Hello Heather Rommens

Rolling monthly stats

Rolling yearly stats

  • Failed QA: 1

Lifetime stats

  • Failed QA: 1

Your bugs

  • Blocker
  • Critical
  • Major
  • Normal
  • Minor
  • Trivial
  • Enhancement
  • New Feature

Reported 11

New 8

  • 37529 - Collapsing Patron Messaging Preferences in Patron Add Form Results in Spinning Wheel
  • 37317 - Refine language in FinesMode and CalculateFinesOnReturn system preferences
  • 37313 - Suspension charging interval should be blank by default
  • 37191 - iCal shows items due one day later than due date in Koha
  • 36745 - Add ability to select multiple items for deletion from a rota
  • 36530 - Add ability to simultaneously add multiple items to a rotating collection
  • 35555 - Patron Club actions should be tracked in Logs
  • 34664 - Notes added to fund not visible unless editing that fund

Pushed to main 1

  • 37366 + Patron category "Password change in OPAC" setting only follows system preference

Pushed to oldstable 1

  • 35696 - Transit status not properly updated for items advanced in Stock Rotation tool

Needs documenting 1

  • 37385 + Transfer/next hold modals not triggered automatically when cancelling a hold by checking item in

Other bugs

CC Bugs 11

Needs QA 1

  • 35100 + Items assigned to StockRotation do not advance if a reserve is triggered before the initial transfer

Failed QA 1

  • 36422 - Triggered holds should not display information about transferring because the item is in a rotating collection.

New 9

  • 35308 - Maintain sort order when exporting Item Search results to barcode file
  • 23361 - Status transfer is missing on item of a rotating collection
  • 24035 - When recording local use, holds should be captured
  • 5594 + Option to configure default sort order for items on bib records
  • 36745 - Add ability to select multiple items for deletion from a rota
  • 36530 - Add ability to simultaneously add multiple items to a rotating collection
  • 29863 - Show requested transfers in the holdings table
  • 28678 - OPAC description for SUGGEST_FORMAT authorized values not taken into account
  • 34664 - Notes added to fund not visible unless editing that fund