Hello Eric Phetteplace
Rolling monthly stats
- Signed Off: 0
- Passed QA: 0
- Failed QA: 0
- Documented: 0
- Pushed to main: 1
Rolling yearly stats
- Signed Off: 1
- Passed QA: 0
- Failed QA: 0
- Documented: 0
- Pushed to main: 2
Lifetime stats
- Signed Off: 2
- Passed QA: 0
- Failed QA: 0
- Documented: 0
- Pushed to main: 11
Your bugs
- Blocker
- Critical
- Major
- Normal
- Minor
- Trivial
- Enhancement
- New Feature
Reported 10
New 7
- 38949 - Table configuration for z39.50/SRU servers table
- 38912 - Elasticsearch record show is a 404 from staff catalog details
- 38054 - Select the item for single holdable item record with DisplayMultiItemHolds
- 34508 - MARC modification templates have poor results when working with multiple of a field
- 31779 - Article request form shows all locations in pickup library menu
- 30150 - Dutch option in language limits is garbled
- 27765 - Set a custom order to libraries on the libraries page in the OPAC
Reopened 1
- 35853 - "Thankyou" all one word in English language defaults for TICKET notices
Failed QA 1
- 34902 + decreaseLoanHighHolds does not reduce loan period
Pushed to oldstable 1
- 32696 + Recalls can inadvertently extend the due date
Other bugs
CC Bugs 30
Needs documenting 2
- 37587 + Wrong priority when placing multiple item-level holds
- 37888 + Default filtering of background jobs could be improved
Pushed to oldstable 2
- 37947 + Import from Z39.50 doesn't open the record in editor
- 34886 + Regression in when hold button appears
Pushed to oldoldstable 1
- 38097 + Add class to "Item was not checked out" message in checkin table
Failed QA 2
- 11300 - Add a new authority linker which searches for authority links on a Z39.50 server.
- 27182 - Add ability to rename a MARC modification template
Patch doesn't apply 2
- 22005 - System preference DecreaseLoanHighHolds incorrectly counts the number of holds
- 13345 - Choose the format for the attached file when sending a basket/list by email
In discussion 1
- 20502 + Record URL broken, when there is more than one 856 on the record
Blocked 1
- 11157 - Placing a simple item-level hold for serials.
New 18
- 25824 - DecreaseLoanHighHolds.t is still failing randomly 2
- 23923 - OpacHiddenItems displays incorrect 'No results found' when all results on first page are hidden
- 23340 - Patron import tool allows duplication of unique attributes
- 17176 - Did you mean searches should respect UseAuthoritiesForTracings and search by terms instead of numbers
- 34482 - Improve MARC21 7xx linking fields in bibliographic records [Omnibus]
- 38912 - Elasticsearch record show is a 404 from staff catalog details
- 5594 + Option to configure default sort order for items on bib records
- 21791 - Add payment type on Cash register report (cash_register_stats.pl)
- 33208 - When a recalled item is checked-in there is no indication of that the item is recalled and the recall status is not updated from requested
- 32714 - Checked out items with recalls do not indicate that in OPAC summary
- 32715 - Items with requested recalls can still be renewed
- 30942 - Optionally hide recalls button on detail page when no recall can be placed
- 30150 - Dutch option in language limits is garbled
- 25465 - Batch delete records based on imported MARC batch
- 16510 - When record items exceed OpacMaxItemsToDisplay opacSerialDefaultTab is ignored
- 22232 - Use Advanced cataloguing editor (Rancor) for authority records
- 21653 - add koha-cronlogaction script, which will call C4/Log::cronlogaction with the remaining command line arguments set as "info" in the logs.
- 28185 - Allow staff to add or reset OPAC renewals
Confirmed 1
- 27365 - Koha doesn't check marcxml field size is < 10000 and fails in various places