Acquisitions bugs
- Blocker
- Critical
- Major
- Normal
- Minor
- Trivial
- Enhancement
- New Feature
New 374
Ability to select multiple funds / split funds for a single order
MarcFieldsToOrder cannot process repeated fields
(Bug 24161 follow-up) With IndependentBranches on a non superlibrarian librarian is not able to track late orders
EDIFACT messages table should sort by Transferred date descending by default
Closed group basket not able to open pdf file with adobe The root object is missing or invalid
Wrong values in Item type form on acqui/
Adding order from a staged file - "Some required subfields are unset"
Use REST API for suggestions tables
Suggestion management page does not show preferred name
Budgeted cost tax exc. in basket page isn't honoring OrderPriceRounding
Budgeted cost in new order form isn't honoring OrderPriceRounding
NaN displayed at accounting details when Swiss franc or SFR is used as currency
Adding multiple items doesn't update total cost
Basket group form silently removes baskets in excess of 20
Refreshing after creating a purchase suggestion will create a duplicate suggestion
Adding a suggestion to a basket when UseACQFrameworkForBiblioRecords is use publication date is not copied
Add an alert when deleting a vendor linked to a subscription
Exact punctuation and word order is needed for matching author and vendor names in acq order search
Alert should warn on importing an order to a basket if budget is exceeded
Missing branchcode column in acqorders table causes null values in the 'Library' column of invoices
Fund should be a mandatory field for invoice adjustments
Item subfields required even when supplied for each order
Filtering not working when searching for a basket number on the receive orders page
Inconsistencies with the different prices
Link to suggestion leads to undefined suggestion in
Cannot cancel received order if the parent order is deleted
Items generated through MARCItemFieldsToOrder do not receive values applied in Item Information and Default Accounting Details
Cannot sort already received table on reopening invoice
Statistic 1 and Statistic 2 dropdowns are not showing when uploading to a basket using MARC files
Multi-receiving only receives orders visible on the screen
Can modify/delete funds for locked budgets
When selecting a patron for a suggestion we have undefined fields
Wrong number of received items/quantity shown in several places
C4::Acquisition::FillWithDefaultValues handles leader incorrectly
Fund warnings do not occur when importing records from a staged file
EDI order records with zero items create one item blindly deletes field 952 regardless the MARC flavour
Search by date for invoices to close gives Error
order date language in Koha inconsistent
date ordered on ordered fund search doesn't match order date
Paginate baskets view in acquisitions
Vendor search has poor performance when system has many vendors
"Lock budget" doesn't seem to work as described
Staff interface suggestion form clears item type, quantity, library and reason if bib exists
Check amount allocated to child funds when editing amount on parent fund
itemcallnumber syspref does not work when adding items through acquisitions
Ordering from staged records will use first fund from list when none was set
Item form when creating items on receive is misaligned
Filter invoices by library in
MARCItemFieldsToOrder values lost when using Add Order button
On order receive suggestion info block always shows, even if there is no suggestion
Regression no longer totals
Clarify usage of matching dropdown on
System picks Active currency by default while adding suggestion to vendor
MarcRecordFromNewSuggestion needs mapping to biblioitems.itemtype
Cannot create fund from the Funds page unless at least one fund already exists
"Items expected" on receive shipment page is always empty
Do not hide "Total Tax Inc" on invoice details when tax has been charged
Fund list on 'aquisitions statistics' page shows wrong values
Changing AcqCreateItems value impacts baskets set to follow default behavior
Restore Filter Box on Invoice Receipt Pages
When deleting funds from an inactive budget, the results page returns to a different budget
Don't delete a fund if existing orders are linked to it
Inconsistent behavior throughout acquisitions for determining whether or not an item has been received
