Hello Kevin Carnes

Rolling monthly stats

Rolling yearly stats

  • Signed Off: 2
  • Pushed to main: 2

Lifetime stats

  • Signed Off: 5
  • Pushed to main: 12

Your bugs

  • Blocker
  • Critical
  • Major
  • Normal
  • Minor
  • Trivial
  • Enhancement
  • New Feature

Reported 1

In discussion 1

  • 35933 - Do not translate text nodes in xsl:attribute and other tags

Waiting 1

Needs signoff 1

  • 36171 - Incorrect translation of Template Toolkit directive causes patron view error in ru-RU

Other bugs

CC Bugs 1

Needs documenting 1

  • 32392 + Ability to skip forward serial issues when receiving double (or more) issue