Hello Emily Lamancusa (emlam)
Rolling monthly stats
- Signed Off: 1
- Passed QA: 4
- Failed QA: 2
- Documented: 0
- Pushed to main: 6
Rolling yearly stats
- Signed Off: 17
- Passed QA: 85
- Failed QA: 19
- Documented: 0
- Pushed to main: 37
Lifetime stats
- Signed Off: 41
- Passed QA: 112
- Failed QA: 35
- Documented: 1
- Pushed to main: 48
Your bugs
- Blocker
- Critical
- Major
- Normal
- Minor
- Trivial
- Enhancement
- New Feature
Reported 38
New 30
- 38842 - Refactor modal logic in returns.tt / returns.pl
- 38757 - Adding order from a staged file - "Some required subfields are unset"
- 38756 - Fix "See highlighted items below" link without using an onclick attribute
- 38734 - Default notice templates should use preferred_name
- 38703 - Merged patrons should keep the most recent lastseen date
- 38623 - Suggestion management page does not show preferred name
- 38317 - Support hiding preferred_name from patron modification screen on OPAC but not staff client (or vice versa)
- 37825 - Vendor contract entry form does not correctly validate missing start and end dates
- 37499 - Remove global variables from addbiblio.pl
- 37228 - API endpoint to set password for patron requires full borrowers permission, but should only require 'edit_borrowers'
- 36958 - Internal server error when importing MARC file with bad encoding into an order
- 36625 - t/db_dependent/Koha/Biblio.t leaves test data in the database
- 36580 - Keydown event properties (keyCode and which) are both deprecated
- 36259 - Port default SERIAL_ALERT notice to Template Toolkit syntax 🎓 🎯
- 36258 - Port default SHARE_ACCEPT and SHARE_INVITE notices to Template Toolkit syntax 🎯
- 36257 - Port default DISCHARGE notice to Template Toolkit syntax 🎓 🎯
- 36255 - Port default OPAC_REG_VERIFY notice to Template Toolkit syntax 🎓 🎯
- 36254 - Port default PASSWORD_RESET and STAFF_PASSWORD_RESET notices to Template Toolkit syntax 🎯
- 36253 - Port default acquisition notices to Template Toolkit syntax 🎓 🎯
- 36124 - Port default Article Request notices to Template Toolkit syntax 🎓 🎯
- 36107 - Port default DUEDGST and PREDUEDGST notices to Template Toolkit 🎯
- 36024 - Cancellation requests for waiting holds - errors caused by duplicate requests
- 35780 - HoldsAutoFill allows both a hold and a recall to be filled simultaneously by the same item
- 35751 - When recording local use with a statistical patron, alert of active transfers
- 34984 - Canceling a hold from the holds over tab shouldn't update the last seen date
- 34669 - Streamline workflow for canceling expired holds from 'holds awaiting pickup'
- 34495 - AutomaticConfirmTransfer does not confirm if the check-in form is resubmitted
- 33651 - Separate user permissions for tools/batchMod.pl versus tools/automatic_item_modification_by_age.pl
- 33446 - Revert transit status should have the option to cancel the item transfer as well
- 33209 - There should be a notice for "revert hold waiting status"
Blocked 1
- 36260 - Port default PROBLEM_REPORT notice to Template Toolkit syntax 🎓 🎯
In discussion 2
- 38062 - If not using RecordLocalUseOnReturn, "Return" statistic is recorded regardless of whether item was checked out in the first place
- 32920 - ES indexer should gracefully handle a bad bib record when reindexing after a batch modification
Needs signoff 2
- 36256 - Port default MEMBERSHIP_EXPIRY notice to Template Toolkit syntax 🎓 🎯
- 36020 - Port default recall notices to Template Toolkit 🎓
Signed off 1
- 36109 - Port default ODUE notice to Template Toolkit 👑 🎯
Pushed to oldoldstable 1
- 37505 + Statistical patrons don't display information about item status if item wasn't checked out
Pushed to oldstable 1
- 32565 - Holds placed when all libraries are closed do not get added to holds queue if HoldsQueueSkipClosed and RealTimeHoldsQueue are enabled
Needs work 1
New 1
- 15278 - [Omnibus] Port default slips and notices from bespoke syntax to Template Toolkit 🎯
Waiting 7
Needs signoff 3
- 36114 - Port default TRANSFERSLIP notice to Template Toolkit syntax 🎓 🎯
- 36127 - Port default HOLDPLACED and HOLD_CHANGED notices to Template Toolkit syntax 🎓 🎯
- 36110 - Port default OVERDUES_SLIP to Template Toolkit syntax
