Hello Christopher Brannon
Rolling monthly stats
- Signed Off: 0
- Passed QA: 0
- Failed QA: 0
- Documented: 0
- Pushed to main: 0
Rolling yearly stats
- Signed Off: 1
- Passed QA: 0
- Failed QA: 0
- Documented: 0
- Pushed to main: 0
Lifetime stats
- Signed Off: 41
- Passed QA: 0
- Failed QA: 40
- Documented: 0
- Pushed to main: 7
Your bugs
- Blocker
- Critical
- Major
- Normal
- Minor
- Trivial
- Enhancement
- New Feature
Reported 380
New 350
- 38959 - Blocked contacts
- 38947 - Koha workflow presets
- 38923 - Restrictions should have an option for notification
- 38866 - API functionality needed in news to allow future connectivity with discovery systems
- 38864 - API functionality needed in patron message to allow future connectivity with discovery systems
- 38844 - Display location filter breaks News
- 38736 - Expire password if staff change it
- 38511 - Custom variables in custom slip templates
- 38335 - Bulk edit tools for the overdue notice/status triggers would be welcome
- 38334 - Extra space in first notice column on overdue notice/status triggers
- 38269 - additem.pl subfield c shows item location instead of permanent location
- 38178 - Report pagination is inefficient
- 38169 - returns.pl should show permanent shelving location
- 38157 - Deduct time on hold shelf from loan period
- 38086 - UpdateItemLocationOnCheckin could show the return date
- 38039 - Do not display number of items for 1 item in staff results list
- 38024 - Self Registration workflow issue with credentials
- 37976 - Digests need to be selectable per transport type
- 37932 - Check in protection
- 37532 - Protected status should have a permission to block editing patron
- 37139 - Add filters to report results
- 36874 - Confirming batch deletion of patrons seems to take as long as the initial search
- 36860 - Is test mode redundant in batch patron deletion?
- 36780 - Should templates (notices and slips) ignore print_XXX.css stylesheet
- 36763 - Changing a patron category doesn't update form accordingly
- 36748 - Closures on calendars should include options to block holds, turn off pickup locations, and set hard due dates
- 36746 - Batch rule modification and deletion
- 36695 - anonymous patron is not blocked from checkout via SIP
- 36690 - Force security on self check
- 36689 - SelfCheckAllowByIPRanges does not work
- 36688 - Rest API access on public side to IP field needed
- 36602 - Locked account requires a password change
- 36539 - class missing from spans on Available status in detail.pl
- 36537 - Add module links to menu dropdowns
- 36525 - Rename Notices and slips tool to Templates
- 36524 - Template ids need to be editable
- 36523 - Report ids need to be editable
- 36513 - Default report output to template
- 36512 - Build printing into reports
- 36446 - Library specific shelving locations disappear when logged in
- 36445 - Removing email address has no effect on clubs that require an email address
- 36279 - Resending notice after changing delivery method still uses old method
- 36065 - Club enrollment counter not counting enrollments
- 36006 - New patron notification method to show notice in patron account in OPAC
- 35917 - Resent notices should be recorded
- 35804 - Change scheduled holds to dated suspended holds
- 35803 - Scheduled holds (future) should be styled differently on request.pl
- 35802 - Note date when patron password was last changed
- 35719 - Specify which libraries the loggedinlibrary permission allows patron to switch between
- 35694 - Give pages the option to be a page or modal
- 35693 - Granular Permissions to Everything
- 35665 - Should secondary email address be allowed to be used as a CC in notices?
