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Needs Triage 5664 1688 bugs
Next bugs- 38757 - Adding order from a staged file - "Some required subfields are unset"
- 39478 - Command line error while upgrading to 24.11.03-2
- 39461 - Cite feature
- 39433 - When holds restricted by Library Groups, staff can cancel holds for other libraries outside group
- 39429 - Patron name, branch, and transaction data leak through "Checkout history" when using Library Groups
- 39425 - MarcFieldsToOrder should not error out on a duplicated field
- 39386 - UpdateNotForLoanStatusOnCheckin and UpdateNotForLoanStatusOnCheckout do not work
- 39314 - RabbitMQ can't upgrade from 3.x to 4.x without running a data migration on 3.13
- 39290 - Always use pageLength=-1 when paginate is false
- 39107 - kohastructure.sql doesn't load on new MySQL versions
- 38974 - Error when submitting patron update from the OPAC Can't call method "dateofbirthrequired" on an undefined value
- 38933 - Some oversized records with UTF-8 characters cause import worker to die
- 38806 - Modal to confirm a pending transfer does not have a "cancel" button
- 38788 - Fix '0000-00-00' issue on database
- 38737 - Batch item deletion w/delete record and Elasticsearch is broken
- 38242 - ILL table status and backend fitler are not remember when using table's copied sharing link
- 38110 - Staff interface tables with filters - date format needs to be YYYY-MM-DD, need to use authorized value codes or coded values (can't use descriptions)
- 37942 - Problematic calculation of overdue recall fine (overrides regular overdue fine)
- 37831 - [OMNIBUS] Timezone ignored when passing rfc3339 formatted date
- 37718 - MarcFieldsToOrder cannot process repeated fields
- 37716 - Patron search fails if press "enter" key or don't choose more than one filter
- 37671 - Can't print receipt for refund from cash register transaction history
- 37449 - Authority matching using Elasticsearch on 'Number' fields fails
- 37397 - Vue - Strings pass to attribute are untranslatable
- 37269 - Saving edits to a patron - error message clears or resets some fields
- 37174 - Patron’s checkout summary reports "0 of 0 renewals remaining" while circulation rules allow 3 renewals
- 36686 - Problems with manual transfers
- 36079 - Library hours and the Calendar are not linked in any meaningful ways
- 35957 - Does Serial module still allow saving 0000-00-00 in database?
- 35780 - HoldsAutoFill allows both a hold and a recall to be filled simultaneously by the same item
- 35465 - Ability to select multiple funds / split funds for a single order
- 35380 - PUT /biblios/:biblio_id doesn't respect overlay rules
- 35338 - Error in SQL syntax when upgrading to
- 35319 - Default sorting of the holdings table with OPACHoldingsDefaultSortField is broken
- 35118 - Background job workers are not tested
- 35035 - Koha hide field values in reference fields based on $w
- 34428 - Update database creates a wrong table transport_cost
- 33801 - Holds API doesn't follow holds policies like the staff/OPAC UIs
- 33194 - Wrong relationship between authorities crash Koha
- 33024 - Lazy load the components in the routes definition
- 32940 - [Bug 30280 follow-up] Subject-heading-thesaurus-conventions search field missing in Zebra
- 32332 - bulkmarcimport.pl -insert fails to add MARC field 999
- 32187 - (Bug 24161 follow-up) With IndependentBranches on a non superlibrarian librarian is not able to track late orders
- 31925 - AutoCreateAuthorities needs to preserve subject heading thesaurus to not create duplicate authority records
- 31394 - Background hold cancellation causing confusion
- 31336 - In-progress background jobs give incorrect progress message
- 31031 - MarkLostItemsAsReturned does not work with batch item modification
- 30319 - Patron self-modification values not retained if field blocked in PatronSelfRegistrationBorrowerUnwantedField
- 30106 - Items silently moved to serial record without updating search index
- 29985 - Cashup summary shows unexplainable odd amounts
Needs Patches 20 18 bugs
Next bugs- 35361 - Search filter on receive orders page crashes the system
- 38477 - Regression: new overdue fine applied incorrectly when using "Refund lost item charge and charge new overdue fine" option in circ rules
- 38145 - Having ES enabled but unreachable breaks cataloguing
- 36488 - Flatpickr creates invalid date entries
- 34814 - Limiting item editing to library or library group disables checkbox selections on record's details page
- 39475 - WCAG 2.1: 1.4.10 - Content reflow - OPAC Header Menu's
- 39472 - WCAG 2.1: 2.5.3 - Label in Name (Level A)
- 39471 - WCAG 2.1: 2.4.4 - Link Purpose - OPAC Browse shelf
- 38983 - Foreign key constraints are case insensitive so can lead to erroneous data input via the API
- 38181 - Extreme slow search results on OPAC (only) search when result records contain multiple items.
