Hello Michaela Sieber
Rolling monthly stats
- Signed Off: 0
- Passed QA: 0
- Failed QA: 0
- Documented: 0
- Pushed to main: 0
Rolling yearly stats
- Signed Off: 23
- Passed QA: 0
- Failed QA: 5
- Documented: 0
- Pushed to main: 0
Lifetime stats
- Signed Off: 59
- Passed QA: 0
- Failed QA: 8
- Documented: 0
- Pushed to main: 0
Your bugs
- Blocker
- Critical
- Major
- Normal
- Minor
- Trivial
- Enhancement
- New Feature
Reported 15
New 8
- 38945 - Search box on Search field panel in Elasticsearch configuration does not work
- 38905 - API Update an item for a biblio should use edit_items instead edit_catalogue
- 36955 - Extend data providers in eUsage for different SUSHI credentials in multi branch systems
- 36927 - ERM eUsage reports : Display by year does not work
- 35400 - Public lists permission
- 35022 - Local use preferences - variable should be a required field
- 35021 - Custom fields for koha to marc mapping
- 34491 - Add select2 to fund selection in adjustments (invoice)
Failed QA 2
- 38446 - Permission error for additional fields
- 36925 - ERM eUsage reports : data table filter does not work
Signed off 1
- 37418 - Expand delete_patron.pl / Patrons with defined restrictions should not be deleted
Pushed to oldstable 1
- 37183 + Serials batch edit changes the expiration date to TODAY
Needs documenting 3
Other bugs
CC Bugs 188
Needs documenting 25
- 38436 + Adjust code for column visibility (after DataTables upgrade)
- 33766 + Fix ambiguous form field in OPAC login form
- 35655 + Make it possible to switch off RabbitMQ without any warns in logs/about page
- 37383 + No edit item button on catalog detail page for items where holding library is not logged in library
- 28151 - Missing documentation on variable "access_dir"
- 29354 - Make overdue_notices.pl send HTML attachment as .html
- 36026 + Add TLS MySQL connection without mutual authentication
- 35044 + Additional fields: Allow for repeatable fields
- 33568 + Use the REST API to display items on the staff biblio detail view 🎯
- 33363 + More specific permissions for purchase suggestions
- 34805 + Add order search form to acquisitions module start page
- 14180 + Make "Always show checkouts immediately" a global setting
- 36503 + Add a plugin hook to modify patrons after authentication
- 10758 + Show bibliographic information of deleted records in acquisition baskets
- 29816 - Document patron emailer cronjob
- 18360 + Allow deletion of cancelled order lines
- 25996 + Changes to restrictions should be logged
- 35576 + Make the callnumber column easier to customize when viewing the holds queue report
- 33087 + OPACHoldsIfAvailableAtPickup considers On order as available
- 32705 + Display actual cost in foreign currency and currency from the invoice
- 32548 + Make illrequestattributes easily available to ILL notices
- 33281 + Improve authority links and add them to MARC preview
- 34355 + Automated MARC record ordering process
- 35287 + Add additional fields support to ERM licenses
- 8179 + Receiving multiple order lines at once
Pushed to stable 1
- 37392 + Edit item permission by library group is broken
Pushed to oldstable 11
- 35111 + Background jobs worker crashes on SIGPIPE when database connection lost in Ubuntu 22.04
- 34886 + Regression in when hold button appears
- 32305 + Background worker doesn't check job status when received from rabbitmq
- 33237 + If TranslateNotices is off, use the default language includes in slips
- 35466 + bulkmarcimport needs a parameter to skip indexing
- 30230 + Search for patrons in checkout should not require edit_borrowers permission
- 34718 - Input field in fund list (Select2) on receive is inactive
- 34029 + Import breaks when data exceeds size of mapped database columns
- 32565 - Holds placed when all libraries are closed do not get added to holds queue if HoldsQueueSkipClosed and RealTimeHoldsQueue are enabled
- 34963 - Unable to delete fields in suggestions
- 36395 - Useless fetch of AV categories in admin/marc_subfields_structure.pl
Pushed to oldoldstable 8
- 38437 + Modal does not appear on single order receive
- 34444 + Statistic 1/2 not saving when updating fund after receipt
- 36049 + Rounding prices sometimes leads to incorrect results
- 37963 - Improve error handling and testing of ERM eUsage SUSHI
- 37304 + Created by filter in acquisitions advanced orders search always shows zero results
- 37233 - Library URL broken in the libraries table
- 36930 + Item search gives irrelevant results when using 2+ added filter criteria
- 37856 - Some SUSHI providers require the platform parameter
Pushed to main 7
- 38913 + Elasticsearch indexing explodes with some oversized records with UTF-8 characters
- 38155 + Can't close invoices using checkboxes from invoices.pl
- 37810 - Some SUSHI providers return ServiceActive instead of Service_Active
- 36836 + Review ERM module for translation issues 👑
- 33454 - Improve breadcrumbs for patron lists 🎓
- 29440 + Refactor/clean up bulkmarcimport.pl
- 30708 + Creation of a new 'Preservation' module
Ready to push 3
- 31632 + Add ability to manually link orders to suggestions 🎯
- 37273 + Add ID column to Agreements table in the ERM 🎓
- 30300 + Add patron expiration email to patron messaging preferences 📝
Needs QA 5
- 36833 + Update German translations for new languages added