- 35620 - Scheduling batch jobs
- 35337 - Patron flags should be transitioned over to restrictions
- 35336 - Add a notification to patrons when a restriction is applied to their account
- 35326 - Staff confirmation on shared accounts
- 35271 - Patron account renew has different behaviors in different places
- 35256 - Branches that staff can set to
- 35208 - Automatic age modification needs a custom date field
- 35054 - Waiting hold cancellation rules need to include in transit and staff side cancellations
- 34937 - Slips should have a way to detect if decreaseLoanHighHolds is in play
- 34759 - Pending modifications to patron account in moremember.pl
- 34747 - Keep open baskets at top when viewing vendor (booksellers.pl)
- 34746 - Branch preferences should not be tied to staff preferences
- 34538 - HTML customizations needs a 'not logged in' option for libraries
- 34523 - Add smart logic to branches for holds
- 34476 - SyndeticsCoverImageSize needs to be split for results and details
- 34475 - categories.pl does not show all settings for categories
- 34474 - OVERDUE_FINE_DESC shows title in parenthesis
- 34460 - Patron category should regulate if account can have permissions
- 34306 - Update spine label tool to use more appropriate permissions
- 34291 - Clubs requiring email just don't show if there is no email
- 34210 - ISSUEQSLIP should offer checkout session items only
- 34203 - CollapseFieldsPatronAddForm should have an option to check if fields are empty
- 34202 - Non-patron guarantor section independent of patron guarantor section
- 34001 - Add QR codes to more pages
- 33986 - Patron privacy settings affecting statistics tab in patron account
- 33984 - Navigation tabs should move to menu on small displays
- 33980 - No results on search creates double sets of quotes on breadcrumb search term and page
- 33965 - Hide patron accounts that are for admin use only
- 33866 - ExcludeHolidaysFromMaxPickUpDelay needs individual library settings
- 33850 - Holdings - showing data on hover
- 33840 - UpdateItemLocationOnCheckin needs a duration and library parameters
- 33799 - Setting hold options in circulation rules
- 33753 - Intranet password expiration warning on patron accounts
- 33752 - OPAC Password expiration warning
- 33751 - Notice needed for password expiration
- 33750 - Expiration warnings
- 33741 - Patron attribute IDs should match code
- 33682 - Logs don't give enough information
- 33644 - Link tracking
- 33618 - Borrowernumbers, Itemnumbers, and Biblionumbers should be readily available
- 33617 - Items in cart location still need to show permanent location on search.pl
- 33546 - Poll/Questionnaire tools needed
- 33501 - Cashup amount should be configurable
- 33495 - Patron search results can be misleading
- 33476 - Tracking notices other than patron notices
- 33461 - Password reset should act like patron expiration when there are no notices available
- 33459 - Patrons need messaging preferences for other notices
- 33451 - Password reset menu location
- 33450 - Need option for placement of OPAC News
- 33112 - News display options on OPAC
- 33110 - MaxSearchResultsItemsPerRecordStatusCheck should offer optional adjustments
- 33097 - Is message for staff or OPAC on circulation.pl?
- 33096 - DefaultHoldExpirationdate does not show date when placing hold
- 33091 - Autocomplete for patron search should work for other search criteria
- 33072 - Admin notes
- 32989 - Cancelled holds on the holds queue
- 32985 - Patron quick search done on cardnumber even if not inDefaultPatronSearchFields
- 32953 - Hide closed baskets
- 32893 - ILL item flag
- 32784 - Reoccurring News
- 32704 - Age restrictions in patron categories
- 32659 - Show Bootstrap versions on about page
- 32636 - More info with batch patron deletion
- 32454 - Patron do not have overdue triggers format choice
- 32444 - Identify patrons as a group or family unit
