Hello Andrew Auld

Rolling monthly stats

Rolling yearly stats

  • Signed Off: 1
  • Failed QA: 1

Lifetime stats

  • Signed Off: 43
  • Failed QA: 4
  • Pushed to main: 4

Your bugs

  • Blocker
  • Critical
  • Major
  • Normal
  • Minor
  • Trivial
  • Enhancement
  • New Feature

Reported 7

New 3

  • 37862 - Remember for session checkbox and date revert to checked when switching patron
  • 37028 - Home page buttons should even themselves up if staff permissions hide more from one side
  • 36886 - Allow Patron messages to be restricted to predetermined messages only. No free text messages.

Signed off 2

  • 37360 - Add 'Protected Status' as one of the things that can be updated via Batch Patron Modification tool
  • 37148 - Move the filter bar in Holds to Pull report from the bottom to the top of the table

Pushed to oldstable 1

  • 34573 + Inconsistencies in acquisitions modify vendor title tag

Pushed to stable 1

  • 37029 + 'About Koha' button on staff side homepage seems out of place among application buttons

Other bugs

CC Bugs 11

Pushed to main 1

  • 13888 + 'Lists' permission should allow/disallow using the lists module in staff

Needs QA 3

  • 37360 - Add 'Protected Status' as one of the things that can be updated via Batch Patron Modification tool
  • 36118 + ILL request log does not display patron information
  • 35570 + Add a generic master form in ILL

Failed QA 3

  • 30295 - Send a notification when a recall is manually cancelled
  • 22890 - Add a chronological changelog
  • 33075 - Add ability to mark an item as floating

Assigned 2

  • 37576 - Add additional fields support to ERM Agreements
  • 37577 - Add additional fields support to ERM Packages

New 2

  • 37862 - Remember for session checkbox and date revert to checked when switching patron
  • 33254 - 2FA - Trust current device