Maintenance queues

  • Blocker
  • Critical
  • Major
  • Normal
  • Minor
  • Trivial
  • Enhancement
  • New Feature

24.11 29

Next bugs
  • 36978 - Upgrade fails at [Bug 34029]
  • 33407 - With ES and QueryAutoTruncate on, a search containing ISBD punctuation returns no results 🔧
  • 36736 - Add ability to load DBIx::Class Schema files found in plugins
  • 37820 - Upgrade fails at [Bug 36993]
  • 37898 - All db dependent tests should run within a transaction
  • 37430 - (Bug 33407 follow-up) ISBD punctuation removal in ES searches
  • 37810 - Some SUSHI providers return ServiceActive instead of Service_Active
  • 38305 - Can't delete or archive suggestions
  • 22421 - accountlines.issue_id is missing a foreign key constraint
  • 36182 - Add vendor column to holdings table
  • 38011 - Add a foreign key link between vendors and subscriptions
  • 38517 - Release team 25.05 👑
  • 38362 - Printing lists only prints the ten first results in the OPAC
  • 37292 - Add an index on expires column for oauth_access_tokens
  • 37293 - MARC bibliographic framework text for librarians and OPAC limited to 100 characters
  • 38466 - KBART import fails silently if file extension is wrong
  • 38476 - Use anchor tag for DataTables configure button
  • 38522 - Increase length of erm_argreements.license_info
  • 38536 - Patrons requesting modifications: Expand correct panel
  • 38543 - dataTables assets included but no longer exist
  • 38594 - Table settings for courses reserves not working in he OPAC
  • 38595 - Table settings behavior broken on some tables in the OPAC
  • 31470 - Incorrect selector for relationship dropdown used in members.js
  • 37393 - Bundle items don't show their host in the staff interface
  • 37993 - Having a single EDI EAN account produces a bad redirect 🔧
  • 38605 - t/db_dependent/Koha/OAIHarvester.t fails with wrong date format 👑
  • 38622 - Fix Koha sample data to include preferred_name
  • 38602 - Columns bookings.creation_date and bookings.modification_date not added if multiple databases are in use 🔧
  • 38620 - Non-existent hc-sticky asset included in opac-tags

24.05 0

Next bugs

23.11 539

Next bugs
  • 30002 - Add project-level perltidyrc
  • 32341 - Some OPAC tables are not displayed well in mobile mode
  • 34051 - Koha::AuthorisedValues->get_description_by_koha_field not caching results for non-existent values
  • 34029 - Import breaks when data exceeds size of mapped database columns
  • 34333 - Add cancellation request information embed option to the holds endpoint
  • 34786 - after_biblio_action hooks: find after delete makes no sense
  • 32305 - Background worker doesn't check job status when received from rabbitmq
  • 33169 - Improve vue breadcrumbs and left-hand menu
  • 34520 - Database update breaks update process
  • 35111 - Background jobs worker crashes on SIGPIPE when database connection lost in Ubuntu 22.04
  • 35147 - Add classes to Shibboleth text on OPAC login page
  • 32312 - Complete database column descriptions for circulation module in guided reports 🎓
  • 35073 - Serials batch edit deletes unchanged additional fields data
  • 35408 - ERM > Titles > Import from a list gives an invalid link to the import job
  • 34516 - Upgrade database fails for, points to web installer
  • 35414 - Silence warn related to number_of_copies
  • 35344 - Patron image upload does not warn about missing cardnumber
  • 35436 - Copy is not translatable in OPAC search history
  • 34091 - Typo in help for --log-modules needs to be --log-module 🎓
  • 35310 - Current renewals 'view' link doesnt work if renewals correspond to an item no longer checked out
  • 35498 - SQL auto-complete should not prevent use of tab for spacing
  • 35428 - gulp po tasks do not clean temporary files
  • 35488 - Placing a hold on the OPAC takes the user to their account page, but does not activate the holds tab
  • 35492 - Suspending/unsuspending a hold on the OPAC takes the user to their account page, but does not activate the holds tab
  • 35495 - Cancelling a hold on the OPAC takes the user to their account page, but does not activate the holds tab
  • 35496 - Placing an article request on the OPAC takes the user to their account page, but does not activate the article request tab
  • 35405 - MarcAuthorities: Use of uninitialized value $tag in hash element at MARC/ line 202.
