Hello Blou
Rolling monthly stats
- Signed Off: 0
- Passed QA: 0
- Failed QA: 0
- Documented: 0
- Pushed to main: 0
Rolling yearly stats
- Signed Off: 1
- Passed QA: 1
- Failed QA: 2
- Documented: 0
- Pushed to main: 0
Lifetime stats
- Signed Off: 10
- Passed QA: 1
- Failed QA: 3
- Documented: 0
- Pushed to main: 31
Your bugs
- Blocker
- Critical
- Major
- Normal
- Minor
- Trivial
- Enhancement
- New Feature
Reported 2
New 1
- 11062 - Invoice's shipment/shipping cost should be included PRE-gst tax (as an option)
Blocked 1
- 11055 - Add 'minutes' as a load period unit
Other bugs
CC Bugs 135
Needs documenting 13
- 34755 + Error authenticating to external OpenID Connect (OIDC) identity provider : wrong_csrf_token
- 37509 + Elasticsearch status info missing from 'Server information'
- 36863 - CSRF Plack middleware doesn't handle the CONNECT HTTP method
- 35508 + Update borrowers.updated_on when modifying a patron's attribute
- 36111 + Online resource link should be based on the presence of 856$u (MARC21)
- 37074 - Comment approval and un-approval should be CSRF-protected
- 36166 + Disable select to add to list if opacuserlogin is disabled
- 37070 + Incorrect barcode generation when adding orders to basket
- 30555 + Add more sample notice for SMS messages
- 35836 + search_for_data_inconsistencies.pl - Search for loops in dependencies
- 33317 + Add system preference to set meta robots for the OPAC
- 26597 + Transfer information from guarantor when adding a guarantor to an existing patron
- 33087 + OPACHoldsIfAvailableAtPickup considers On order as available
Pushed to oldstable 21
- 37824 + Replace webpack with rspack for fun and profit
- 34886 + Regression in when hold button appears
- 36047 + Apostrophe in suggestion status reason blocks order receipt
- 33237 + If TranslateNotices is off, use the default language includes in slips
- 32341 + Some OPAC tables are not displayed well in mobile mode
- 35823 + When uploading a MARC file to a basket it is showing inactive funds without them being selected
- 35916 - Purchase suggestions bibliographic filter should be a "contains" search
- 37157 - Error 500 when loading identity provider list
- 36527 + Patron category or item type not changing when editing another circulation rule
- 36532 + Any authenticated OPAC user can run opac-dismiss-message.pl for any user/any message
- 29522 + Bib record not correctly updated when merging identical authorities with LinkerModule set to First Match
- 36393 + Renewal with a specific date does not take the new date due that we pick
- 30598 - Replacement cost is not copied from retail price when ordering from file
- 36122 + NEW_SUGGESTION is sent for every modification to the suggestion
- 34077 + writeoff_debts without --confirm doesn't show which accountline records it would have been written off
- 36872 + Untranslatable "Please make sure all selected titles have a pickup location set"
- 36295 + Space out content blocks in batch record deletion
- 34823 + Do not show item group drop-down if there are no item groups
- 34041 - z3950 responder additional options not coming through properly
- 31143 + We should attempt to fix/identify all cases where '0000-00-00' may still remain in the database
- 37114 - Update MARC21 default framework to Update 38 (June 2024)
Pushed to oldoldstable 10
- 37655 + XSS vulnerability in basic editor handling of title
- 37654 + XSS in batch record import for the citation column
- 37656 + XSS in Advanced editor for Z39.50 search results
- 37720 + XSS (and bustage) in label creator
- 36132 + Allow users to delete multiple patron lists at once on any page
- 37184 + Special character encoding problem when importing MARC file from the acquisitions module
- 37724 - Remove Koha version number from public generator metadata
- 37861 - Fix XSS vulnerability in barcode append function
- 13342 + Not logged in user can place a review/comment as a deleted patron
- 38234 + Remove unused vulnerable jszip library file
Pushed to oldoldoldstable 2
- 36244 - Template toolkit syntax not escaped in letter templates
- 28929 - No filtering on borrowers.flags on member entry pages (OPAC, self registration, staff interface)
Ready to push 1
- 32742 - Add sorting options to patron list export
Needs QA 8
- 38040 - IndependentBranches doesn't prevent editing other libraries' holds
- 35434 - Non-superlibrarians should not place holds in other libraries when IndependentBranches is enabled
- 34631 + Independentbranches - Non-superuser should not be able to write Additional contents for other branches
- 35145 + Add ability to order patron attributes
- 35590 - Add the translation of seasonal predictions for a chosen locale
- 33224 - OPACHoldsIfAvailableAtPickup and no on-shelf holds don't mix well
- 19336 + Add option to fines.pl to apply maximal fine amount after delay
- 34978 - Add --include and --exclude options to install_plugins.pl to choose the plugins to install
Needs signoff 10
- 38892 - Patron category 'can be a guarantee' means that same category cannot be a guarantor (bis)
- 35797 + REST API: Add GET route for patronimage
- 20644 - Per itemtype setting for CheckPrevCheckout
- 36027 + search_for_data_inconsistencies.pl - make each section optional
- 21214 - cleanup_database.pl --mail should let admin choose which letter codes to keep