Disable date picker for Managed On when editing a suggestion
Series/collection is not added to the record created from a suggestion
PDF print: Purchase order overflows incorrectly
False error about missing budget on
Actual price should show correctly on order line and basket summary
Database cannot store an acquisitions discount of 100%
Patrons to notify on receiving is lost when transferred order to another vendor
Using commas in shipping cost on invoices causes issues
Funds toolbar menu items greyed out without explanation and might still work
Software Error on basket deletion with bib number in more than one aqorders line
When adding to basket from a file and using MarcFieldsToOrder items are not added to basket if missing funds
price labels are not consistent in acq
MARC::Record->new_from_usmarc does not handle UNIMARC records
'Add order' links from staged file order information isn't carried over
Orders price are not recalculated when transfered to another vendor
Receiving items with duplicate barcodes from import ( causes internal error strip 952 field (Marc21) but not 995 (Unimarc)
Improve export basket facility to avoid ISBN corruption
When using UseACQFrameworkForBiblioRecords visibility settings have no effect
Default fund is not necessary anymore in file import
Having access to subfund but not parent fund will break filters in acqui-home
Fix selecting fund users requiring budget_modify permission
EDIFACT orders fail silently if a matching EAN is not found
Fund sorting is inconsistent across different parts of Koha
Error actual cost format in receipt summary
Initial articles not ignored when sorting by the summary column in the pending_orders table
Currency of suggestions from OPAC differs from active currency
OPAC Suggestion ISBN cleared after match is found
Suggestions - Other reason text field box disappears after cancelling
Display for items not correct on receive for subscription orders
Acquisitions EDI - ORDRSP messages are loaded as invoices
Show collection when receiving items
Update the open baskets to indicate why an item can't be cancelled (like invoices)
Invoice does not completely print in Acq 18.11 Firefox
Default indicators not taken into account when creating records using UseACQFrameworkForBiblioRecords
Warns from Acquisition/
Wrong calculation of total amount spent?
Two acq webservices should use REST API
Wrong display when editing a fund
Formatting issues - accounting details form when receiving items
Patron without surname displays as null on basket summary 'Managed by'
Internal server error when duplicate/too long barcodes are used in acquisition
Acquisitions receipt search filter is too sticky
Check for required item fields when adding item to order in acquisitions
When adding a file of records to a basket in Acquisitions - and a match is found, all values that had been set has been cleared
Order should pull additional data from Purchase Suggestion
Search field on "New order > from suggestion" search for borrowernumber
When ordering from hold ratio report link to order is lost when changing filters
Correct JSHint errors in additem.js
Correct JSHint errors in acq.js
in /acqui/ 'Edit order' should be 'Receive order'
We should rename the 'Invoice Price' column in invoices
Improve display of suggestion manager if they have no firstname
When merging invoices, amounts are not correctly formatted
Holds Column in Receipt Page sorts oddly
Single parentheses in currency causes order to fail when updating
Vendors only used for ERM should not be visible for print acquisitions
Move funds between active budgets
Separate manage_all_funds permission from which funds are available for ordering
Add Donors to Acquisitions
Add library group limits to vendors
Vendor ID entered into 952$e when receiving
Add support for EDI GIR:LVT, Servicing instructions, segment
Create alert when staff submit more purchase suggestions per patron than system allows
Display "Show all invoices" link on receiving page to show closed invoices
Budget permissions need more granularity
Add ability to start an acquisition order from a cart
Show number of baskets on the Vendor details page
Add ability to make batch changes to order lines in a basket
If creating items when ordering, an alert should appear if the item type is not filled out