  • 35309 - Remove DT's fnSetFilteringDelay
  • 30287 - Notices using HTML render differently in
  • 33847 - Database update replaces undefined rules with defaults rather than the value that would be used
  • 35491 - Reverting waiting status for holds is not logged
  • 35600 - Prevent checkouts table to flicker
  • 34644 - Add clarifying text to sysprefs to indicate that MarcFieldsToOrder is a fallback to MarcItemFieldsToOrder
  • 35493 - Housebound roles show as a collapsed field option when checked in CollapseFieldsPatronAddForm, even if housebound is off
  • 35455 - ICU does not strip = when indexing/searching
  • 35619 - Change password form in patron account has misaligned validation errors
  • 35547 - When using "Add to a list" button with more than 10 lists, "staff only" does not show up
  • 35557 - LoadResultsCovers is not used (staff)
  • 35489 - Holds on items with no barcode are missing an input for itemnumber
  • 31297 - Cannot add new subscription patterns from edit subscription page
  • 35579 - marcrecord2csv searches authorised values inefficiently
  • 35588 - marcrecord2csv retrieves authorised values incorrectly for fields
  • 28012 - Error on saving new numbering pattern
  • 35658 - Typo in /patrons/:patron_id/holds
  • 35698 - Wrong bug number in db_revs/
  • 35070 - Koha plugins implementing "background_jobs" hook can't provide view template
  • 34900 - The translation of the string "The " should depend on context
  • 35629 - Redundant code in includes/
  • 35696 - Transit status not properly updated for items advanced in Stock Rotation tool
  • 35587 - Items lose their lost status when check-in triggers a transfer even though BlockReturnOfLostItems is enabled
  • 35598 - selenium/authentication_2fa.t is still failing randomly
  • 35713 - Remove debian/docs/LEEME.Debian
  • 35567 - Host-item in "Show analytics" link can be translated
  • 32551 - API requests don't carry language related information
  • 25835 - Include overdue report (under circulation module) as a staff permission
  • 33639 - Adding item to item group from 'Add item' screen doesn't work
  • 35774 - add_item_to_item_group should be $item->itemnumber instead of biblioitemnumber
  • 35504 - Release team 24.05
  • 35756 - Wrong use of encodeURIComponent in
  • 34999 - REST API: Public routes should respect OPACMaintenance
  • 35086 - Koha::SearchEngine::Elasticsearch::Indexer->update_index needs to commit in batches
  • 35702 - Reduce DB calls when performing authorities merge
  • 32477 - Hiding batch item modification columns isn't remembered correctly
  • 35438 - Importing records can create too large transactions
  • 25691 - Debian packages point to /usr/share/doc/koha/README.Debian which does not exist
  • 35641 - Reduce DB calls when performing inventory on a list of barcodes
  • 35510 - Non-patron guarantor missing from CollapseFieldsPatronAddForm options
  • 34950 - ILS DI Availability is not accurate for items on holds shelf or in transit
  • 35322 - AllowItemsOnHoldCheckoutSCO and AllowItemsOnHoldCheckoutSIP do not work
  • 35341 - Circulation rule dates are being overwritten
  • 34479 - Clear saved patron search selections after certain actions
  • 35663 - Wording on OPAC privacy page is misleading
  • 29930 - 'cardnumber' overwritten with userid when not mapped (LDAP auth)
  • 30627 - koha-run-backups delete the backup files after finished its job without caring days option
  • 35894 - Duplicate link in
  • 34647 - name attribute is obsolete in anchor tag
  • 35360 - Inconsistent use/look of 'Cancel hold(s)' button on circ/
  • 35461 - Renew All 66 SIP server response messages produce HASH content in replies
  • 35695 - Remove useless item group code from cataloging_additem.js
  • 35817 - Wrong hint on patron's category when batch update patron
  • 35865 - Missing hint about permissions when adding managers to a basket
  • 33457 - Improve display of fund users when the patron has no firstname
  • 35835 - Fix shebang for cataloguing/
  • 35701 - Cannot use from memberentrygen
  • 35373 - Remove comment about bug 8000 in
  • 35843 - No such thing as Koha::Exceptions::Exception
  • 35962 - t/db_dependent/Koha/BackgroundJob.t failing on D10
  • 35596 - Error in writeoff_debts documentation
  • 35507 - Fix handling plugins in unit tests causing random failures on Jenkins
  • 36034 - cas_ticket is set to serialized patron object in session
  • 35518 - Call to C4::Context->userenv happens before it's gets populated breaks code logic in circulation
  • 35904 - C4::Auth::checkauth cannot be tested easily
  • 36092 - sessionID not passed to the template on
  • 36176 - [23.11 and below] We need tests to check for 'cud-' operations in stable branches (pre-24.05)
  • 35949 - Useless code pointing to in
  • 36156 - Don't duplicate selected value when a field or subfield linked to an authorized value is repeated
  • 36099 - JS error in console on non-existent biblio record
  • 36088 - Remove useless code form
  • 36000 - Fix CGI::param called in list context from catalogue/
  • 35351 - Adjust basket details template to avoid showing empty page-section
  • 35398 - EDI: Fix support for LRP (Library Rotation Plan) for Koha with Stock Rotation enabled
  • 36009 - Document koha-worker --queue elastic_index
  • 35554 - Authority search popup is only 700px
  • 35952 - Removed unnecessary line in
  • 35963 - Problem using some filters in the bundled items table
  • 36076 - is missing permission checks for manual credit and invoice
  • 36140 - Wrong for attribute on Invoice number: label in
  • 35819 - "No job found" error for BatchUpdateBiblioHoldsQueue (race condition)
  • 36359 - Broken OPAC mainpage layouts in 23.05.09
  • 35922 - t/db_dependent/www/batch.t is failing
  • 36047 - Apostrophe in suggestion status reason blocks order receipt
  • 35892 - Fallback to GetMarcPrice in addorderiso2907 no longer works
  • 34234 - Item groups dropdown in detail page modal does not respect display order