- 32372 - ExcludeHolidaysFromMaxPickUpDelay needs to include new option for expiration date
- 32371 - Restart Hold Process
- 32329 - Marking early closures in calendar
- 32277 - Widget dashboard
- 32276 - Customize notice recipients
- 32136 - E-mail testing
- 31681 - Daily digest notice for ALL notices
- 31680 - Cloning circulation rules to more than one library at a time
- 31679 - Circulation Rules needs individual rule cloning
- 31572 - E-mail and SMS verification
- 31544 - Guarantees and Guarantors
- 31258 - Accessing patron lists from patron accounts
- 31256 - Circ rules batch modification
- 31237 - Automatic item modifications by age needs a way to test rules from the front end
- 31091 - Format grouping in record details
- 31090 - Background jobs needs highlights and searchability
- 31089 - Log viewer needs better reference point for compare
- 31088 - Primary contact method enhancements
- 31031 - MarkLostItemsAsReturned does not work with batch item modification
- 30945 - Branch specific self checkout login
- 30902 - MaxTotalSuggestions clarification
- 30895 - Electronic acknowledgement for certain loans
- 30343 - Any failed delivery method in overduerules.pl produces a printed notice in attachment.txt
- 30339 - Action button dropdown for items in detail.pl could include a place on hold action
- 30313 - Show that a patron is receiving checkout notices on patron screen
- 30312 - Make it possible to limit notices shown to 'All libraries' and 'All notices' separately
- 30306 - opac-suggestions.pl?suggested_by_anyone needs to be paginated and better formatting
- 30281 - Schedule batch patron deletion and anonymization
- 30259 - [Omnibus] Standardize how lists of items are created in notices
- 30258 - Authorized value icons should offer font awesome icons
- 30257 - vokal icons duplicated/missing 🎓
- 30248 - Multiple Select elements randomly have small width
- 30166 - SMS Number
- 29927 - Ability to debar patrons from checking out certain materials
- 29909 - Search failovers
- 29866 - Notices and Slips presentation
- 29773 - suggestion.pl event listener too restrictive
- 29748 - Most Wanted/Lucky Day Items
- 29740 - New Organization field
- 29726 - Right column content on OPAC detail page needs to be closer to top on small devices
- 29725 - Holds-table needs table setting
- 29359 - Mark image as default in record
- 29326 - _ALL_ should not override other rules in UpdateItemLocationOnCheckin
- 29304 - Add a first time login page
- 29295 - Page specific jQuery
- 29294 - Buttons at the bottom of the holds tab on circulation.pl could be streamlined
- 29235 - Export/Import configuration and basic data for testing
- 29214 - Lost item checked in shows "Lost item fee refund" instead of "Lost item fee removed"
- 29127 - Reminders for Suspended Holds
- 29044 - Check for untriggered holds when checking out
- 28951 - Parental Controls
- 28760 - Granular restrictions
- 28407 - CollapseFieldsPatronAddForm creates problems with hidden elements in Patron restrictions
- 28212 - Search not found - options
- 27953 - pay.pl needs an incomplete transaction warning
- 27952 - register.pl needs more info
- 27910 - Fines and Fees workflow for consortiums
- 27845 - cash_management needs default register setting
- 27788 - Font awesome icons in POS descriptions
- 27785 - Point of sale needs a note field
- 27781 - Editing Codes
- 27735 - Upload/manage image files for use in OPAC/HTML customizations
- 27721 - Configurable circulation workflows (status changes, triggered actions etc.)
- 27642 - Add notes to circulation receipts at time of printing
- 27515 - Elasticsearch: search for singular/plural form / stemming
- 27254 - Damaged items need more control over holds
- 27211 - Shelving locations for holds
- 27181 - Rotating collection holds control
- 27052 - Specify which email address is used by OPACReportProblems
- 27037 - Change Change password to modal?
