Hello Emmi Takkinen
Rolling monthly stats
- Signed Off: 0
- Passed QA: 0
- Failed QA: 1
- Documented: 0
- Pushed to main: 1
Rolling yearly stats
- Signed Off: 5
- Passed QA: 0
- Failed QA: 2
- Documented: 0
- Pushed to main: 25
Lifetime stats
- Signed Off: 27
- Passed QA: 0
- Failed QA: 6
- Documented: 0
- Pushed to main: 62
Your bugs
- Blocker
- Critical
- Major
- Normal
- Minor
- Trivial
- Enhancement
- New Feature
Reported 10
New 7
- 38725 - Warning message from Koha::Plugins::Base in error logs
- 37358 - Search filter not displayed on holdings table if SeparateHoldings is disabled
- 32604 - Patron categories upper age limit not respected when creating a patron
- 30618 - Important and mandatory select fields not highlighted on additem.pl
- 24911 - Exception holidays treated as unique holidays in calendar
- 24782 - Calendar edit only applies to first day
- 23687 - Guarantor info not asked when patron is changed to child
In discussion 1
- 32266 - Large amount of late orders slows the service
Needs signoff 1
- 23269 + Long hold queues are slowing the service
Passed QA 1
- 38253 + REST API: Toggle holds lowest priority via REST API
Needs work 13
Patch doesn't apply 1
- 39014 - Storing a guarantee fails due to TrackLastPatronActivityTriggers "creating a patron"
Failed QA 7
- 23415 + Notify patron fines when renewing
- 34671 - Collapsing fields in patron form allows saving without mandatory fields
- 17897 + Koha::SearchMappingManager - Simplify search mapping modifications
- 32340 - Several tests failing for t/db_dependent/Reserves.t
- 29074 - DefaultHoldExpirationdatePeriod blank value interpreted as zero
- 13961 - Option to include patron's total amount of fines in notices
- 28584 - Remove hyphens from EAN when adding a new record
In discussion 1
- 32306 + Hold modifications don't log correctly
Assigned 4
Other bugs
CC Bugs 57
Needs documenting 6
- 37290 + Deleting circulation rule for a specific library deletes for All libraries instead
- 37249 + Item search column filtering broken
- 37383 + No edit item button on catalog detail page for items where holding library is not logged in library
- 34064 + Compare kohastructure.sql against current database using database audit script
- 34611 + Add a script for pseudonymizing existing data
- 26597 + Transfer information from guarantor when adding a guarantor to an existing patron
Pushed to oldstable 2
- 30230 + Search for patrons in checkout should not require edit_borrowers permission
- 34360 + [WARN] DBIx::Class::ResultSetColumn::new(): Attempting to retrieve non-unique column 'biblionumber' on a resultset containing one-to-many joins will return duplicate results
Pushed to main 2
- 34068 + Dropdown selector when changing pickup library should not depend on RESTdefaultPageSize
- 38512 + Item table status column display is wrong when record has recalls
Needs QA 2
- 37334 - Cannot filter holdings table by status
- 33260 + Show message queue on staff interface and make notices printable
Failed QA 9
- 36466 - Incorrect date value stored when "Published on" or "Expected on" are empty
- 25533 - Perl "not numeric" warning on the "Holds" page
- 28974 - Add pagination to holds queue viewer
- 19037 - Circulation and fine rules test tool
- 32729 - Deleting an item removes the itemnumber from old_issues when it probably should not
- 33075 - Add ability to mark an item as floating
- 13816 - Set Overdue letter fine to the overduerules
- 12617 - Koha should let admins to configure automatically generated password complexity/difficulty
- 12388 - IssueSlip output should be sorted by date_due, not timestamp
Patch doesn't apply 5
- 26440 - Not renewable Supersedes On Hold
- 18595 - Move C4::Members::Messaging to Koha namespace
- 25260 - Merge 'reserves' and 'old_reserves' into a new 'holds' table
- 35604 + ILL - Allow for automatic backend selection 📝 🎯 🎯
- 20447 + Add support for MARC holdings records
In discussion 5
- 35815 - [Elasticsearch] Fix indexing of bibliographic records when items are deleted
- 36101 + Deleting an item removes the itemnumber from old_reserves when it should not
- 20271 - Merge deleted biblio, biblioitems, biblio_metadata, and items tables
- 24718 - Introduce hour-based holds
- 14912 - Sort Advanced Search Languages by priority
Blocked 2
- 31415 - Script to automate converting holds to recalls
- 10744 - ExpireReservesMaxPickUpDelay works with hold(s) over report
Assigned 2
- 21507 - Decimal separators issues in patrons payments/fines, simplified
- 25228 - Patron messaging preferences clearing if duplicate warning
New 22
- 28896 - Checkin Slip doesn't work for anonymized checkouts
- 36848 - Cannot make "Protected" field required via BorrowerMandatory syspref
- 36131 - checkout/patron notes not displayed after a checkin
- 35333 - Koha::Patron->add_guarantor not checking anything
- 33096 - DefaultHoldExpirationdate does not show date when placing hold
- 34826 - Circulation rules edit row select elements don't always update when selecting new row for editing
- 34776 - Patron messaging preferences are lost when an error occurs during new account creation
- 13498 - 'email' templates used for printing slips
- 22926 - Use standard columns configuration on batch item modification and delete pages
- 35421 - Is "A guarantor cannot be a guarantee." still correct?
- 30198 - Add privacy elements to reports
- 33495 - Patron search results can be misleading
- 24968 - Add system preference controls for cronjobs
- 22439 - Duplicated code in PrepHostMarcField and prepare_host_field
- 30533 - Add exact search option for patrons
- 35226 - Items are In transit and Available at the same time
- 11340 - Make the 'print summary' a custom slip/notice
- 27663 - statistics table should have some way to include items.permanent_location
- 25934 - [OMNIBUS] Passwords should be more complex / password policy complexity
- 32719 - db_revs 210600001 can take a long time
- 32704 - Age restrictions in patron categories
- 29295 - Page specific jQuery