  • 36170 - Wrong warning in memberentry
  • 32029 - Automatic item modifications by age missing biblio table
  • 36010 - Items/AutomaticItemModificationByAge.t is failing
  • 36134 - Elasticsearch authentication using userinfo parameter crashes
  • 36056 - Clarify subpermissions check behavior in C4::Auth
  • 35538 - List of libraries on OPAC self registration form should sort by branchname rather than branchcode
  • 36005 - Typo in "Your concern was successfully submitted" in staff interface
  • 36004 - Typo in "Your concern was successfully submitted" OPAC text
  • 35911 - Archived suggestions show in patron's account
  • 36103 - Remove the "Cancel hold" link for item level holds
  • 35983 - Library specific refund lost item replacement fee cannot be 'refund_unpaid'
  • 36066 - REST API: We should only allow deleting cancelled order lines
  • 32671 - basic_workflow.t is failing on slow servers
  • 33898 - may leave defunct children processes for extended periods of time
  • 36233 - Cannot search invoices if too many vendors
  • 35796 - Patron password expiration date lost when patron edited by superlibrarian
  • 36332 - JS error on moremember
  • 36298 - In patrons search road type authorized value code displayed in patron address
  • 36292 - 'See all charges' hyperlink to view guarantee fees is not linked correctly
  • 35934 - Items in transit show as both in-transit and Available on holdings list
  • 36277 - t/db_dependent/api/v1/transfer_limits.t is failing
  • 29522 - Bib record not correctly updated when merging identical authorities with LinkerModule set to First Match
  • 35800 - edit_any_item permission required to see patron name in detail page
  • 35921 - Improve performance of acquisitions start page when there are many budgets
  • 36356 - FrameworkPlugin.t does not rollback properly
  • 36329 - Transfer limits should respect `BranchTransferLimitsType`
  • 35388 - Add comment to circ/ about limited use in stock rotation context
  • 36331 - Items that cannot be held are prevented renewal when there are holds on the record
  • 36035 - Form is broken in
  • 36036 - Fix location field when ordering from staged files
  • 34886 - Regression in when hold button appears
  • 36053 - Replacement prices not populating when supplied from MarcItemFieldsToOrder
  • 36532 - Any authenticated OPAC user can run for any user/any message
  • 33832 - Can't change a patron's username without entering passwords
  • 36313 - Check out/check in leads to error 500 in staff interface
  • 36563 - Item search does not search for multiple values
  • 36508 - Patron userid field can be overwritten by update_patron_categories when limiting by fines
  • 34972 - Canceling a waiting hold from the holds over tab can make the next hold unfillable
  • 36791 - Koha explodes when trying to edit an authority record with an invalid authid
  • 36832 - Adding authority records is broken
  • 36612 - The public tickets endpoint needs public fields list
  • 36708 - Problems editing circ rules when 'Holds allowed (total)' value is greater than or equal to 0
  • 36321 - Problem when dateexpiry in BorrowerUnwantedField
  • 36033 - Table pseudonymized_transactions needs more indexes
  • 35768 - Show 'Used in' records link for results in cataloguing authority plugin
  • 35943 - SQL reports groups/subgroups whose name contains regexp special characters break table filtering
  • 35531 - Add context for translation of gender option "Other"
  • 35034 - Add link to the bibliographic records when they are selected for merging
  • 35621 - Map ÿ to y for searching (Non-ICU)
  • 30554 - Use XSLT in authority search cataloguing plugin
  • 36371 - Patron attributes will not show in brief info if value is 0
  • 34663 - Errors in UNIMARC default framework
  • 36392 - Only 20 vendors in ERM dropdown
  • 36347 - Return claims table is loaded twice
  • 36227 - No warning if placing hold on item group with no items
  • 36421 - Better logging of 500 errors in V1/
  • 36376 - Display library limitations alert in patron's messages
  • 36432 - Remove circular dependency from Koha::Object
  • 36341 - "Hold starts on date" should be limited to future dates
  • 35129 - REST API: _per_page=0 crashes on Illegal division by zero
  • 36269 - Elasticsearch: publisher-location (pl) index should include 260a/264a (MARC21)
  • 35573 - Koha is not correctly warning of overridden items when placing a hold if AllowHoldPolicyOverride
  • 23296 - Auto Renewal Notice does not use Library specific notices
  • 35599 - Pronouns and HidePersonalPatronDetailOnCirculation
  • 27198 - Sync marc21-retrieval-info-auth-dom.xml with retrieval-info-auth-dom.xml 🎓
  • 35868 - Warning sign for using a patron category that is limited to another library has moved to other side of page
  • 36395 - Useless fetch of AV categories in admin/
  • 36516 - translation script could output useless warning
  • 36462 - Home button breadcrumb appears twice when viewing/editing the authority MARC subfield structure
  • 36452 - Patron message does not respect multiple line display
  • 36142 - Usermenu "Recalls history" not active when confirming recall
  • 36353 - Ensure consistent empty selection style for guarantor relationship drop-downs
  • 36463 - We should compress our JSON responses (gzip deflate mod_deflate application/json)
  • 36438 - MARCdetail: Can't call method "metadata" on an undefined value
  • 36493 - Test for GET /api/v1/cash_registers/:cash_register_id/cashups is fragile
  • 36517 - Fix output from
  • 35969 - Improve error message, remove some logging when sending a cart from the OPAC
  • 23102 - 404 errors on page causes SCI user to be logged out
  • 36473 - should not die on a bad record
  • 34621 - Patron import option to 'Renew existing patrons' 'from the current membership expiry date' not implemented
  • 36552 - Update record 'date entered on file' when duplicating a record