Allow manual editing of suggestions.biblionumber
Add ability to batch modify fund used in orders
Rename budget_* and period_manage permissions
Add import option/batch creation for purchase suggestions
Add ability to archive a vendor
Add the Vendor issues Notes field to the table that displays at /acqui/
Vendor page should change to a sortable result list table
Add the ability to add attachments to Vendor Issues
Add logging for when an acquisition basket is deleted
Standing orders: Allow to link received item to another bibliographic record on receive
Add a way to hide basketgroups if all their orders are received or cancelled
Entry boxes for monthly budget planning are too small
Receiving page in Acquisitions should display subtitle
Multi-receiving table should display subtitle
Suggestion mandatory fields needed in staff interface
Enable Item Templates in Acquisitions
OrderPdfFormat document cut off in print preview
Reviewing staged files before adding to basket
Add unitprice_tax_included on report
Add auto-complete to vendor search in the acquisition module
Add system preference to receive acq order e-mails as BCC
Invoice's shipment/shipping cost should be included PRE-gst tax (as an option)
add the ability to search by isbn or by "any" in
Search for biblionumber in acquisitions
Column suggestion is too wide when displaying more than 20 suggestions (
Add ability to limit purchase suggestion when fines are over a threshold
Vendor aliases should also work in transfer order search
Add the amount of contracts in the vendor's details page and check against it when ordering
Add budget/fund modification history
Create UI to modify and track changes to budget and fund amounts
Add ability to transfer multiple order lines
Delete cancelled order line that still refers to bibliographic record
Add additional fields to purchase suggestions
Improve the close budget screen
show reason for cancellation on order search results
Show bibliographic information of deleted records in acquisition invoices
Show bibliographic information of deleted records in acquisition order search
Alert staff about missing email address when accepting or rejecting a suggestion
Vendor interface password should have hide button
Enhancement to non-EDI receiving
Add select2 to fund selection in adjustments (invoice)
"Item information" tab should not appear when adding to a basket from a staged file if items are created using MarcItemFieldsToOrder
Add item form in acq/serials is missing Select2 style selects
Add part_name and part_number to
Title display in in wrong order (part number and part name should be right after title)
Filter in only checks 20 first results
Add URL encoding to status tabs in purchase suggestions management
FindDuplicate only checks first ISBN
Vendor issues table should have a column to display issue note
Acquisitions vendor detail page should display vendor issues
Add ability to batch update the fund code on a paid invoice
Ability to define item creation option for a vendor
If a vendor is marked as "Inactive" and they have open baskets, the basket remains open and the "Add to basket" button disappears but with no indication the vendor is inactive
Acquisition framework fails to display required next 942 $c when defined as mandatory
Show basket and price in list when receiving multiple items
Add table settings to multiple receiving table
The owner or user of a fund should be able to access infos about the fund in a read only mode
Use a specific framework for specific vendor
Add item type 942 $c to MarcFieldsToOrder
Create a nice view of budget and fund changes
Add a dropdown box on acq start page to select which inactive budget to view
Change default sort order of inactive budgets on
Make it possible to show additional fields for baskets in acq search results
DataTable controls being retained throughout different acq baskets
When RenewSerialAddsSuggestion is used, use existing record when ordering from suggestion
When RenewSerialAddsSuggestion is used, treat suggestion as "order from subscription"
Display all types of sites associated with orders in acqui/ and acqui/
Performance issues with large number of funds
Late orders link and page should be renamed
Add ability to map content of EDI FTX segment into various fields
Move file storage for AcqEnableFiles from database to the file system