- 16721 + Add table configuration to serial claims table
- 33224 - OPACHoldsIfAvailableAtPickup and no on-shelf holds don't mix well
- 37094 - Improve layout of serial claims page
- 38331 - Add date accessioned, item lost on, damaged on, withdrawn on, and date last seen columns to itemsearch results
Needs signoff 3
- 37472 - Make plugins translatable
- 38694 - Boost exact title matches in Elasticsearch
- 21469 - Account for 'MarcOrgCode' preference in 'Enhanced Analytics Workflow'
Failed QA 15
- 26282 - Allow staff to decide if a hold cancellation notice will be sent when cancelling a hold 👑
- 32748 - Library limitations will cause data loss when editing items
- 32702 - Item statuses that block holds should be checked in CanItemBeReserved
- 35114 + Calculation around basket details and basketgroup not correct
- 33276 - Library limitations will cause data loss when editing locations in the subscription form
- 17649 - Create only one message per borrower and overdue level
- 27063 - Allow changing which record an order is linked to
- 38010 - Migrate vendors to Vue
- 7376 + Transfer limits should be checked at check-in
- 34164 - OAuth2/OIDC should redirect to page that initiated login
- 37050 + Add select2 to SQL report multi select
- 20340 - Ability to use authentication plugin
- 20028 + Export all patron related personal data in one package
- 7571 + Maintain exchange rate history
- 38666 - Closed stack requests
Patch doesn't apply 3
- 26744 - Log changes to extended patron attributes
- 28224 - Make date range for order search configurable 🎓
- 11870 - Add additional order fields and basket group fields to order search result list
In discussion 8
- 38375 - SIP2 syspref SIP2SortBinMapping is not working 👑
- 37605 - Why do the vue apps use 'dialog' in place of modals?
- 1993 + Task Scheduler Needs Re-write
- 35815 - [Elasticsearch] Fix indexing of bibliographic records when items are deleted
- 31327 - Add color scheme picker to the OPAC
- 31330 - Branchcode used for routing preview can be wrong
- 29392 - Add plugin hooks before merging biblios or authorities
- 20271 - Merge deleted biblio, biblioitems, biblio_metadata, and items tables
Blocked 1
- 24097 - Don't show claims tab in patron account, when there are no claims
Assigned 5
- 21507 - Decimal separators issues in patrons payments/fines, simplified
- 27767 - Number of elements in cart is not updated when records are deleted or merged
- 34472 - Template Toolkit reference guide needed 🎯
- 38388 - Investigate DataTables's extension SearchBuilder
- 7132 + Check for duplicates when creating a new record in acquisitions
New 91
- 35319 - Default sorting of the holdings table with OPACHoldingsDefaultSortField is broken
- 38760 - koha-mysql doesn't work with encrypted database connection
- 38825 - possible inconsistency in the link between title and vendor
- 36360 - Link ILL requests to surviving patron record when patrons are merged
- 33782 - Oauth2/OIDC identity providers code is not covered by unit tests
- 15347 - itemcallnumber syspref does not work when adding items through acquisitions
- 29898 - Overdues.pm line 663, Use of uninitialized value in string eq 🎓
- 31825 - On order receive suggestion info block always shows, even if there is no suggestion
- 30754 - Library transfer limits should not allow for matching library to be unselected
- 38759 - koha-mysql doesn't work with timezone set in koha-conf.xml
- 37934 - Extend length of API Key, requestor ID and customer ID for data providers
- 38449 - Move additional fields for ERM packages above list of titles in package
- 36361 - Show warning about pending ILL requests when a patron is deleted
- 35312 - When circulation is blocked by noissuecharge, total of outstanding charges can be wrong
- 35758 - Background jobs should not log personal data apart from borrowernumber
- 35080 - Additional fields submitted in paycollect.pl?writeoff_individual are not saved
- 36626 - We should rename the 'Invoice Price' column in invoices
- 38911 - Map optional KBART columns to additional fields in ERM titles
- 31698 - Add ability to move a hold to a new biblio/item
- 38878 - overlap of periods in Agreements should be forbidden
- 37502 - Holdings table needs an ERM tab
- 37721 - Add Donors to Acquisitions
- 38290 - Add library group limits to vendors
- 12355 - Print quick slip should not print items renewed in OPAC
- 2646 + Add sort option for the series number
- 17485 - Add MARC modification templates to Z39.50 import
- 36046 - Choose staff interface homepage default action
- 37022 - Allowing holds on not for loan item types
- 17387 - Add an undelete feature for items/biblios
- 34783 - Update list of 'Contributing companies and institutions' on about page
- 37935 - Add external_id to erm_eholdings_resources
- 19501 - New list category to restrict specific lists to staff & hide from OPAC
- 15248 - Make it possible to configure duplicate check on bibliographic records
- 37674 - Vendor page should change to a sortable result list table
- 33305 - Standing orders: Allow to link received item to another bibliographic record on receive
- 35299 - Allow for items with specific not for loan values to appear in the holds queue
- 37007 - Should we move vendors out of the acq module?