  • 33205 - (Bug 28268 follow-up) Method call $row->authid inside quotes - produces meaningless warning
  • 30987 - Adding relationship to PatronQuickAddFields causes it to be added 2x
  • 36420 - REST API Basic Auth does not support cardnumbers, only userid
  • 36386 - Prevent Net::Server warn about User Not Defined from SIPServer
  • 34963 - Unable to delete fields in suggestions
  • 36282 - OPAC - Remove trailing and leading blank space from translated strings
  • 30318 - Cannot override default patron messaging preferences when creating a patron in staff interface
  • 32695 - Search string for various 7xx linking fields is incorrectly formed
  • 35979 - Possible RealTimeHoldsQueue check missing in for BatchUpdateBiblioHoldsQueue background job
  • 16567 - RSS feeds show issues in W3C validator and can't be read by some aggregators (Chimpfeedr, feedbucket)
  • 35977 - Display current date in hold starts on when placing a hold in the OPAC
  • 36295 - Space out content blocks in batch record deletion
  • 35689 - Add id and classes to each MARC note in OPAC bibliographic details
  • 36605 - TrackLastPatronActivity for SIP should track both patron status and patron information requests
  • 30598 - Replacement cost is not copied from retail price when ordering from file
  • 35582 - Advanced search languages should be listed with selected UI language descriptions shown first if available
  • 31345 - Add ability to exit early if any plugin before_send_messages hook fails
  • 32565 - Holds placed when all libraries are closed do not get added to holds queue if HoldsQueueSkipClosed and RealTimeHoldsQueue are enabled
  • 36678 - Include fields with non-filing characters removed when indexing
  • 36122 - NEW_SUGGESTION is sent for every modification to the suggestion
  • 36567 - Datetime warning in t/db_dependent/Circulation.t and t/db_dependent/Circulation/dateexpiry.t
  • 36574 - Canceled/invalid ISBN not indexed for MARC21
  • 36137 - should always skip_holds_queue
  • 36393 - Renewal with a specific date does not take the new date due that we pick
  • 36390 - Two minor OPAC CSS fixes
  • 36554 - Document languages from field 041 should be present in 'ln' search field and Languages facet (MARC 21)
  • 36730 - (Bug 35428 follow-up) po files (sometimes) fail to update
  • 36787 - missing use Koha::DateUtils::output_pref
  • 36534 - Batch operations when using limit in report
  • 34360 - [WARN] DBIx::Class::ResultSetColumn::new(): Attempting to retrieve non-unique column 'biblionumber' on a resultset containing one-to-many joins will return duplicate results
  • 36774 - Flatpickr clear() adds unintentional clear button
  • 36804 - Serials claims 'Clear filter' doesn't work
  • 36676 - SIP2 drops connection when using unknown patron id in fee paid message
  • 34041 - z3950 responder additional options not coming through properly
  • 36335 - ILS-DI GetRecords bad encoding for UNIMARC
  • 35927 - Selecting MARC framework again doesn't work when adding to basket from an external source
  • 33849 - Duplicate patron warning resets patron's library if different than logged in user's library
  • 36799 - Illegitimate modification of MARC authid field content (001)
  • 36794 - Illegitimate modification of biblionumber subfield content (999 $c)
  • 34823 - Do not show item group drop-down if there are no item groups
  • 36723 - Add musical presentation to Elasticsearch index mappings
  • 36378 - Cannot stay logged in if AutoLocation is enabled but library's IP address is not set correctly
  • 33099 - Add missing MARC21 match authority mappings so "Search all headings" search works
  • 35961 - Modal include missing for catalog concerns
  • 36619 - Cannot show/hide columns on the patron search table when placing a hold
  • 36793 - Local preferences should not stay in the cache when they are deleted
  • 36529 - manage_additional_fields permission for more than acquisitions and serials
  • 36872 - Untranslatable "Please make sure all selected titles have a pickup location set"
  • 36834 - (Bug 29697 follow-up) Koha explodes when trying to open in Labeled MARC view a bibliographic record with an invalid biblionumber
  • 36856 - New order from existing bibliographic record does not show MARC subfield name
  • 36892 - Wrong label on filter-orders include
  • 36845 - Exclude meta tag from the translations
  • 35929 - Don't submit 'empty' changes to personal details in OPAC
  • 36914 - DBIx::Class warning from
  • 36858 - Crash on wrong page number in opac-shelves
  • 36665 - Auto location and IP recognition
  • 36924 - t/db_dependent/Search.t generates warnings
  • 36908 - Clarify and standardize the behavior of AutoLocation/ StaffLoginBranchBasedOnIP system preferences
  • 36923 - Holds/LocalHoldsPriority.t generates warnings
  • 36939 - Serials.t generates a warning
  • 36792 - Limit POSIX imports
  • 36986 - (Bug 26176 follow-up) Fix rename StaffLoginBranchBasedOnIP in DBRev
  • 37043 - Counter registry has a new API base URL
  • 33237 - If TranslateNotices is off, use the default language includes in slips
  • 37014 - "Item was not checked in" printed on next POST because of missing supplementary form
  • 35989 - Searching Geographic authorities generates error
  • 34838 - The ILL module and tests generate warnings
  • 29539 - UNIMARC: authority number in $9 displays for thesaurus controlled fields instead of content of $a
  • 36938 - Biblio.t generates warnings
  • 36679 - Anonymous patron is not blocked from checkout via self check
  • 36948 - Adjust SIPconfig for log_file and IP version
  • 36894 - Journal article request authors do not show in the ILL requests table
  • 36983 - B_address_2 field is required even when not set to be required
  • 37026 - Switching tabs in the sco_main page ( Checkouts, Holds, Charges ) creates a JS error
  • 34718 - Input field in fund list (Select2) on receive is inactive
  • 37021 - REST API: Holds endpoint handles item_id as string in GET call