Add ability to dismiss fund warning for a session
Suggestions: Archived should be a status on dropdown
Allow MaxOpenSuggestions to be set by patron type should use RDA tag 264 not tag 260
When adding items while ordering, the quantity field should not look like it can be edited
Add the ability to copy acq statistic fields into MARC structure
Keep open baskets at top when viewing vendor (
Add Requestor to PO when basket created via Quotes
Allow to decide if price is entered tax inlcuded or excluded on receive
Quantity received should default to number of unreceived items when creating items on cataloguing
Personal name (100a) field missing tag editor on acquisition framework
Add field for processing fee for invoices
Purchase Suggestions View by Hierarchical Group
Add option to repeat order line fields for next order
Direct link to favourite vendors on the acq homepage
Optionally use buyer's purchase order number from EDIFACT quote in basket name
Acq: Allow to change discount on receive
Suggestion Automatic Maintenance
Making billing date mandatory when closing invoice
Require Z39.50 feature to enter bibliographic detail during making purchase suggestion on behalf of Patron
EDIFACT messages won't allow deletion of baskets
Add ability to arbitrarily add charges to acquisitions
Show subtotals by fund on invoice summary page
Notes added to fund not visible unless editing that fund
Allow suggestion management page to default to all libraries
Allow to choose currency for calculating shipping cost
Map aqorders.order_internalnote in MarcFieldsToOrder
Show percentages for spent/encumbered/available on fund list
[Omnibus] Standardize fund pull downs
Allow modification of basket group PDF template
New permission for claims
Staff interface should have equivalent for OpacSuggestionMandatoryFields
Add a receive shipment link to unreceived orders in acq advanced search
Log changes to baskets/basket groups so you can print/download the same data as at time of creation
Retain patron-deleted suggestions
Expand MaxTotalSuggestion to have an option for a calendar month rather than a set number of days
If an EDI orderline is cancelled send a cancellation message
Make AcqItemSetSubfieldsWhenReceived branch specific
Make AcqItemSetSubfieldsWhenReceived vendor specific
Cancelling orders with no alert to existing holds
Tax number registered (aqbooksellers.gstreg) is never used
New DIN-oriented order print format (PDF-export) - layout2pagesdinde
Add a column to display ISBNs for received and on order titles
Offer option to close basket when "E-mail order" is used
Add request date to order
Show total price in table of suggestions
Collapse cancelled orders in basket summary by default
Asort1 appears in budget planning filters even when not used
Budget plans need a note that no changes can be made when budget is locked
UseACQFrameworkForBiblioRecords should have a more verbose description
Add ability to manually archive currencies
transfer easily money from a fund to an other
Add the number of orders in the table in
Optionally show information on existing items in order form
Allow all item fields to be set in MARCItemFieldsToOrder
Remember user-selected sort in a given session for purchase suggestions
Add search filters for fund, basket, and basket group to late orders page
'Save' and 'close' buttons confusing on multi-receive
Ability to merge suggestions
Allow editing "Create items when" when no orders have been created
Show number of accepted suggestions in list of options for creating a new order line
When adding an item to a basket from a purchase suggestion SUGGEST_FORMAT is lost
Add ability to preserve MARC order data when importing records into a basket
Hide closed baskets
Reuse new display of funds list from bug 20212 for shipping cost fund list
Way to receive easily documents from a specific basket
Convert vendor search box to a dropdown
Add option for adding HTML content to acquisition homepage
Show list price in foreign currency in acquisitions
Record more information about payment on invoice level
Language specific order claims notices
Integrate Amazon search with purchase suggestions
Prevent creation of same fund code within a single budget
Add Edition field to bib record created from EDI quote
Pre-select invoice currency from vendor on receive
aqorders.sort*_authcat unused?