Needs QA 2
- 38793 - Transfer silently not canceled when TransfersBlockCirc = "don't block" and AutomaticConfirmTransfer = "do automatically confirm"
- 38095 - Custom patron messages should have access to information about the logged-in library they were sent from
Ready to push 2
Other bugs
Claimed QA 7
Signed off 1
- 31632 - Add ability to manually link orders to suggestions 🎯
Failed QA 4
- 37035 - Merging authorities triggers rebuilding holds for all affected records when RealTimeHoldsQueue is enabled
- 37882 - Add classes to item statuses in SCO
- 38537 - 'Edit items in a batch' should open in a new tab
- 29390 - Authorised values: Add a few missing foreign keys
Assigned 2
- 30519 - Using CircConfirmItemParts prevents checkin from patron account in staff interface
- 37895 - Update skeleton.pl to show an example use of coding guideline SQL14
CC Bugs 106
Needs documenting 25
- 37255 + Creating default waiting hold cancellation policy for all patron categories and itemtypes breaks Koha
- 37483 + Batch extend due dates tool not working
- 38476 + Use anchor tag for DataTables configure button
- 38385 + DB updates not displayed properly on the UI
- 37476 + RANK is a reserved word in MySQL 8.0.2+
- 27893 - Deleting a bibliographic record should warn about attached acquisition orders and cancel them
- 36615 - Terminology: use 'on hold' instead of 'reserved' in OPAC self checkout
- 35044 + Additional fields: Allow for repeatable fields
- 33568 + Use the REST API to display items on the staff biblio detail view 🎯
- 30579 + When placing item level hold, some options that are not used are not disabled
- 17976 + TT syntax for notices - Add an equivalence for items.fine
- 33292 + Claim return doesn't refund lost item charge when MarkLostItemsAsReturned includes "When marking an item as a return claim" and "Refund lost item fee" is on
- 27919 + Split claims return from LOST
- 36085 + Setting and unsetting the protected flag should be limited to superlibrarian accounts
- 35197 + Expose additional_field definitions through REST API
- 35191 + Make entries per page configurable for items table on staff detail page
- 36815 + Add the option to 'Reset to default' in the notices editor
- 27595 + Place holds for patrons on accepted purchase suggestions
- 35746 - Multiple selections for parameters used in the IN function
- 16122 + Item record needs to keep local use count
- 36767 - Add a hint to the EDI account form that the SFTP/FTP port will fallback to port 22 if not defined 🎓
- 34626 - Add waiting since date to holdswaiting patron message
- 28633 + Add a preferred name field to patrons
- 34355 + Automated MARC record ordering process
- 33484 + Ability to remember user's selected table configuration and search filters for tables
Pushed to oldstable 7
- 36424 - Database update breaks due to syntax error
- 36035 + Form is broken in addorderiso2709.pl
- 37429 + Can't edit bibliographic records anymore (empty form)
- 34479 - Clear saved patron search selections after certain actions
- 36474 + updatetotalissues.pl should not modify the record when the total issues has not changed
- 36787 - staticfines.pl missing use Koha::DateUtils::output_pref
- 34585 + "When to charge" columns value not copied when editing circulation rule
Pushed to main 2
Needs QA 3
- 30657 - Make patron attributes available via Template Toolkit in notices 🎯
- 34756 - Cancelling a hold does not cancel the related transfer
- 23674 - Allowing notes on all entries in patron Transactions table 🎓
Needs signoff 3
- 37650 - Fix warn and remove FIXME in circ/returns.pl
- 35625 - Add support for system flag to additional fields
- 35654 - Add option to delete_items.pl to delete record if existing item getting deleted is the only one attached to the bib
Failed QA 9
- 38712 - Order My Lists options alphabetically
- 30269 - Use objects directly to display holds on request.pl
- 32702 - Item statuses that block holds should be checked in CanItemBeReserved
- 37701 + Log viewer doesn't show everything when Module 'All' is checked
- 33052 - Add a message for from_local_hold_group override
- 37054 + Allow for custom library colors in the staff interface header search
