Hello Michelle Spinney
Rolling monthly stats
- Signed Off: 0
- Passed QA: 0
- Failed QA: 0
- Documented: 0
- Pushed to main: 0
Rolling yearly stats
- Signed Off: 8
- Passed QA: 0
- Failed QA: 0
- Documented: 0
- Pushed to main: 0
Lifetime stats
- Signed Off: 11
- Passed QA: 0
- Failed QA: 0
- Documented: 0
- Pushed to main: 0
Your bugs
- Blocker
- Critical
- Major
- Normal
- Minor
- Trivial
- Enhancement
- New Feature
Other bugs
CC Bugs 106
Needs documenting 21
- 38094 + Librarians with only fast add permission can no longer edit existing fast add records
- 38076 + Librarians with only fast add permission can no longer edit or create fast add records
- 38126 + Holds queue is allocating holds twice when using TransportCostMatrix and LocalHoldsPriority
- 37543 - connexion_import_daemon.pl stopped working in 24.05 due to API changes related to CSRF-Token
- 36640 - Upgrade DataTables from 1.13.6 to 2.x
- 37383 + No edit item button on catalog detail page for items where holding library is not logged in library
- 37340 + EDIFACT messages should be sortable by 'details'
- 36054 + Don't mark MARC21 005 as mandatory in frameworks now that AddBiblio and ModBibilio will set it no matter what
- 33292 + Claim return doesn't refund lost item charge when MarkLostItemsAsReturned includes "When marking an item as a return claim" and "Refund lost item fee" is on
- 27919 + Split claims return from LOST
- 36641 + Add an endpoint to list circulation rules
- 36085 + Setting and unsetting the protected flag should be limited to superlibrarian accounts
- 35191 + Make entries per page configurable for items table on staff detail page
- 33418 - Allow setting overlay_framework for connexion imports
- 35826 + Optimize building of holds queue based on transport cost matrix
- 30047 + Add a field to auth_header to record main heading as text string
- 36510 - Add CircControl information to circulation and fine rules page
- 35746 - Multiple selections for parameters used in the IN function
- 31557 + Add ability for holds queue builder to prioritize either matching a patron's home library to the item's home or holding library
- 35564 + Add home library (homebranch) column to holds queue report
- 34355 + Automated MARC record ordering process
Pushed to oldstable 5
- 35518 + Call to C4::Context->userenv happens before it's gets populated breaks code logic in circulation
- 35913 + Item order prices do not fall back to MarcFieldsToOrder if not set by MarcItemFieldsToOrder
- 35483 + Restore item level to record level hold switch in hold table
- 33099 + Add missing MARC21 match authority mappings so "Search all headings" search works
- 35438 + Importing records can create too large transactions
Pushed to oldoldstable 4
- 38680 + [24.05.x] copyno not copied over when set in MarcItemFieldsToOrder system preference
- 38271 + Missing 008 field in bibliographic records created via EDIFACT
- 38188 + Fix populating borrowernumberslist from patron_search_selections
- 38117 + "Item was not checked in" should not always show
Pushed to main 1
- 27153 + ElasticSearch should search keywords apostrophe blind
Ready to push 1
- 26869 - Enable batch record modification to create 952/item on existing bibs 📝
Needs QA 3
- 37334 - Cannot filter holdings table by status
- 35654 - Add option to delete_items.pl to delete record if existing item getting deleted is the only one attached to the bib
- 32773 - Have the ability to have more than 1 Fast Add framework
Needs signoff 1
- 36372 + Allow privileged users to set the 'record source' on cataloguing
Failed QA 7
- 37035 + Merging authorities triggers rebuilding holds for all affected records when RealTimeHoldsQueue is enabled
- 34596 + Items in transit should not show up in the holds queue
- 34149 - Syndetics cover images don't load in staff interface detail page if other images services are enabled
- 20813 + Revamp user permissions system
- 37680 - "Limit to records with available items" should consider withdrawn and negative not for loan status as unavailable
- 38079 - Add ability to choose sorting for holdings table
- 31498 - Allow for custom primary contact method values
Patch doesn't apply 2
- 31606 - Enhance acquisitions to allow ordering on next year's budget when still in current year.