Make it possible to record the date the order was placed/sent to the vendor
Finer control of who receives purchase suggestion notifications
Add budget information to funds pull down on creating an order
When adding orders from a staged file, number of records isn't updated
Allow subscriptions to be linked to existing orders
Add timestamp, updated_on to aqbooksellers
Improve formatting options of labels with UseACQFrameworkForBiblioRecords
Improve display of title information when viewing titles that have been ordered and received from a specific fund
Improve display of title information when viewing titles on order from a specific fund
Add select2 to fund selection in
Improve display of title information when receiving orders
Improve display of title information when ordering from an existing records
Add column configuration to tables in vendor search
Add a detail view for order lines
Allow entering of currency rate to use when receiving and ordering in acq
Automatic update of exchange rates
Display fund on acquisition details tab in catalogue/
Acq: Make it possible to edit asort1 and asort2 values on receive
Add column for percent available to acquisitions home page
Add basket name, PO number and order date on receive
Prohibit the ability to submit an EDIFACT order more than once
Create acq orders from results list in catalog
Get back the "Add order to basket" on the basket page
Additional fields in acquisitions should not automatically generate an entry called "All"
Add option to increase fund warnings when met
Refining acq add to basket workflow event listener too restrictive
Allow to select 'Any library' for suggestions
Add a note field to invoices
Statistics 1 and 2 are not filled with default values when ordering from file
Display issues for exchange rates with a lot of decimals
Allow status to be set during creation of a purchase suggestion
Use the date of closing basketgroup for calculating late orders
Make notes from the basket visible on order receive page
Add date received to basket summary
Add ability to prevent spending against parent funds
Allow sending a cancellation email to the vendor when an order is cancelled in Koha
Prefill vendor in "Add from subscription" form
Option to prefill basket name for a new order
Additional fields for vendors
Suggestion detail page marks suggestion as rejected and accepted
Notify new manager when updating suggestions from suggestions homepage
Add possibility to attach arbitrary notes to items
Ability to split up shipping cost between all items and funds on an invoice
Add column configuration to view of funds in acquisitions
Create separate prefs for activating/deactivating suggestions in OPAC and staff interface
Move itemtype on suggestions table into its own column
Can't add/delete funds with only budget_add_del permission
Allow to choose a supplier on the suggestions form
Multi-Volume ordering through acquisition
show all price fields on order search
Show qty on order search
"Warning at %" message is unclear in
Show start and end date on budget page
Total amount of each invoice should be displayed in invoices page
Minimize need for scrolling on new order page
Purchase Suggestions branch level permissions
Show statistic fields on spend and ordered reports
We cannot adjust profiles for CSV exports, for billing and delivery addresses
Enhance invoicing functionality for each line item
Item replacement cost with tax
Suggestion : Should have only one entry by title + a counter of waiting persons
Add a workflow for urgent delivery items
Enter claim data manually
Show information about existing items when ordering from an existing record
It would be nice to be able to get to 'add to basket' directly from Tools > Manage staged MARC records
Use modal to add and edit notes on receiving orders/shipments page
Way to vote for purchase suggestions
Show all details tickbox on invoice selected by default
Closed budget amounts should be fixed
Total price of a basketgroup
Improving PDF printing of baskets - Omnibus
Add a button to allow people to choose 'Next Budget' when ordering
Add a syspref regarding the use of basket groups
Make the use of basketgroup an option
Allow to enter billingdate when adding a new shipment
Allow to search for late orders by budget and fund
Currency constraints and poorly named prices
Display acquisitions notes in more areas
Deleting an EDIFACT message should ask for confirmation
New notice if an order for a suggested title has to be cancelled
Order Records from staged file missing option to choose currency to use
automatically generate basket name
modifying order quantity in has restrictions implemented in javascript that can be bypassed with the enter key
Add default shipping cost to vendor
Add ability to purge old orders
Need an interface to see items received in acquisition module
Printable work slip on receive in acquisitions
Acquisitions receipt created when an item or invoice is received
Add TT template based alternative to PDF printing for basket groups
how to generate comparative statement of book sellers in koha
Way to accept donations for purchase suggestions
Attach existing item to order/basket
Assigned 10
aqbooksellers.deliverytime should not be nullable
By default sort suggestions from latest to oldest
In new order empty first item type is selected
Clarify wording when unable to cancel order and delete record
Ability to view both the budget name and budget code in a basket
Purchase suggestions - enhancements to linking to orders
Check for duplicates when creating a new record in acquisitions
Print acquisitions and serials claims letters
Closing a basket without creating a basketgroup should not redirect to baskets list
When placing an order from a staged file, check for duplicates, display availability information, choose to overlay matched records.