- 27025 - jQuery testing with specific user
- 26899 - Pick up location defaults to first choice if patron's library is disabled as pick up location
- 26850 - Turning off pick up location does not affect current hold request
- 26789 - Need note fields for all sections of circulation rules
- 26788 - Circulation rule note field too small
- 26757 - SMS Test Button
- 26709 - Batch deletion for deleted patrons table
- 26671 - Simplify reports navigation
- 26668 - Report editing doesn't show report author
- 26661 - Cities and Towns dropdown in patron editor should focus by default on logged in library city/town
- 26476 - Make hold request notes editable
- 26475 - Differentiate between un-suspended and re-prioritized holds
- 26360 - Patron restriction should include a common header
- 26359 - SIP blocking messages should include a date
- 26357 - Create preference for staff notification of patron self-renewals
- 26355 - Tie account renewals to patron modification requests
- 26354 - Prevent submission of patron modification request unless changes are actually made
- 26259 - Redundant restriction alert in circulation.pl
- 26196 - Would like options for MarcFieldForCreatorName/MarcFieldForModifierName
- 26166 - Patron verification through SMS one time code
- 26066 - Batch deleted table modification
- 26047 - moredetail.pl needs consistency in showing changes
- 25980 - Capture cover image via webcam
- 25912 - Any lost value triggers refund message on check in, even if it doesn't apply
- 25911 - Chrome tries to save patron passwords
- 25904 - Use patron attributes to track timestamp and count of patron related events
- 25884 - Automatic item modifications by age needs title and description fields
- 25823 - Add touch authentication capability to opac
- 25721 - Club enrollment notification
- 25720 - Add the ability to send an e-mail or notifications to a particular club
- 25579 - Holds tracker page
- 25401 - Backup/Restore functionalities for configuration tables
- 25338 - Koha checks items in when lost fee waived/paid
- 25332 - Add library card to smart phone wallet
- 25221 - Imported records are not checked for accuracy
- 25173 - Create list of parameters to choose from via a query
- 25047 - Tutorial for OPAC
- 24896 - Add option to disable transport cost matrix in part or fully
- 24832 - superlibrarian should have tools to delete notices
- 24763 - Backdating check-ins creating fine issues that can't be resolved
- 24762 - Statuses that should not be manually changed
- 24729 - Set specific 008 positions as mandatory for Advanced Search functionality
- 24558 - Catching old holds on check in
- 24422 - Advanced search shelving locations are restricted by library limitations when patron is logged in
- 24411 - Offline circulation should require login
- 24392 - Leading whitespaces in Marc fields cause errors
- 24355 - Holds should note a short loan period when decreaseLoanHighHolds in use and conditions met
- 24346 - News needs to be able to display on the self checkout / checkin modules
- 24342 - Self check needs on screen keyboard for login
- 24304 - Incomplete returns (notes)
- 24209 - Need Display status with timestamp on items
- 24207 - Preferences to select what check in messages need to be displayed
- 24050 - Limit consecutive issues
- 24049 - Limit for consecutive hold requests on same record
- 23965 - Use an external service to provide DVD cover images
- 23936 - Authenticating a patron with a one-time code via SMS
- 23845 - Dashboard for database
- 23837 - detail.pl contains a lot of whitespace in the td.status cell
- 23780 - Batch check out fails to inform or trap
- 23756 - Appendix for workflows
- 23716 - Batch item modification needs to let you continue with items
- 23664 - Print notices need confirmation before being sent
- 23652 - Let patrons opt out of search history
- 23650 - Restrict access to pages by home library or patron category
- 23643 - Moderation links are out of sight and overlooked
- 23581 - Do not fill hold when patron account has overdues/fines
- 23577 - OPAC - patron e-mail notification of new login location
- 23576 - OPAC - Logged in elsewhere
- 23569 - OMNIBUS: OPAC security measures
- 23568 - Detect OPAC location by IP address
- 23550 - Not possible to add multiple patron restrictions when editing a patron
- 23497 - Notices defaulting to print
- 23478 - Simplify report landing page
- 23476 - Too many holds message needs to be smarter
- 23457 - Can't pick the items when placing multiple holds on a record
- 23422 - CART location feature
- 23421 - members-update.pl should show confirmation of changes
- 23419 - Add ability to edit values on patron modification requests
- 23418 - Patron modification controls
- 23417 - Selectable patron modification requests.
