Hello Jan Kissig
Rolling monthly stats
- Signed Off: 0
- Passed QA: 0
- Failed QA: 0
- Documented: 0
- Pushed to main: 0
Rolling yearly stats
- Signed Off: 6
- Passed QA: 0
- Failed QA: 0
- Documented: 0
- Pushed to main: 8
Lifetime stats
- Signed Off: 11
- Passed QA: 0
- Failed QA: 0
- Documented: 0
- Pushed to main: 11
Your bugs
- Blocker
- Critical
- Major
- Normal
- Minor
- Trivial
- Enhancement
- New Feature
Reported 4
New 1
- 37060 - KOCT cannot send circulation data due to missing CSRF token
Failed QA 1
- 37020 - bulkmarcimport gets killed after update to 24.05. when inserting large files 👑
Pushed to oldoldstable 1
- 37535 + Adding a debit via API will show the patron as the librarian that caused the debit
Pushed to stable 1
- 38683 + OPAC cover images are only shown on first result page
Other bugs
CC Bugs 14
Needs documenting 4
- 33766 + Fix ambiguous form field in OPAC login form
- 31787 - [DOCS] Add description and examples to membership_expiry.pl about --where option
- 36085 + Setting and unsetting the protected flag should be limited to superlibrarian accounts
- 23336 + Add an API endpoint for checking an item out to a patron
Pushed to oldstable 2
- 37429 + Can't edit bibliographic records anymore (empty form)
- 34585 + "When to charge" columns value not copied when editing circulation rule
Pushed to oldoldstable 1
- 31694 + MARC overlay rules presets don't change anything if presets are translated
Pushed to main 1
- 33268 + Overlay rules don't work correctly when source is set to * 👑
Needs signoff 1
- 30975 + Use event delegation for framework plugins to avoid using private jQuery method _data
Patch doesn't apply 2
In discussion 1
- 38375 - SIP2 syspref SIP2SortBinMapping is not working 👑