging to include Vimeo
- 37050 - Add select2 to SQL report multi select
- 38994 - Class up the circulation homepage
- 9762 - Log circulation overrides
- 23269 - Long hold queues are slowing the service
- 37618 - Select patron's, then item's home library by default for pickup location when creating bookings
- 19336 - Add option to fines.pl to apply maximal fine amount after delay
- 13870 - Add warnings about subscriptions and orders when deleting items
- 28528 - bulkmarcimport delete option doesn't delete biblio_metadata
- 38928 - Openurl 'id' or 'rft_id' may contain key information
- 35797 - REST API: Add GET route for patronimage
Needs QA 102 16 bugs
Next bugs- 39141 - Page is blank when visiting Circulation Check In
- 39011 + Unable to search the holdings table (except home/holding libraries and barcode)
- 38615 - Cancelling a waiting hold via SIP should include an option to move it to holds with cancellation requests
- 39038 - CollapseFieldsPatronAddForm - Collapsing "Non-patron guarantor" section also collapses the "Patron guarantor" section
- 37334 - Cannot filter holdings table by status
- 39015 - Date sorting not working in statistics wizards
- 39012 - Koha fails to import default MARC bibliographic framework
- 38978 - [24.05.x] Can't hide column in holdings table from Table settings
- 37286 - Fix REST API authentication when using Mojo apps
- 38904 - admin/localization should allow translation in OPAC languages
- 35434 - Non-superlibrarians should not place holds in other libraries when IndependentBranches is enabled
- 34631 - Independentbranches - Non-superuser should not be able to write Additional contents for other branches
- 38979 - Standardize word spacing for Cardnumber and Borrowernumber
- 35246 - Bad data erorrs should provide better logs for api/v1/biblios
- 36932 - koha-plack: Add parameter for specifically enabling Starman development environment
- 39124 - In lists dropdown, the option "view all" is always displayed
- 38993 - Merge fetch files
- 26553 - Remove KohaTable (columns_settings.inc) and use kohaTable (datatables.js) 👑
- 37911 - Prototype vue islands within static pages
- 38255 + Do not use dataTable constructor directly
- 38224 - Move populate_empty_callnumbers logic into Koha::Biblio for reusability
- 36455 - Default the hold queue link to your logged in library
- 23010 - If an item is checked out or in transit it should not be able to be marked withdrawn
- 35654 - Add option to delete_items.pl to delete record if existing item getting deleted is the only one attached to the bib
- 32773 - Have the ability to have more than 1 Fast Add framework
- 38776 - Propose a list of value for restriction comment
- 38331 - Add date accessioned, item lost on, damaged on, withdrawn on, and date last seen columns to itemsearch results
- 25193 + Add syspref to control location for use of AllowRenewalIfOtherItemsAvailable
- 27339 - Display OPAC notes and OPAC messages on check-in
- 35560 - Use the REST API for holds history
- 37883 - Add a filter for staff search results to filter by library
- 36868 - Add ability to automatically empty cart after placing holds ( staff interface and OPAC )
- 15461 - Add shelving location to holdings table as a separate column
- 38942 - Item template toolbar is not like other toolbars
- 33296 - Linker should search for authority records with an appropriate 008/14,15,16 value
- 38494 - Koha should consider authority heading use in cataloging
- 39062 - Increase length of items.stocknumber (Inventory Number)
- 39035 - CookieConsentBar message prints on slip when cookies aren’t accepted
- 38984 - DataTables's columnDefs cleanup
- 37250 - Redesign labels home page to match other module home pages
- 26573 + Limit patron attribute types to more than one patron category
- 38142 - Choose language to report from authority to bibliographic record.