- 23030 - Installation and last update date in About
- 22858 - Overdue items should trigger holds suspension
- 22822 - Ability to define circulation rule sets that can be applied to libraries
- 22745 - Need a "Do not notify" option in messaging preferences
- 22732 - Redundant search box on admin-home.pl
- 22731 - ID needed on "Merge selected patrons" button in list.pl
- 22719 - Suggestion Automatic Maintenance
- 22327 - Circulation Rules simplification
- 22326 - decreaseLoanHighHolds should allow for more granular settings
- 22251 - Highest priority holds
- 22106 - Column settings needs to include OPAC and Intranet holds (requests) tables
- 22105 - opac-detail hides place hold link when items list hidden
- 21936 - Patrons do not have option on printed notices
- 21935 - Setup SIP2 accounts through front end
- 21914 - Add preferences for default payment type
- 21906 - WHERE clause doesn't like % in CONCAT
- 21868 - Notices.pl should show items that triggered notice
- 21410 - Granular Settings Model
- 21309 - Enforce password change on login
- 20956 - BorrowersLog is not logging permission changes
- 20860 - List last e-mail address/SMS number/carrier sent to
- 20108 - Hold Queue Timeout
- 19942 - Children's search interface
- 19917 - Holds for self registered patrons
- 19311 - E-mail staff about items on a watch list
- 19174 - No Credits Please
- 18498 - Staff can place next available holds when rule is set to forced
- 18425 - Housebound module needs to accomodate branches
- 18257 - Column visibility button does not increase colspan properly with pre-hidden columns
- 18067 - Validate 'holds per record' according to 'total holds' setting in circulation rules
- 17985 - Hold request fails if only item in transit
- 17984 - Warn catalogers if item type doesn't match 942c
- 17507 - Can upload the same .koc file twice
- 17409 - Remove redundant note fields for payments on pay.pl
- 17408 - paycollect.pl should show more information
- 17406 - Simplify pay.pl interface buttons
- 17369 - Enhance the Reports button on mainpage.pl
- 17340 - waitingreserves.pl should provide more options than just cancelling
- 17338 - waitingreserves.pl should keep you on the same tab when cancelling a hold
- 17337 - waitingreserves.pl should trigger transfers as well as holds
- 17335 - waitingreserves.pl cancel button needs simplification
- 17272 - Override permissions
- 17167 - Koha has two separate renewal responses
- 17150 - Enhance cancelling holds over process [OMNIBUS]
- 17120 - Specify number of rows per page in report and initial run
- 16821 - Display complete facets for home libraries, locations, item types
- 16631 - Show groups/categories of reports to authorized staff
- 16605 - All notices should give the ability to unsubscribe or flag account for a wrong email address used
- 16604 - Break down patron modification requests for approval/give reasons for denials/allow corrections
- 16523 - Ability to choose NONE for the libraries limitation in authorised values
- 16491 - Link barcodes in messages link to specific item during check in
- 16440 - Update runtime parameters after running a report
- 16207 - Incorporate circulation and fine rules for library groups
- 16121 - Reports need a counter of uses
- 16093 - Streamline Holds awaiting pickup cancel process
- 15949 - Making certain alerts stand out 🎓
- 15834 - Ability to limit AutoEmailNewUser to specific patron categories
- 14962 - Temp Shelving Location
- 14216 - Koha should send a notice (via e-mail/print/or both) when changes are made to a patron account.
- 14182 - Suspended holds should show in separate list
- 14095 - Enhancing the automatic renewal checkbox on checkout
- 13978 - Add cancellation link to hold notification e-mails
- 13977 - Option to give shorter ReservesMaxPickUpDelay for patrons with e-mail address
- 13924 - LocalHoldsPriority needs dateaccessioned limits.
- 13617 - Turn 'Suspend' action for holds into a button in the OPAC user account
- 13550 - Automatic processing status
- 13337 - Change hold terms in OPAC
- 13273 - Additem.pl barcode tag editor useless with autoBarcode disabled
- 13165 - Don't trigger holds when patrons have already reached limit of checkouts
- 13110 - News needs a Read More option
- 13093 - Allow/Don't allow holds on items with set statuses
- 12450 - Easily close a branch
- 12219 - Purchase Suggestions branch level permissions
- 12200 - Koha should show number of holds a patron can place
- 12077 - Give superlibrarian ability to remove selected patron fine history.