  • 35869 - Dismissing an OPAC message from SCO logs the user out
  • 37037 - triggers rebuilding holds for all affected records when RealTimeHoldsQueue is enabled
  • 36424 - Database update breaks due to syntax error
  • 36999 - 00-strict.t fails to find
  • 34077 - writeoff_debts without --confirm doesn't show which accountline records it would have been written off
  • 34573 - Inconsistencies in acquisitions modify vendor title tag
  • 36338 - Capitalization: Card number or Userid may already exist. 🎓
  • 25520 - Change wording on SMS phone number set up 🎓
  • 37036 - Cannot access template toolkit branch variable in auto renewal notices
  • 34706 - Capitalization: Cas login 🎓
  • 32313 - Complete database column descriptions for cataloguing module in guided reports 🎓
  • 33563 - Document Elasticsearch secure mode
  • 36982 - Collections facet does not get alphabetized based on collection descriptions
  • 36527 - Patron category or item type not changing when editing another circulation rule
  • 37345 - Remember for session checkbox on checkout page not sticking
  • 37016 - SIP2 renew shows old/wrong date due
  • 37157 - Error 500 when loading identity provider list
  • 30372 - Patron self registration: Extended patron attributes are emptied on submit when mandatory field isn't filled in
  • 35240 - Missing form field ids in rotating collection edit form 🎓
  • 36128 - Use of uninitialized value in string eq at /usr/share/koha/lib/C4/
  • 36141 - Add classes to CAS text on OPAC login page
  • 28664 - One should not be able to issue a refund against a VOID accountline
  • 36741 - AUTO_RENEWALS_DGST should skip auto_too_soon
  • 37183 - Serials batch edit changes the expiration date to TODAY
  • 29087 - Holds to pull list can crash with a SQL::Abstract puke
  • 37226 - Authority hierarchy tree broken when a child (narrower) term appears under more than one parent (greater) term
  • 29509 - GET /patrons* routes permissions excessive
  • 36885 - Missing tooltip on budget planning page
  • 37400 - On checkin don't search for a patron unless needed
  • 37425 - Deletion of bibliographic record can cause search errors
  • 36566 - Correct ESLlint errors in OPAC enhanced content JS
  • 36129 - Check in "Hide all columns" doesn't persist on item batch modification/deletion
  • 36362 - Only call Koha::Libraries->search() if necessary in Item::pickup_locations
  • 37435 - Cannot renew patron from details page in patron account without circulate permissions
  • 33455 - Heading on 'update password' page is too big 🎓
  • 37378 - Patron searches can fail when library groups are set to 'Limit patron data access by group'
  • 37351 - Checkboxes on waiting holds report are not kept when switching to another page
  • 36196 - Handling NULL data in ajax calls for cities
  • 36998 - 'Issue refund' modal on cash register transactions page can mistakenly display amount from previously clicked on transaction
  • 35236 - Mismatched label on patron card batch edit form 🎓
  • 37288 - Edit data provider form does not show the name
  • 37411 - Exporting budget planning gives 500 error
  • 33453 - Confirmation button for 'Record cashup' should be yellow 🎓
  • 37337 - Submitting a similar suggestion results in a blank page
  • 37552 - Automatic renewals cronjob can die when an item scheduled for renewal is checked in
  • 35235 - Mismatched label on notice edit form 🎓
  • 37030 - Use template wrapper for breadcrumbs: Cash register stats
  • 37254 - Dropdown values not cleared after pressing clear in circulation rules
  • 37607 - t/cypress/integration/ERM/DataProviders_spec.ts fails
  • 37623 - t/db_dependent/Letters.t tests fails to consider EmailFieldPrimary system preference
  • 32696 - Recalls can inadvertently extend the due date
  • 36907 - OAI set mapping form field maxlength should match table column sizes
  • 37586 - Improve accessibility of top navigation in the OPAC with aria-labels
  • 37413 - Updating an item level hold on an item with no barcode to a next available hold also modifies the other holds on the record
  • 36474 - should not modify the record when the total issues has not changed
  • 37775 - uses $dbh->commit but does not use transactions
  • 37339 - Default messaging preferences are not applied when self registering in OPAC
  • 35584 - Missing licenses in about page
  • 35602 - Typo: AutoMemberNum 🎓
  • 35379 - 'searchfield' parameter name misleading when translating
  • 35913 - Item order prices do not fall back to MarcFieldsToOrder if not set by MarcItemFieldsToOrder
  • 35916 - Purchase suggestions bibliographic filter should be a "contains" search
  • 35514 - New order line form: Total prices not updated when adding multiple items
  • 35950 - Move the handling of statistics patron logic out of CanBookBeIssued
  • 35277 - Pseudonymization should be done in a background job
  • 35955 - New CSRF token generated everytime we need one
  • 35490 - Remove GetMarcItem from C4::Biblio
  • 35833 - Fix few noisy warnings from C4/Koha and search
  • 24424 - Advanced editor - interface hangs as "Loading" when given an invalid bib number
  • 30230 - Search for patrons in checkout should not require edit_borrowers permission
  • 35535 - Cancel hold -button does not work in pop-up (Hold found, item is already waiting)
  • 35483 - Restore item level to record level hold switch in hold table
  • 35840 - Local use is double-counted when using both RecordLocalUseOnReturn and statistical patrons
  • 36494 - Flatpickr error on checkout page if the patron is blocked from checking out
  • 37575 - Typo 'AutoCreateAuthorites' in
  • 34585 - "When to charge" columns value not copied when editing circulation rule
  • 37801 - Search results with limits create URLs that cause XML errors in RSS2 output
  • 37891 - Editing a notice's name having SMSSendDriver disabled causes notice to be listed twice
  • 35125 - AutoCreateAuthorities creates separate authorities when thesaurus differs, even with LinkerConsiderThesaurus set to Don't