- 35870 - Adding an edit_authorities subpermission for editauthorities
- 28400 - Add response_message column to message_queue table
- 38943 - Advanced catalog editor's macro modal isn't wide enough
- 38931 - Add endpoints for individual credits and debits
- 37860 - Holds Awaiting Pickup table should include the patron main contact method
- 35104 - We should warn when attempting to save MARC records that contain characters invalid in XML
- 37651 - biblio->current_holds and item->current_holds do not respect ConfirmFutureHolds
- 37418 - Expand delete_patron.pl / Patrons with defined restrictions should not be deleted
Needs Documenting 397
50 Oldest bugs- 10339 - Link to content in the manual that matches the MARC flavor of the installation
- 24439 - Bulkmarcimport.pl Update documentation for -match option
- 24873 - Linking between files and manual pages should support URL parameters (label-manage.pl)
- 25071 - Explain close budget vs make budget inactive
- 2069 - Label Example Image
- 26907 - Fix POD for C4::Auth::checkauth
- 10816 - Relational operators in Search
- 18962 - Including valid system requirements in Koha manual
- 21253 - Clarify calendar used by book drop mode
- 18365 - Appendix D. Notice & Slips Guides is out of date
- 28626 - Scrolling through the docs doesn't highlight the section heading on the left
- 31637 - Add clarity to LinkerKeepStale system preference description and/or manual
- 29188 - Expired serial subscriptions can still receive issues
- 31899 - [DOCS] Document misc/batchRebuildBiblioTables.pl script
- 33724 - Expand explanations of terms used in ERM module
- 32059 - How to run scripts found under https://perldoc.koha-community.org/
- 31365 - Plugin link location needs extra documentation so indicate where it may be found
- 30073 - Information on installation of plugins missing from manual
- 31099 - [DOCS] Export data tool - setup so database and configuration data can be downloaded
- 31070 - [DOCS] Did you mean? section needs an update
- 31638 - [DOCS] Log viewer - Expand section and add descriptions for objects and actions
- 28501 - Document how to use the search configuration page
- 28546 - Framework default value special var for year in Manual
- 28969 - [DOCS] Document recreateIssueStatistics.pl script
- 27018 - Update library transfer limit info in manual
- 16791 - [DOCS] Explanation of callnumber.pl plugin
- 25165 - Explain all the cataloging plugins
- 33659 - Using TT in CSV profiles is undocumented
- 33255 - Update the manual with information on searching with Elasticsearch
- 34947 - Koha Manual search does not bring user to the relevant place in the page
- 33357 - Manual 22.11 missing description of the LCC filing rules
- 34948 - Document items.datelastseen and borrowers.lastseen
- 29063 - [DOCS] Manual: Translation issue with repeated strings in system preferences
- 26531 - "add subfield" macro for Advanced Catalog Editor
- 23756 - Appendix for workflows
- 35684 - Koha XSLT material type icons documentation needs updating
- 24645 - Review implementation checklist
- 35818 - Message queue cron job vs. system preferences
- 32930 - [DOCS] No manual entry for "SMTP Servers"
- 36391 - There is no listing of the cron job : archive_purchase_suggestions in the manual
- 36115 - Improve documentation for Return-Path (branches.branchreturnpath)
- 23668 - Manual on patron import: Information on syntax for patron attributes
- 36604 - Document what statistics wizards actually count
- 36599 - Add table settings information to the ERM chapter
- 35855 - Enhance Existing notices and slips list in the manual
- 5561 - Help on summary field in authority type editor
- 37454 - MARC Framework test error message needs more explanation
- 35354 - Update emailLibrarianWhenHoldisPlaced system preference description
- 28151 - Missing documentation on variable "access_dir"
- 31787 - [DOCS] Add description and examples to membership_expiry.pl about --where option
Ready to push 54 19 bugs
Next bugs- 39025 + Update patron account templates to use old_issue_id to display circ info
- 39115 + Tidy script should list the files we do not want to tidy 👑
- 39095 + Clicking Cancel on opac-user for article requests does not respond
- 24172 - Locale is ignored when saving season name in the database
- 31019 + UNIMARC field help link when cataloging - update default URL
- 39032 + "Items selected" in item search untranslatable
- 38957 + EDIFACT messages table should sort by Transferred date descending by default
- 35885 + ERM vendor sort order
- 35202 + Table settings should apply to multiple subscriptions in the OPAC
- 39088 + If OPACURLOpenInNewWindow is enabled, URLs without http are broken in OPAC results