- 12004 - Regional preference on holds
- 11989 - Ability to configure days no transfers take place to use with holds queue
- 11852 - Allow staff to create pipelines of actions for items
- 11754 - Show hint in patron account if holds are past their expiration/pickup date
- 11456 - Add validation to circulation rules
- 11455 - Ask for confirmation when replacing an existing circulation rule
- 11454 - Cannot indicate time for hard due dates on circulation rules
- 11451 - Hold Delete method needs standardization
Assigned 3
- 34472 - Template Toolkit reference guide needed 🎯
- 26258 + Circulation tabs inconsistent with counters
- 24303 - Guarantor name and relationship should show in patron info panel 🎓
Reopened 2
- 33448 - staffaccess permission needs to have 'permissions' removed from description
- 24738 - Online registration should check if patron is registering for an already existing account
In discussion 10
- 35766 - Allow staff to adjust privacy settings for patron
- 33932 - Why multiple statuses on item record
- 33633 - Check if email exists
- 31546 - Reassign items to holds if another item becomes available
- 29291 - Link self registration verification email to patron account after verification
- 25063 - [OMNIBUS] OPAC Renewal Option
- 25029 - AllowPatronToControlAutorenewal needs to have a disable setting
- 22403 - Temporary Card
- 16606 - Checkout settings dropdown should have a preference to stay open all the time
- 13309 - opac-search.pl Holds count incorrect
Patch doesn't apply 1
- 25733 - Return claims attention can't be cleared
Failed QA 8
- 32105 - Patron lists needs to share to specific people or groups
- 30088 + Improve forgotten password form to be more obvious that only one field must be filled out
- 23641 - Checkout via camera on device
- 23479 - Hold cancellation confirmation too generic
- 20859 + Enter SMS number and SMS provider during self registration
- 18450 - Renew in header bypasses hold block and renewal limits 🎓
- 18211 - Circulation.pl / Moremember.pl has errors in table row id
- 17506 + Offline circ needs to be logged
Pushed to main 1
- 35808 + Remove obsolete responsive table markup from several pages in the OPAC
Pushed to oldstable 2
- 36679 + Anonymous patron is not blocked from checkout via self check
- 30287 + Notices using HTML render differently in notices.pl
Needs documenting 3
Other bugs
CC Bugs 104
Needs documenting 7
- 33568 + Use the REST API to display items on the staff biblio detail view 🎯
- 18397 + Add recipient/sender information to notices tab in staff interface
- 36064 + Add information about holds with cancellation requests to staff start page
- 2486 + Show user comments in staff interface
- 27595 + Place holds for patrons on accepted purchase suggestions
- 31557 + Add ability for holds queue builder to prioritize either matching a patron's home library to the item's home or holding library
- 25996 + Changes to restrictions should be logged
Pushed to stable 1
- 38919 + Checkin does not notify of waiting holds
Needs QA 2
- 32773 - Have the ability to have more than 1 Fast Add framework
- 30657 - Make patron attributes available via Template Toolkit in notices 🎯
Failed QA 11
- 34149 - Syndetics cover images don't load in staff interface detail page if other images services are enabled
- 17649 - Create only one message per borrower and overdue level
- 23415 + Notify patron fines when renewing
- 19037 - Circulation and fine rules test tool
- 31498 - Allow for custom primary contact method values
- 23260 + Anonymize (remove) patron data from items_last_borrower
- 36063 - Add Holds to Pull info to intranet-main page
- 30515 - Move Overdue transports to patron messaging preferences
- 21314 - Koha enforces three (3) character password length even if RequireStrongPassword is disabled
- 28701 + primary_contact_method not part of the REST API spec
- 15516 - Allow to place a hold on first available item from a group of titles
Patch doesn't apply 1
- 14803 - Rental and fine fees are not updating on circulation screen 🎓
In discussion 7
- 29678 - Can't use external URL for XSLT stylesheet
- 26342 - Suspended hold not marked filled when patron checks out item
- 13680 - Items list on edit items page separates add items form from header and sidebar
- 15522 - New interface for revamped circulation rules
- 11583 - Add WYSIWYG editor for HTML notices/letters
- 23172 - Holds queue should check patron category hold policies when mapping items to pending reserves
- 20271 - Merge deleted biblio, biblioitems, biblio_metadata, and items tables
Blocked 2