- 37402 - Task scheduling fails if you don't use the correct time format
- 37041 - Logging into addbiblio.pl triggers a 403
- 33516 - WCAG 2.1: 1.4.10 - Content reflow
- 27917 - Make it clear that standing orders cannot create items at point of ordering
- 27365 - Koha doesn't check marcxml field size is < 10000 and fails in various places
- 25787 - Club holds can't be placed without modify_holds_priority permission 👑
- 38621 - [% today %] variable unavailable in report templates
- 38407 - Eliminate event handler attributes in the staff interface
- 34860 - New framework plugin for ISBN/ISSN
- 23758 - Advanced editor: automatically populate a field with the current date
Needs Signoff 202 36 bugs
Next bugs- 39395 - sco login form not correctly placed
- 39452 - Log cardnumber changes as distinct action within borrower logs
- 38906 - REGEXP_REPLACE not in MySQL < 5.7b DB update fails
- 39421 - Date picker for renewals not showing on Circulation->Renewals
- 39415 - Add subfield g to Geogrpahic name authority fields
- 39413 - Add a check for item fields in biblio MARC records
- 39410 - Notice display modal should use shadow dom
- 39408 - Cannot add patron via API if AutoEmailNewUser and WELCOME content blank
- 39397 - Searching a biblio by timestamp returns a different timestamp
- 39407 - Having no active currency defined breaks SIP silently
- 39014 - Storing a guarantee fails due to TrackLastPatronActivityTriggers "creating a patron"
- 39372 - No way to restrict OPAC users from creating private lists specifically
- 39322 - When pseudonymizing don't fetch patron attributes if none are kept
- 38336 - Confusion between 099 and 942 field in UNIMARC framework
- 35434 - Non-superlibrarians should not place holds in other libraries when IndependentBranches is enabled
- 24533 - Improved sorting in checkouts table
- 38760 - koha-mysql doesn't work with encrypted database connection
- 39029 - When a basket contains an order transferred from another basket some info is incorrect
- 39089 - Delivery note in patron notice table is confusing when the delivery method is print
- 39079 - Matchpoints with multiple fields require all fields to match under Elasticsearch
- 39446 - ILL request status shows empty in OPAC if status_alias used and lib_opac empty
- 25015 - Staff with Edit Items permission Currently Can Not Edit Items attached to a Fast Add Framework
- 39374 - No way to restrict OPAC users from Sending lists
- 34498 - Default autorenewal notices do not account for item_denied_renewal
- 39369 - Button "generate discharge" should not validate again a validated discharge
- 39368 - Warnings from t::lib::Mocks::Zebra because of statement after exec
- 39317 - Saving a letter template can lead to a CSRF error on some installs
- 39081 - Fix date and title sorting on batch extend due dates page
- 39273 - Search does not handle the diagnosis messages properly
- 39226 - [WARN] DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::insert(): Missing value for primary key column 'borrowernumber' on BorrowerModification
- 34776 - Patron messaging preferences are lost when an error occurs during new account creation
- 38839 - Add validation for replacement price in item input form
- 39392 - Atomic update README references wrong file extension
- 39160 - Mojolicious::Plugin::OAuth2 is loaded suboptimally
- 39323 - Print dropdown in members toolbar should auto close
- 39258 - Remove extra delete button in report preview modal
- 39405 - New hook overwrite_calc_fine for graduated fines calculation
- 39191 - Add a `format` param to Koha::Exceptions::ArticleRequest::WrongFormat
- 32476 - Add caching for relatively expensive patron methods
- 32092 - Improve circulation rules cache utilization
- 38936 - Move suppressed record redirection into a sub
- 23898 - New data to share on HEA
- 37305 - Remove C4::Biblio::prepare_marc_host and use Koha::Biblio->generate_marc_host_field in preference
- 35625 - Add support for system flag to additional fields
- 31380 - Build Mojolicious controller for running Koha plugins
- 39468 - EDI message status should be case insensitive
- 39467 - Fix patron "View restrictions" link in messages
- 39466 - Add plugins/js directory
- 39448 - Layout improvement for search filter administration
- 39453 - Add attribute type settings for restricting access to extended attributes
Needs QA 69 21 bugs
Next bugs- 34070 - background_jobs_worker.pl floods logs when it gets error frames
- 39462 - (bug 37870 follow-up) Default values from framework are inserted into existing record while editing
- 38411 - When adding multiple items on receive, mandatory fields are not checked
- 39304 + Jenkins not failing when git command fails