- 28642 - Add IndependentBranches syspref to hide other items and libraries
In discussion 5
- 38122 - Cannot sort holdings table by status
- 26342 - Suspended hold not marked filled when patron checks out item
- 11583 - Add WYSIWYG editor for HTML notices/letters
- 37738 - Framework update accessibility for existing installations
- 24718 - Introduce hour-based holds
Blocked 2
- 7012 + Limit to available does not exclude in-transit items
- 33729 - Add a column for dateaccessioned to item search results
Assigned 3
- 20747 - Allow LocalHoldsPriority to fill by hierarchical groups system rather than individual library
- 36135 - Add tool to batch modify holds
- 36094 - svc/authentication needs adjustments
New 51
- 38833 - Log merge of bibliographic records
- 38281 - Cancelled hold on hold shelf at Library B shows the item as being in the stacks at Library A
- 37052 - Restrict reports so they can only be run by permitted users
- 21972 - Record matching rule for authorities only works for first 20 authority records
- 36226 - Large patron databases create difficult patron auto-complete searches
- 33605 - Import framework and overlay framework are not stored for imports
- 34960 - Page does not load at in-page anchor after applying item template
- 33772 - Header search input no longer has an outline when focused
- 35693 - Granular Permissions to Everything
- 21860 - MARC modification templates cannot check or change indicators
- 31698 - Add ability to move a hold to a new biblio/item
- 33432 - Move a list of items from a record to an other
- 37661 - Disable/Enable Bookings
- 36279 - Resending notice after changing delivery method still uses old method
- 38247 - Display item type in the Holds table in patron record
- 27730 - Innocent changes to framework silently delete bibliographic data
- 28915 - MARC Modification Templates should allow specification of a position or range within a control field
- 6532 + Way to move items to another record in batches
- 17387 - Add an undelete feature for items/biblios
- 38267 - Option to show a default cover image if no cover image is returned from source
- 30557 - Add ability to create Item lists
- 38007 - Records created through acquisitions with the ACQ framework are saved in Default
- 26027 - Add ability to let librarians know why higher priority holds were skipped
- 30198 - Add privacy elements to reports
- 38124 - Don't show patron lists tab if there are no patron lists
- 34179 - Make authority MARC preview look like bibliographic MARC preview
- 32337 - Add option to block holds with restrictions
- 35178 - Add option to save item search as an SQL report
- 37968 - Add ability to store branchcode for messages in the queue and send by branchcode
- 36444 - Place Holds for Patrons Purchase Suggestion when not using Acquisitions Process
- 24843 - Allow change of framework via batch record modification
- 29830 - Superlibrarian unable to delete patron list
- 34439 - Extend Item Templates to allow for editing of existing items
- 37422 - Add another normalization rule to ignore trailing spaces in Record Matching Rules
- 36460 - When lost item payment is voided or refunded prompt librarian for new status
- 33793 - Add method to define limited access to run reports
- 31197 - Authority permissions need more granularity
- 5598 + Ability to clone circulation rules to list of patron categories
- 35359 - Granular Cataloging permissions
- 23705 - Add a syspref to enable record locking, so that when one record is opened to be edited, it's read only for other users
- 36670 - Add a button to intranet detail for a biblio to enable "Reindex this record now"
- 36611 - Allow definition of local tooltips
- 5807 + Add collection code to circulation rules
- 36364 - Enhancement to non-EDI receiving
- 26482 - Add macros ability to basic editor
- 20678 - Save draft records without committing them to the catalogue
- 32328 - Add ability to specify how long an item stays on a library's holds queue
- 34965 - Authority match failing due to possible encoding conflicts
- 33374 - Holds captured at different branch when pickup branch has a copy on shelf can create long wait times for patrons
- 33773 - Possible CSS adjustments for the header search usability improvement
- 12141 - On Display Module