  • 36822 - When creating a new patron via LDAP or Shibboleth 0000-00-00 is inserted for invalid updated_on
  • 37528 - Using borrowerRelationship while guarantor relationship is unchecked from BorrowerMandatoryField results in error
  • 37892 - Patron category 'can be a guarantee' means that same category cannot be a guarantor
  • 31143 - We should attempt to fix/identify all cases where '0000-00-00' may still remain in the database
  • 37687 - API query operators list doesn't match documentation
  • 37642 - Generated letter should use https in header
  • 37076 - Incorrect needsconfirmation code RESERVED_WAITING
  • 36919 - t/db_dependent/Koha/Object.t produces warnings
  • 35239 - Missing form field ids in batch patron modification template 🎓
  • 37490 - Add test to detect when yarn.lock is not updated
  • 37814 - Wrong use of '__()' in .tt files
  • 35771 - Unselecting titles when making multi-hold does not have any effect
  • 27769 - Advanced editor shouldn't break copying selected text with Ctrl+C
  • 37075 - Message queue processor will fail to send any message unless letter_code is passed
  • 35257 - Only admin start page uses "circulation desks" 🎓
  • 35238 - Incorrect label markup in patron card creator printer profile edit form 🎓
  • 36970 - (Bug 34160 follow-up) Barcode should be html filtered, not uri filtered in holds queue view
  • 35232 - Misspelled ID breaks label on patron lists form 🎓
  • 14565 - koha-run-backups does not backup an instance called demo
  • 36936 - api/v1/bookings.t generates warnings
  • 36976 - Warning 'Argument "" isn't numeric in numeric' in log when merging bibliographic records
  • 37038 - koha-elasticsearch creates a file named 0
  • 32575 - sends attachment as body of email or poorly named txt file
  • 34920 - ERM breaks if an ERM authorized value is missing a description
  • 35823 - When uploading a MARC file to a basket it is showing inactive funds without them being selected
  • 36873 - Koha::Objects->delete should accept parameters and pass them through
  • 36901 - Add logging for uncaught exceptions in background job classes
  • 36950 - Improve placement of catalog concern banner in the OPAC
  • 37057 - OPACShowUnusedAuthorities displays unused authorities regardless
  • 37158 - OPAC recalls history table not responsive
  • 37167 - Fix mapping call number searches to Z39.50
  • 37027 - Some dataTable controls in SCO seem unnecessary
  • 37114 - Update MARC21 default framework to Update 38 (June 2024)
  • 36796 - Fix mistake in database column descriptions for statistics table
  • 38271 - Missing 008 field in bibliographic records created via EDIFACT
  • 38251 - "Remove selected items" button not removing single item in OPAC lists
  • 38274 - Typo in Arabic language description
  • 30648 - Title is lost in holds history when bibliographic record is deleted
  • 37582 - SIP2 responses can contain newlines when a patron has multiple debarments
  • 38188 - Fix populating borrowernumberslist from patron_search_selections
  • 38138 - Main contact method in hold pop-up untranslatable
  • 38128 - Agreement/license user selection not limited to users with ERM module permissions
  • 38041 - Not all self checkout errors behave the same
  • 37184 - Special character encoding problem when importing MARC file from the acquisitions module
  • 37302 - xt/api.t should fail if swagger-cli is missing
  • 38233 - ILS-DI GetRecords should filter out items hidden in OPAC and use OPAC MARCXML
  • 38131 - ILS-DI documentation still shows renewals instead of renewals_count
  • 38234 - Remove unused vulnerable jszip library file
  • 37965 - Fix regression of convert_urls setting in TinyMCE which causes unexpected URL rewriting
  • 34147 - Patron search displays "processing" when category has library limitations that exclude the logged in library name
  • 37373 - Cursor should go to patron search box on loading holds page
  • 37077 - SQL Reports - Picking only one option for each multiple selection results in wrong query
  • 35792 - Quiet warning: Use of uninitialized value $sub6
  • 37429 - Can't edit bibliographic records anymore (empty form)
  • 36475 - "Print summary" tables cannot be column configured
  • 37542 - Patron search is incorrectly parsing entries as dates and fetching the wrong patron if dateofbirth in search fields
  • 37947 - Import from Z39.50 doesn't open the record in editor
  • 38164 - Translation process is broken
  • 37524 - Pressing "Renew all" redirects user to "Export data" tool if one of the items is not renewable
  • 36944 - Auth.t should not fail when AutoLocation is enabled
  • 35959 - Inconsistent hierarchy during C3 merge of class 'Koha::AuthorisedValue' (and a few other modules)
  • 37246 - Suggestions filter by fund displays inactive budgets
  • 37275 - Remove parenthesis from Select user button in ERM 🎓
  • 37368 - Patron searches break when surname and firstname are set to NULL
  • 37540 - Pseudonymization is preventing renewals from the patrons account page
  • 37562 - Duplicate patron check when user cannot see patron leads to a blank popup
  • 37757 - notice_email_address explodes if EmailFieldPrimary is not valid
  • 36049 - Rounding prices sometimes leads to incorrect results
  • 37525 - Self checkout: "Return this item" doesn't show up in scan confirmation screen despite SCOAllowCheckin being allowed
  • 37871 - Remove extraneous 246 subfields from the title mappings (Elasticsearch, MARC21)
  • 37981 - Switch installer/ form from POST to GET
  • 37982 - Serial collection edit form can be GET
  • 37983 - "Search a patron" box no longer has auto focus
  • 35087 - Discount rate should only allow valid input formats
  • 37964 - Only show host items when system preference EasyAnalyticalRecords is enabled
  • 37446 - Home/holding library facets missing user friendly label
  • 37265 - Consideration of UniqueItemFields setting when receiving items in an order.
