Hello Christian Stelzenmüller
Rolling monthly stats
- Signed Off: 0
- Passed QA: 0
- Failed QA: 0
- Documented: 0
- Pushed to main: 0
Rolling yearly stats
- Signed Off: 1
- Passed QA: 0
- Failed QA: 0
- Documented: 0
- Pushed to main: 0
Lifetime stats
- Signed Off: 8
- Passed QA: 0
- Failed QA: 4
- Documented: 1
- Pushed to main: 0
Your bugs
- Blocker
- Critical
- Major
- Normal
- Minor
- Trivial
- Enhancement
- New Feature
Reported 8
New 8
- 37140 - Add vendor automatically to 952 $e when creating items for serials
- 35971 - Adding a patron/recipient to a routing list twice creates an error
- 32763 - Display of diacritics in patrons to notify on receiving is broken
- 30202 - Option to send the cart to the library
- 28683 - Remove patrons from routing lists directly in their account
- 24017 - Search for year of birth
- 20152 - Searching for title includes all subfields from field 780
- 17090 - Logged in user can't submit more than one review
Other bugs
CC Bugs 13
Needs documenting 1
- 26567 - Allow to limit subscription search to subscriptions with routing lists
Pushed to oldstable 2
- 33237 + If TranslateNotices is off, use the default language includes in slips
- 35929 - Don't submit 'empty' changes to personal details in OPAC
Failed QA 1
- 34784 + Add ability to populate empty item call numbers for a record based on the itemcallnumber system preference
In discussion 1
- 31327 - Add color scheme picker to the OPAC
Reopened 1
- 6070 + On a new order defined from suggestion some fields were missing.
New 6
- 21092 - Bad template in patron card creator can cause server issues
- 30106 - Items silently moved to serial record without updating search index
- 22497 - '0' width can lead to an infinite loop.
- 38550 - Add dark mode option to the staff interface
- 30353 - Enhance BiblioItemtypeInfo so that item level itypes can be displayed in results
- 28710 - Formatting values starting with 0 in numbering patterns are confusing to users
Confirmed 1
- 36488 - Flatpickr creates invalid date entries