- 39188 - ESLint doesn't work due bug in old "globals" node package
- 39274 - Non public notes are low contrast in the issues table - Previous checkouts
- 14250 - Don't allow to generate discharges for patrons with fines
- 39346 - Only 20 additional fields can be added to an agreement
- 39315 - Missing tests for KohaTable search on coded value's description
- 39321 - Hide subfield tag for fixed length control fields
- 39011 + Unable to search the holdings table (except home/holding libraries and barcode)
- 39301 - pseudonymize_statistics.pl script generates too many background jobs
- 39294 - Not all settings stick when staging MARC records for import 👑
- 39300 - Quick edit a subfield not selecting the correct tab
- 39298 - Runtime parameters don't work with report templates on first run
- 39209 - Cookie consent banner should be 'focused' on load
- 37334 - Cannot filter holdings table by status
- 37344 - Patrons with cancelled discharge are seen as discharged when suspended due to overdue
- 38294 - Checkbox/label for search filters incorrectly aligned
- 39400 - "Jump to add item form" doesn't work while editing an existing item
- 39350 - The language switch is not displayed at the bottom of ERM module pages
- 39190 - Rework new (S)FTP classes to be polymorphic classes
- 35761 - Add an administration editor for FTP and SFTP servers
- 35451 - Add tablename field to additional_field_values
- 38819 + ILL - 'Switch provider' should use AutoILLBackendPriority
- 39238 - Add links toward private lists in biblio details
- 39365 - `perl -cw` should pass on all Perl files
- 37050 + Add select2 to SQL report multi select
- 39449 - OPAC table sort arrows show opposite sort direction
- 36831 - Add support for .txt files to the KBART import tool
- 35654 - Add option to delete_items.pl to delete record if existing item getting deleted is the only one attached to the bib
- 38061 - Serials collection table improvements
- 37116 - Add the option to edit linked serials when editing items
- 37115 - Add the option to delete linked serials when deleting items
- 36365 + compare_es_to_db.pl should offer a way to reconcile differences
- 39367 - Add POD to all subroutines/methods
- 38842 - Refactor modal logic in returns.tt / returns.pl
- 39325 - Run codespell successfully on the whole codebase
- 25947 + Improve locked account message in brief patron info in staff interface
- 38905 - API Update an item for a biblio should use edit_items instead edit_catalogue
- 19220 - Allow XSLT processing for Z39.50 authority targets like for bibliographic targets 📝
- 39083 - Fix title sorting on list of tagged titles
- 39237 - title in head tag doesn't correspond to the opac-user.pl page title
- 33296 - Linker should search for authority records with an appropriate 008/14,15,16 value
- 33544 - Squash some ILL fields to alleviate request table overflow
- 39296 - Provide a template plugin to return MARC::Record for MARCXML metadata
- 31642 - Control locations for HTML customizations from new table or Authorised values
- 37418 - Expand delete_patron.pl / Patrons with defined restrictions should not be deleted
- 38331 + Add date accessioned, item lost on, damaged on, withdrawn on, and date last seen columns to itemsearch results
- 37713 - OAI-PMH - Honour OpacSuppression syspref
Needs Documenting 409
50 Oldest bugs- 10339 - Link to content in the manual that matches the MARC flavor of the installation
- 24439 - Bulkmarcimport.pl Update documentation for -match option
- 24873 - Linking between files and manual pages should support URL parameters (label-manage.pl)
- 25071 - Explain close budget vs make budget inactive
- 2069 - Label Example Image
- 26907 - Fix POD for C4::Auth::checkauth
- 10816 - Relational operators in Search
- 18962 - Including valid system requirements in Koha manual
- 21253 - Clarify calendar used by book drop mode
- 18365 - Appendix D. Notice & Slips Guides is out of date
- 28626 - Scrolling through the docs doesn't highlight the section heading on the left
- 31637 - Add clarity to LinkerKeepStale system preference description and/or manual
- 29188 - Expired serial subscriptions can still receive issues
- 31899 - [DOCS] Document misc/batchRebuildBiblioTables.pl script
- 33724 - Expand explanations of terms used in ERM module
- 32059 - How to run scripts found under https://perldoc.koha-community.org/
- 31365 - Plugin link location needs extra documentation so indicate where it may be found
- 30073 - Information on installation of plugins missing from manual
- 31099 - [DOCS] Export data tool - setup so database and configuration data can be downloaded
- 31070 - [DOCS] Did you mean? section needs an update
- 31638 - [DOCS] Log viewer - Expand section and add descriptions for objects and actions