- 35765 - No permissions to create Public Lists
- 17455 - Add system preference to receive acq order e-mails as BCC
- 22861 - Add ability to turn on/off the display of a public list
- 29533 - Add additional fields to items
- 25916 - Create UI to modify and track changes to budget and fund amounts
- 35359 - Granular Cataloging permissions
- 15789 - Permission to override NoIssuesCharge should be distinct from broader force_checkout permission
- 36731 - Delete cancelled order line that still refers to bibliographic record
- 10734 - Add Publication Date Facet in Searching
- 5276 + subscription end date shouldn't be required / allow indefinite subscriptions
- 24580 - Allow patron_emailer or parallel structure to generate custom print notices from report output
- 26890 - Add opac_biblio_tab and opac_biblio_enhancements_toolbar_button hooks
- 32751 - [Omnibus] Extend, improve and standardize additional fields
- 13325 - Create a nice view of budget and fund changes
- 32755 - Make it possible to show additional fields for baskets in acq search results
- 34168 - Make it possible to configure display sequence of additional fields
- 35301 - Move file storage for AcqEnableFiles from database to the file system
- 33298 - Add a internal/non-public note field to serial issues
- 32753 - Add ability to hide some subscriptions from OPAC
- 29089 - When placing a hold, delivery by mail / in house delivery should be an option
- 33255 - Update the manual with information on searching with Elasticsearch
- 34191 - Record overlay rule to protect 942 with asterisk being ignored with z39.50 overlay
- 12967 - Allow to choose currency for calculating shipping cost
- 30247 - Add a receive shipment link to unreceived orders in acq advanced search
- 34231 - Allow different input formats for monetary values
- 34166 - Show total price in table of suggestions
- 34167 - Make it possible to group additional fields into sections like patron attributes
- 34165 - When the barcode of a deleted item is scanned, show a helpful hint
- 31210 - Add option to use different library name in OPAC and staff interface
- 33846 - 'Save' and 'close' buttons confusing on multi-receive
- 33665 - When editing items, you don't see total of items
- 33660 - Allow editing "Create items when" when no orders have been created
- 33661 - Show number of accepted suggestions in list of options for creating a new order line
- 12104 - Add print label to serials receive
- 32749 - Additional fields: Make searchable and display in result list separate attributes
- 32756 - Additional fields: Allow additional fields to be defined as links
- 32754 - Add table configuration to subscription search results list
- 32750 - Additional fields: Allow fields to be marked as mandatory
- 18412 - Show list price in foreign currency in acquisitions
- 24971 - Pre-select invoice currency from vendor on receive
- 13559 - Forced item level hold should be highlighted on return
- 16723 - Add additional subscription fields to serial claim notices
- 31938 - Add vendor to subscription search result list
- 31472 - Extend FindDuplicate to use 001 + 003
- 13956 - Add budget information to funds pull down on creating an order
- 28131 - Allow subscriptions to be linked to existing orders
- 30752 - Show hint on Library transfer limits admin page, when UseBranchTransferLimits is inactive
- 31423 - Add a detail view for order lines
- 25656 - Allow entering of currency rate to use when receiving and ordering in acq
- 28746 - Add OPAC equivalent for RestrictionBlockRenewing system preference
- 30298 - Ability to print labels from Serial Collection
- 14587 - Acq: Make it possible to edit asort1 and asort2 values on receive
- 21577 - Enable Koha to act as Shibboleth identity provider
- 23616 - Private repeatable note field needed in Serials Subscription Record