- 36154 - Add the ability for some pages to be able to use images coming from plugin
- 11808 - When searching for a cardnumber in the intranet, also try to search for it on the LDAP server if one is configured and add/update user
- 21272 - MARC import should warn about mis-matched branch during staged import
- 31736 - Context for translation: "All" 🎓
- 33758 - Add a parameter to use the intranet_catalog_biblio_enhancements_toolbar_button Plugin hook
Failed QA 16
- 37622 - Error in ERM module when editing an agreement, a license, a package or a titles
- 13334 - Add a warning when a course reserve is checked in 🎓
- 36871 + Honor DefaultHoldPickupLocation when placing holds for multiple items at once
- 36466 - Incorrect date value stored when "Published on" or "Expected on" are empty
- 25267 - OPAC browse shelf feature is not responsive
- 32726 - Authority search result display and relator terms in 22.05
- 33200 - IndependentBranchesTransfers does not prevent holds from creating transfers
- 37680 - "Limit to records with available items" should consider withdrawn and negative not for loan status as unavailable
- 33857 - Reduce and resize local cover images
- 17015 - New Koha Calendar
- 27510 + Download the report in HTML format
- 12769 - Manage fees for sending notices
- 13811 - Silent Cronjobs
- 12388 - IssueSlip output should be sorted by date_due, not timestamp
- 9296 + overduerules table needs restructuring to allow future extension
- 13430 - Serial enumeration not visible when handling Serial Items. Show enumerations for Serial Items in the circ- and member-modules.
Patch doesn't apply 3
- 26573 - Limit patron attribute types to more than one patron category
- 12772 - Add item type and on-hold status to overdue notice/status triggers tool
- 17385 + Add custom export formats for bibliographic records
In discussion 4
- 31060 - Fine duplicates when returning item with accountline status marked as lost
- 28411 - Investigate memory footprint of the different dependencies
- 19368 - Add syspref to ignore words when sorting serials
- 17650 - Create the option to save local cover images outside the database
Blocked 3
- 17983 - Add minutes loan to DiscreteCalendar
- 11055 - Add 'minutes' as a load period unit
- 12770 - Notice template tool enhancement
Assigned 4
- 30697 - Cannot renew when record is on hold under specific conditions
- 34561 - Move IntranetReportsHomeHTML to HTML customizations
- 12771 - Enhancement to manage more than 3 levels of overdue notice
- 18645 - Creation of Koha feature release change tool displayed after running Koha update
New 39
- 17258 - [OMNIBUS] MySQL 5.7
- 37042 - Schema Upgrade fail at > Bug 31503 - Change patron_consent.type
- 21631 - No warning when placing a hold with current location/pick-up location combination forbidden by Transport cost matrix
- 23981 - Inconsistencies with the different prices
- 36116 - Link to suggestion leads to undefined suggestion in parcel.pl
- 21302 - Link in 780/785 should search for $t in title and $a in author
- 27572 - Move OpacLocationBranchToDisplay system preference into table settings
- 17387 - Add an undelete feature for items/biblios
- 30198 - Add privacy elements to reports
- 32423 - Allow guarantor to renew guarantee's checkouts
- 35092 - [OMNIBUS] Remaining background job/worker issues
- 36216 - Hide Show checkouts/charges to guarantor when not necessary
- 24035 - When recording local use, holds should be captured
- 37234 - Order of subfields when there are multiple of a same subfield
- 37045 - Redirect to login page or modal when adding a title to a list
- 11062 - Invoice's shipment/shipping cost should be included PRE-gst tax (as an option)
- 36870 - Don't ask for pickup location when there is only one library
- 33510 - Add context to "New" as a status
- 34563 - Move IntranetCirculationHomeHTML to HTML customizations
- 25917 - Table settings for OPAC are all under biblio-detail
- 34856 - Move strings in messages.po back into their original file (or move everything into messages.po)
- 35049 - Add ability to choose which status is included in MaxOpenSuggestions
- 34078 - Add --branchcode to writeoff_debts.pl
- 34991 - Collapsed 245 subfields still show by default in Fast Add Framework
- 35499 - Lost item blocked at checkin still logs a return in action logs
- 35500 - Remove Summary and Matrix options in the guided reports wizard
- 31376 - Input type email in system preferences prevents multiple addresses
- 35814 - Add information about MARC modification template used in staged MARC batch page
- 35859 - Add part_name and part_number to addorderiso2709.pl
- 35863 - Title display in basket.pl in wrong order (part number and part name should be right after title)
- 35866 - Filter in parcels.pl only checks 20 first results
- 35915 - Add URL encoding to status tabs in purchase suggestions management
- 35923 - Add a permission to transfer items
- 35886 - FindDuplicate only checks first ISBN
- 35945 - Expand OverduesBlockCirc to guarantees and guarantors
- 15262 - Run Koha Run. Koha search should be fast again.
- 28410 - [Omnibus] Reduce memory footprint
- 35200 - Patron attributes should be translatable
- 28495 + Add validation to branchcode upon library creation
Confirmed 1
- 27365 - Koha doesn't check marcxml field size is < 10000 and fails in various places