- 28501 - Document how to use the search configuration page
- 28546 - Framework default value special var for year in Manual
- 28969 - [DOCS] Document recreateIssueStatistics.pl script
- 27018 - Update library transfer limit info in manual
- 16791 - [DOCS] Explanation of callnumber.pl plugin
- 25165 - Explain all the cataloging plugins
- 33255 - Update the manual with information on searching with Elasticsearch
- 34947 - Koha Manual search does not bring user to the relevant place in the page
- 33357 - Manual 22.11 missing description of the LCC filing rules
- 34948 - Document items.datelastseen and borrowers.lastseen
- 29063 - [DOCS] Manual: Translation issue with repeated strings in system preferences
- 26531 - "add subfield" macro for Advanced Catalog Editor
- 23756 - Appendix for workflows
- 35684 - Koha XSLT material type icons documentation needs updating
- 24645 - Review implementation checklist
- 35818 - Message queue cron job vs. system preferences
- 32930 - [DOCS] No manual entry for "SMTP Servers"
- 36391 - There is no listing of the cron job : archive_purchase_suggestions in the manual
- 36115 - Improve documentation for Return-Path (branches.branchreturnpath)
- 23668 - Manual on patron import: Information on syntax for patron attributes
- 36604 - Document what statistics wizards actually count
- 36599 - Add table settings information to the ERM chapter
- 35855 - Enhance Existing notices and slips list in the manual
- 5561 - Help on summary field in authority type editor
- 37454 - MARC Framework test error message needs more explanation
- 35354 - Update emailLibrarianWhenHoldisPlaced system preference description
- 28151 - Missing documentation on variable "access_dir"
- 31787 - [DOCS] Add description and examples to membership_expiry.pl about --where option
- 37520 - [DOCS] Review and update record overlay rules
Ready to push 18 9 bugs
Next bugs- 39289 - Batch extend due date tool only displays the first 20 checkouts
- 31019 + UNIMARC field help link when cataloging - update default URL
- 39217 + Fix ugly error on wrong password in SCO login
- 39361 + Hold found modal does not display from circ/branchtransfers.pl
- 38761 + Backend plugins that are disabled remain visible
- 38440 + dt_button_clear_filter handling outside of datatables.js not needed
- 39307 + console.error on circ/circulation.pl page
- 39409 - Duplicate modifybiblio ids in cat-toolbar
- 39404 - Inconsistency due to "Add to list" vs "Add to a list"
- 35604 + ILL - Allow for automatic backend selection 📝 🎯 🎯
- 38685 + ILL pages have incomplete breadcrumbs
- 38669 + ILL - Staff: Automatic backend screen should provide option to go back to form
- 35560 + Use the REST API for holds history
- 39319 + xt/author/podcorrectness.t only test POD for perl files within C4 and Koha
- 37860 + Holds Awaiting Pickup table should include the patron main contact method
- 37907 + Add column to user summary to show date an item was checked out on
- 39062 - Increase length of items.stocknumber (Inventory Number)
- 39288 - Improve the patron search description display
New features
25 Newest features pushed- 39447 - Update mailmap for company name change
- 38483 - C4::Heading::preferred_authorities is not used
- 36662 - ILL - t/db_dependent/Illrequest should not exist
- 38087 - Ship a default print template for the welcome notice
- 38993 - Merge fetch files
- 38494 - Koha should consider authority heading use in cataloging 📝
- 26553 - Remove KohaTable (columns_settings.inc) and use kohaTable (datatables.js)
- 35134 - cn_browser.pl pop-up size should be configurable
- 33224 - OPACHoldsIfAvailableAtPickup and no on-shelf holds don't mix well
- 39265 - Self registration: Hide library from the form if there is only one library
- 38663 - Add additional fields to libraries
- 37171 - Add display of subscription issue notes on serials claims page
- 18798 - Use Koha.Preference in OPAC Reading Record
- 39130 - Add unit tests for xgettext.pl
- 38944 - Add Test::NoWarnings to tests without warnings
- 37250 - Redesign labels home page to match other module home pages
- 26869 - Enable batch record modification to create 952/item on existing bibs 📝 🔧
- 15461 - Add shelving location to holdings table as a separate column 📝
- 39141 - Page is blank when visiting circulation / check out
- 38408 - Add parallel exporting of MARC records to Zebra rebuild/reindex
- 37273 - Add ID column to Agreements table in the ERM
- 26744 - Log changes to extended patron attributes 🔧
- 23674 - Allowing notes on all entries in patron Transactions table
- 39154 - About: add a warning for obsoleted sip.log
- 38989 - Note hard-coded price checks in MarcFieldsToOrder system preference text 🎓