  • 37730 - Batch patron modification table horizontal scroll causes headers to mismatch 🎓
  • 37848 - "Run with template" options need formatting
  • 37931 - Wrong OPAC facet item types label
  • 38000 - Redundant code import in
  • 38035 - "sound" listed as an installed language
  • 36375 - Inconsistencies in ContentWarningField display
  • 37928 - "Upload image" item not correctly styled
  • 37709 - should die when the file cannot be opened
  • 38027 - Clearing a flatpickr datetime causes errors
  • 38089 - Fix incorrect regular expression from bug 33478 and move styles to head
  • 38109 - Patron category types are not sorted when entering/editing patrons
  • 13945 - Multiple dialogs for item that needs transferred and hold captured at checkin
  • 36435 - Prevent warnings from interrupting koha-run-backups when deleting old backup files
  • 37954 - Unable to hide barcode column in holdings table
  • 38097 - Add class to "Item was not checked out" message in checkin table
  • 38005 - 500 error on self registration when patron attribute is set as mandatory
  • 37838 - Remove button broken on second page of course reserves item results
  • 37070 - Incorrect barcode generation when adding orders to basket
  • 37304 - Created by filter in acquisitions advanced orders search always shows zero results
  • 38162 - Can't delete a stock rotation
  • 38240 - Filtering resulting in no result will hide filters
  • 38118 - Removed empty columns on holdings table on details page are not restored when new items loaded
  • 38112 - Description of patrons search no longer displayed
  • 38146 - Last seen date is missing the time in the item holdings table
  • 37403 - Wrong progress quantity in job details when staging records with match check
  • 37606 - Framework export module should escape double quotes
  • 37836 - Prevent submitting empty barcodes in self check-in
  • 37905 - Correctly fix the "last hour" filter on the job list
  • 38012 - Remove ispermanent from and
  • 37505 - Statistical patrons don't display information about item status if item wasn't checked out
  • 35508 - Update borrowers.updated_on when modifying a patron's attribute
  • 38130 - Cannot filter items on library name
  • 38413 - Batch operations from item search results fail when "select visible rows" and many items are selected
  • 35466 - bulkmarcimport needs a parameter to skip indexing
  • 37977 - Fix some issues with labels in inventory form
  • 18273 - inserts authority duplicates
  • 38065 - Auto control number (001) widget in advanced editor does not work under CSRF protection
  • 38082 - Advanced editor does not save the selected framework with new record
  • 31581 - Remove Zebra files for NORMARC
  • 35769 - Untranslatable strings when placing holds in staff
  • 37395 - Cannot hide columns in ERM tables
  • 37787 - Undocument koha-worker --queue elastic_index
  • 38173 - Fix description of koha-dump --exclude-indexes
  • 38177 - ERM - HoldingsIQ pagination does not work
  • 38200 - Remove dead code to delete authorities in authorities/
  • 38237 - Add logging to erm_run_harvester cronjob
  • 36171 - Extraction of Template Toolkit directive as translatable string causes patron view error in several languages
  • 38117 - "Item was not checked in" should not always show
  • 38249 - `koha-list` help typo about elastic
  • 38272 - Add permission check for erm permission to 🎓
  • 36560 - ILS-DI API POSTS cause CSRF errors
  • 38085 - Untranslatable options in OPACAuthorIdentifiersAndInformation
  • 38030 - fails with CSRF protection
  • 36317 - Koha::Biblio->host_items fails with search_ordered()
  • 38275 - Unable to delete patron card creator images
  • 37209 - Improve record overlay rules validation and styling
  • 37963 - Improve error handling and testing of ERM eUsage SUSHI
  • 37856 - Some SUSHI providers require the platform parameter
  • 37824 - Replace webpack with rspack for fun and profit
  • 38158 - Typo in inventory 'Items has no "not for loan" status'
  • 38231 - Adjust CSS for search result controls in the OPAC
  • 38266 - Incorrect attribute disabled in patron batch modification
  • 38286 - Koha::Biblio:hidden_in_opac does not need to fetch the items if OpacHiddenItemsHidesRecord is set
  • 38132 - Add data-isbn to shelfbrowser images
  • 38303 - Item's replacement price not set to defaultreplacecost if 0.00
  • 38297 - The "New vendor" button needs a permissions guard
  • 33188 - Warning in Koha::Items->hidden_in_opac
  • 38020 - Fix 'delete list' button to have same formatting as 'edit list' 🎓
  • 37872 - ILL module has issues when plugins are disabled (enable_plugins = 0)
  • 22223 - Item url double-encode when parameter is an encoded URL
  • 30397 - Duplicate '20' option in dropdown 'Show entries' menu
  • 35987 - See highlighted items below link broken
  • 37365 - Bad redirect when adding a patron message from members/
  • 37550 - dies when adding items throws an exception
  • 37684 - Direct links to expired news are broken
  • 37912 - Catalog concerns - Broken link under concern title
  • 38257 - Several functionalities broken in cart pop up
  • 38309 - Cannot delete additional fields
  • 38325 - Cannot delete invoice while viewing it
  • 35126 - Remove the use of event attributes from when adding records to lists in the OPAC
  • 37863 - Patron card batches don't detect when the patron is already in the list
  • 38329 - Remove orphan confirm_deletion() in
  • 37478 - can die on bad records
  • 37998 - Tabs and backslashes in the data break item search display
  • 38100 - Items with damaged status are shown in OPAC results as "Not available" even with AllowHoldsOnDamagedItems
  • 33348 - Show authority heading use with Elasticsearch
  • 38284 - handle_patron_status dies if patron not found
  • 37865 - Use of uninitialized value $op in string at
  • 37178 - Column "comments" in ILL requests table gives error on sorting, paging cannot be changed