In discussion 7
Suggestion from existing title can alert patron in error
Make it clear that standing orders cannot create items at point of ordering
aqbookseller addresses are combined into "physical address" field
The DelItem subroutine should be called on canceling a receipt
Large amount of late orders slows the service
To add some shortcuts to acquisitions main screen e.g. RECEIVE SHIPMENT and the FILTER BOX
Show alert when receiving an order with holds/reserves
Failed QA 23
When adding multiple items on receive, mandatory fields are not checked
Calculation around basket details and basketgroup not correct
NEW_SUGGESTION is still sent for some modifications to the suggestion
Suggestion title search returns 500 error
Required fields in budget creation are ignored if left blank
acq.js uses XMLHttpRequest() directly; should use jQuery
Add missing budget optgroups to and
Basketgroup printing doesn't support non-latin characters
Allow changing which record an order is linked to
Migrate vendors to Vue
Link suggestions to orders by adding ordernumber to suggestions table
Add a cron script to claim late orders
Cancelling an item with uncertain prices leaves the basket marked as a problem
Allow to customize CSV export of basketgroup and add a ODS export
Multiple level budget list on suggestions
Allow to select MARC fields to merge on staged MARC import
Maintain exchange rate history
Display all basketgroups on one page, and new column aqbasketgroups.closeddate
Add filters to the supplier list view
Receipt by line or invoice
Search against order numbers and pull up the related invoice to see when the item was receipted
Add EDI account to new menu on vendor page
Errors when acquiring from the new improved staged file, empty indicator warning
Patch doesn't apply 12
Actual price is not updated after it has been amended post receiving an order
Add vendor payment methods
Enhance acquisitions to allow ordering on next year's budget when still in current year.
The ability to order multiple copies of the same item from different funds
Make date range for order search configurable
Improve perfs of when there are many budgets
Add additional order fields and basket group fields to order search result list
Aquisitions onboarding tool - to help users set up acquisitions the first time
Ability to print claims for late orders
Enable addition of PO Number to order
Add a checkbox to display statistical fields in
Add a default tax rate on item types
Needs signoff 7
Provide a link to ERM agreements and licenses from a vendor record
Link vendors to ERM data providers
Add additional fields to Vendors
UNIMARC prices should also be extracted from 071d
Price extraction from MungeMarcPrice should be improved
EDIFACT breadcrumbs need to be permissions based
Improve the code for the MARC ordering process
Signed off 1
Restore "Any" option to purchase suggestion filter by fund
Passed QA 3
Add ability to manually link orders to suggestions
Add ability to mark a suggestion as Available
EDIFACT errors should log to a staff accessible location
Pushed to main 8
EDIFACT invoice files should skip orders that cannot be receipted rather than failing to complete
Having a single EDI EAN account produces a bad redirect
Autobarcode generates duplicate barcodes with AcqCreateItems = on order
Cannot set a new suggestion manager when editing a suggestion
Can't close invoices using checkboxes from
Internal server error when merging invoices
Opening, closing, or deleting and invoice from the Action drop-down can cause internal server error
Created by filter in acquisitions duplicate orders search always shows zero results
Needs documenting 20
Add missing fields to MarcItemFieldsToOrder system preference
Cannot search for vendors when transferring an item in acquisitions
Purchase suggestion changes aren't logged
Purchase suggestions from the patron account are not redirecting to the suggestion form
Incorrect barcode generation when adding orders to basket
EDIFACT messages should be sortable by 'details'
Clicking 'Close basket' from the list of baskets does nothing
Add option to place the currency symbol before or after the amount
More specific permissions for purchase suggestions
Add order search form to acquisitions module start page
Don't provide old claims fields when duplicating acquisitions orders
Link from receipt to invoice
Show bibliographic information of deleted records in acquisition baskets
Allow deletion of cancelled order lines
The EDIFACT message that receives an item should be linked on the 'Acquisition details' tab on catalogue details page
Add a hint to the EDI account form that the SFTP/FTP port will fallback to port 22 if not defined
Show 'Document type' in list of suggestions when creating an order from a suggestion
Display actual cost in foreign currency and currency from the invoice
Automated MARC record ordering process
Receiving multiple order lines at once