- 38079 - Add ability to choose sorting for holdings table
- 23641 - Checkout via camera on device
- 20859 + Enter SMS number and SMS provider during self registration
Patch doesn't apply 7
- 9762 + Log circulation overrides
- 25733 - Return claims attention can't be cleared
- 20844 + Reset a hold when it is missing after allocation
- 32476 - Add caching for relatively expensive patron methods
- 32092 + Improve circulation rules cache utilization
- 4812 - Reserves for a specific copy of a book say book is available even though it it still checked out to someone else
- 23817 - Normalize phone number when searching patrons
In discussion 8
- 33166 - Item type database fields should not be nullable
- 31744 - Inventory tool can take a long time and never complete
- 32572 - We should have a background queue for each job type
- 38664 - Tidy the whole codebase
- 35716 + Duplicated assets in both koha-tmpl/intra-tmpl and koha-tmpl/opac-tmpl
- 20271 - Merge deleted biblio, biblioitems, biblio_metadata, and items tables
- 20955 - Add ability to trigger holds that violate holds policies (overridden holds)
- 32306 + Hold modifications don't log correctly
Blocked 1
- 7012 + Limit to available does not exclude in-transit items
Assigned 5
- 23010 - If an item is checked out or in transit it should not be able to be marked withdrawn
- 38460 - Enable translations for authorised values (alternative)
- 35736 - Transfer modals should be merged in returns.tt
- 34472 - Template Toolkit reference guide needed 🎯
- 33471 - Improve performance of hold pickup location verification for next available holds
New 36
- 38806 - Dismissing a "Wrong transfer detected" modal leads to transfer not cancelable anymore
- 33430 - Use REST API for suggestions tables
- 34473 - "Holds Waiting Over..." is not matching the ReservesMaxPickupDelay syspref
- 5463 + Limit to available shows on hold items
- 27834 - CircControl syspref is used wrong in TooMany function C4::Circulation
- 25901 - Add option for ClaimsReturnedWarningThreshold to count only unresolved claims
- 35984 - automated static code analysis should include security tests
- 11151 - hold error message wrong if in transit
- 30151 - branchcode should always be in PatronSelfRegistrationBorrowerMandatoryField
- 33514 - SearchWithIS[B|S]NVariations breaks ISBN search in item search
- 33980 - No results on search creates double sets of quotes on breadcrumb search term and page
- 28849 - Claim Returned should alert at checkout
- 13580 - Item circ history has 'last seen' labeled wrong
- 13498 - 'email' templates used for printing slips
- 33772 - Header search input no longer has an outline when focused
- 31698 - Add ability to move a hold to a new biblio/item
- 38014 - Migrate from Font Awesome to Bootstrap Icons
- 31617 - Allow manual editing of suggestions.biblionumber
- 36470 - Generate CHECKOUT, CHECKIN and HOLD digest notices should be generated at once, not amended over time
- 29490 - Preview for more notices
- 31169 - [OMNIBUS] Problems with forced holds (AllowHoldPolicyOverride)
- 37532 - Protected status should have a permission to block editing patron
- 34003 - Add messaging preferences during self registration
- 36460 - When lost item payment is voided or refunded prompt librarian for new status
- 36731 - Delete cancelled order line that still refers to bibliographic record
- 21329 - Add additional fields to purchase suggestions
- 34118 - Add Patron's home library as an option on the DefaultHoldPickupLocation preference
- 26746 - Variables available for selecting into notices are misleading
- 25579 - Holds tracker page
- 22221 - Changing an item to a Lost Status on an item level hold does not change the hold
- 34210 - ISSUEQSLIP should offer checkout session items only
- 34988 - reserve_stats.pl: Further improvements to refine hold status
- 34262 - Add styling to emphasize the "clear selected patrons" button
- 34458 - It should be possible to change the pickup location for in transit holds
- 24073 - Allow suggestion management page to default to all libraries
- 31171 - Remember user-selected sort in a given session for purchase suggestions