- 38767 + Statuses in the holdings table should have block display, not inline
- 39040 + Incorrect row striping in POS transaction sales table
- 36954 - SIP server logging: the use of three log files is confusing
- 36025 + Extended attributes clause added to patron search query even when there are no searchable attributes
- 38761 + Backend plugins that are disabled remain visible
- 39080 + Holds to Pull table headers incorrect size on scroll
- 39053 + Add page-section div to reports results pages
- 19113 + Barcode value builder not working with numeric branchcode
- 39020 - Search filters can't parse query in some instances
- 38685 + ILL pages have incomplete breadcrumbs
- 38669 + ILL - Staff: Automatic backend screen should provide option to go back to form
- 26869 + Enable batch record modification to create 952/item on existing bibs 📝
- 35635 + Expand patron attribute type mandatory field
- 38689 + EDIFACT errors should log to a staff accessible location
- 7508 - Collapsable items on items tab
- 30888 + Add a table for deletedauthorities
- 32211 - Update sample (pre) due notices to use TT syntax
- 38227 - Collapse authority popup search form when showing results
- 28453 - Update pagination subroutine to generate Bootstrap markup
- 37256 + Add an endpoint to allow setting circulation rule sets
- 36188 - Allow to sort lists by items.dateaccessioned of item records
- 37273 + Add ID column to Agreements table in the ERM 🎓
- 32216 + Send MEMBERSHIP_EXPIRY notice as print
- 36433 + Plugin hook elasticsearch_to_document
- 36660 + Make Authorities 'see from' searches more specific
- 36112 + Port default CHECKOUT_NOTE notice to Template Toolkit syntax 🎓
- 38663 + Add additional fields to libraries
- 38313 + RESTOAuth2ClientCredentials pref description is confusing
- 38871 + sub string_list in misc/translator/xgettext.pl never used
- 38253 + REST API: Toggle holds lowest priority via REST API
- 31632 + Add ability to manually link orders to suggestions 🎯
- 38116 + Patrons search description should be built from DT's search settings
- 23674 + Allowing notes on all entries in patron Transactions table 🎓
- 38762 + compare_es_to_db.pl should provide links to the staff interface
- 38952 + JS function messenger not used in acq.js
- 39007 - Add last_audit to the sushi_service API spec 🔧
- 38180 + Don't show label if 520 ind1=8 (MARC21)
- 37222 + Standardize markup for sidebar menus
- 26684 + Remove 'marc' column from auth_header table
- 30975 + Use event delegation for framework plugins to avoid using private jQuery method _data
- 39075 - Fix DB inconsistencies in the usage statistics module
- 38658 - SIP not marking patrons expired unless NotifyBorrowerDeparture has a positive value
- 39106 + Improve the auto-rebase script to retrieve patches from bugzilla
- 39096 - Add "tidy all" commits to a git blame ignore file
New features
25 Newest features pushed- 39119 - xt/js_tidy.t and xt/vue_tidy.t does not use tidy.pl
- 38664 - Tidy the whole codebase 🔧
- 38838 - optgroup construct needs cleaning in the reports module
- 38720 - HTML1 no longer valid? TT tags can be present in HTML without breaking the translator tool
- 38718 - main container wrapper
- 38714 - Adjust templates for prettier
- 37856 - Some SUSHI providers require the platform parameter
- 37588 - Add ability to mark a suggestion as 'available' from the suggestions management page
- 35028 - Add OPAC self-registration alert on staff interface main page 🔧
- 34778 - Add a 'Show password'/eye icon to toggle visibility of password when logging into OPAC 📝 🔧
- 32742 - Add sorting options to patron list export
- 30300 - Add patron expiration email to patron messaging preferences 📝 🔧
- 39007 - Add last_audit to the sushi_service API spec 🔧
- 36141 - Add classes to CAS text on OPAC login page
- 25711 - Move ExpireReservesMaxPickUpDelayCharge to the circulation rules 📝
- 38461 - Table features needs to be covered by e2e tests using Cypress
- 38832 - Dead code in catalogue/search.pl
- 38732 - Add copy number column to the bundles table on the staff detail page
- 38727 - Improve the translatability of the patron categories administration page
- 38705 - Add "Publication date (text)" column to table of subscriptions in the OPAC
- 38681 - "Last checkout date" in item search form should provide a date picker
- 37832 - Rental discount is should be decimal like other similar fields in circulation rules
- 36585 - Report 'Patrons with the most checkouts' doesn't have the total when outputting to CSV
- 35154 - Convert StaffLoginInstructions system preference to additional contents
- 35152 - Convert RoutingListNote system preference to additional contents 📝