  • 38390 - Add 'subscriptions+count' embed to vendors endpoint
  • 38322 - Wrong comment in t/db_dependent/api/v1/erm_users.t
  • 38328 - Cannot delete ILL batch statuses
  • 38385 - DB updates not displayed properly on the UI
  • 38344 - Don't send "Thank you !" as screen message 🎓
  • 37790 - Prevent indexing and holds queue updates when running
  • 38463 - Unnecessary CSRF token in OPAC authority search
  • 24690 - Make OPACPopupAuthorsSearch work with search terms containing parenthesis
  • 38378 - Serial frequency deletion is broken
  • 38357 - When adding new holidays Koha sometimes copies same holidays to other librarys
  • 36132 - Allow users to delete multiple patron lists at once on any page
  • 23426 - Empty AV field returned in 'patron info' in addition to those requested
  • 37326 - Batch modification should decode barcodes when using a barcode file
  • 38186 - Cancelling a hold from the holds over tab shouldn't trigger "return to home" transfer on a lost item
  • 37854 - Barcode fails when adding item during order receive (again)
  • 29818 - Cannot save subscription frequency without display order
  • 38416 - Failover to MARCXML if cannot roundtrip USMARC when indexing
  • 38239 - Incorrect number of items to pull in holds to pull report with partially filled holds
  • 28075 - Add missing UNIMARC value for coded data 135a
  • 38526 - Auth_with_* tests fail randomly
  • 38513 - Fix Biblio.t for Koha_Main_My8 test configuration 👑
  • 38495 - Cannot cancel background job (CSRF)
  • 38437 - Modal does not appear on single order receive
  • 37424 - Batch checkout silently fails if item contains materials specified (952$3)

22.11 62

Next bugs
  • 36816 - OPAC - Patron 'submit update request' does not work for clearing patron attribute types
  • 30715 - Terminology: Logs should use staff interface and not intranet for the interface 🎓
  • 36937 - api/v1/password_validation.t generates warnings
  • 36940 - Resolve two Auth warnings when AutoLocation is enabled having a branch without branchip
  • 36930 - Item search gives irrelevant results when using 2+ added filter criteria
  • 35294 - Typo in comment in C4 circulation: barocode
  • 30493 - Pending archived suggestions appear on staff interface home page
  • 37003 - Release team 24.11
  • 25387 - Merging different authority types creates no warning
  • 34444 - Statistic 1/2 not saving when updating fund after receipt
  • 36891 - Restore returning 404 from svc/bib when the bib number doesn't exist
  • 37198 - POD for GetPreparedLetter doesn't include 'objects'
  • 37044 - OPAC message from SCO missing library branch
  • 37285 - Printing lists only prints the ten first results
  • 36879 - Spurious warnings in QueryBuilder
  • 13342 - Not logged in user can place a review/comment as a deleted patron
  • 37654 - XSS in batch record import for the citation column
  • 37655 - XSS vulnerability in basic editor handling of title
  • 37656 - XSS in Advanced editor for Z39.50 search results
  • 37720 - XSS (and bustage) in label creator
  • 37861 - Fix XSS vulnerability in barcode append function
  • 37724 - Remove Koha version number from public generator metadata
  • 33339 - Formula injection (CSV Injection) in export functionality
  • 35327 - Fix capitalization of language name
  • 36531 - Koha should serve text/javascript compressed, like application/javascript is
  • 36589 - Advanced cataloging - restore the correct height of the clipboard
  • 27363 - Restore temporary selection of Z39.50 targets throughout multiple searches
  • 36461 - Advanced editor should disable RequireJS timeout with waitSeconds: 0
  • 31694 - MARC overlay rules presets don't change anything if presets are translated
  • 36212 - transferbook should not look for items without barcode
  • 35441 - Typo 'UniqueItemsFields' system preference
  • 35453 - Wrong 'Laserdisc)' string on 007 builder (MARC21)
  • 35410 - 856 label is inconsistent between detail page and search results in XSLTs 🎓
  • 35352 - Cannot hide SMSalertnumber via BorrowerUnwantedField
  • 36032 - The "Next" pagination button has a double instead of a single angle
  • 37244 - Selecting home library or holding library facet changes library dropdown
  • 36821 - Authority type text for librarians and OPAC limited to 100 characters
  • 37229 - Table configuration listings for course reserves incorrect
  • 37233 - Library URL broken in the libraries table
  • 37242 - Don't use the term branch in cash register administration
  • 37257 - Copy in OPAC datatable untranslatable
  • 37231 - (Bug 34940 follow-up) Highlight logged-in library in facets does not work with ES
  • 37108 - Cash register statistics wizard is wrongly sorting payment by home library of the manager
  • 37277 - Identifiers need a space between the ISBN (Print) and ISBN (Online) in ERM 🎓
  • 37289 - t/db_dependent/api/v1/authorised_values.t is failing under specific circumstances
  • 37271 - Recall status should be 'requested' in
  • 37404 - Typo in intranetreadinghistory description
  • 37357 - Authorised values in control fields cause Javascript errors
  • 37333 - Search filters using OR are not correctly grouped
  • 37444 - Can't filter holds to pull by pickup location
  • 37535 - Adding a debit via API will show the patron as the librarian that caused the debit
  • 37595 - Double HTML escaped ampersand in pagination bar
  • 34610 - ProtectSuperlibrarianPrivileges, not ProtectSuperlibrarian 🎓
  • 37628 - Remove get_opac_news_by_id
  • 34346 - Adding duplicate tag to a framework should give user readable message
  • 37032 - REST API: Unable to call item info via holds endpoint
  • 37679 - Dublin Core export option broken
  • 37629 - Link to news are broken
  • 34159 - Remove plan by AR_CANCELLATION choice in aqplan
  • 26929 - Koha will only display the first 20 macros Advanced Editor
  • 35442 - Script migration_tools/ is missing ORDER BY
  • 37369 - Item search column filtering can't use descriptions