- 7012 + Limit to available does not exclude in-transit items
- 14855 - Resend notices in Notices tab with AJAX + REST
New 73
- 28817 - It should be possible to configure the reply_address for various notices
- 34200 - Lists and merge catalog records
- 5463 + Limit to available shows on hold items
- 28451 - Message queue field "from_address" does not always get populated
- 10060 + Allow adding a branch parameter to the web-based self check to indicate library its used at
- 5534 + Koha mapping punctuation to space for indexing/searching can be confusing
- 22859 - Copying an item that has location set as 'CART' sets the permanent location of the new item to 'CART'
- 25787 - Club holds can't be placed without modify_holds_priority permission
- 26333 - "In" analytics link incorrectly formed when "UseControlNumber" set to "Don't use"
- 18986 - High Hold Items with Decreased Loan Period Can't Be Checked-Out with Self-Check
- 11723 - Message "A refund has been applied" on all lost item returns
- 21250 - Auto-self-checkout not fully compatible with multi-branch library setup
- 25161 - Can not edit relationship or guarantee of guarantor from the guarantee form
- 17143 - Popup Notification for decreaseloanhighholds preference
- 16766 - Merging two records with holds for the same patron creates two holds on one record
- 13394 - cancel all holds doesn't generate slips
- 36810 - Resend button for notices being hidden by CSS and never unhidden
- 14798 - Renew and checkin do not update parts of checkout page
- 29974 - Changing status of held item to Damaged can result in inaccurate hold status
- 33772 - Header search input no longer has an outline when focused
- 23861 - Add authorised value categories description option
- 10756 - Add carousel/coverflow display of new titles to the OPAC
- 18891 - Download Reports Directly
- 38550 - Add dark mode option to the staff interface
- 2646 + Add sort option for the series number
- 27464 - Extend functionality of AllowHoldsPolicyOverride to prevent some overrides
- 28863 - Cancel a pending notice
- 30723 - Allow for notices to have custom header/footer includes
- 26058 - Add ability for AllowHoldsOnPatronsPossessions to be limited by item type, collection code or shelving location
- 6532 + Way to move items to another record in batches
- 27973 - Limit to currently available items should have an option to filter out notforloan statuses
- 13125 - Total holds does not tally holds / items.reserves is not populated
- 26027 - Add ability to let librarians know why higher priority holds were skipped
- 31329 - Add ability to block all linked accounts when one account has been restricted
- 36470 - Generate CHECKOUT, CHECKIN and HOLD digest notices should be generated at once, not amended over time
- 24968 - Add system preference controls for cronjobs
- 34003 - Add messaging preferences during self registration
- 21551 - Automatically update guarantee when updating guarantor
- 26206 - Extended Patron Attributes don't have a stable id on OPAC
- 15278 - [Omnibus] Port default slips and notices from bespoke syntax to Template Toolkit 🎯
- 33092 - Add ability to search within a list
- 24956 - Add ability to define emergency/override circ rules
- 25825 - Allow claim return function to be controlled by permissions
- 30303 - Add ability to select which values to retain when merging patrons
- 30934 - Allow for this system preference NoRefundOnLostReturnedItemsAge to be library specific
- 33257 - Suspended and scheduled holds should be styled differently on moremember.pl
- 33258 - Suspended and scheduled holds should be styled differently on circulation.pl
- 28970 - Create runtime parameters on the fly
- 23908 - Require patrons to confirm their email address
- 26861 - Indicate that a record is using OpacHiddenItems in the staff interface
- 23501 - Drag-and-drop hold reordering in the staff interface
- 20989 - Hold Notes to be added later
- 11556 - Send any notice to any patron on demand
- 16260 - Have AllowHoldsOnPatronsPossessions check for multiple holds allowed on a record
- 15455 - Long Overdue charged item then renewed
- 33773 - Possible CSS adjustments for the header search usability improvement
- 27663 - statistics table should have some way to include items.permanent_location
- 31659 - Add SMSAlertNumber to options in borrowers.primary_contact_method
- 12566 - Duplicate checks for self registered patrons (other than email)
- 29770 - Refining acq add to basket workflow
- 22004 - When decreaseLoanHighHolds is set to Enable, suspended holds still count in the number of holds
- 23819 - Allow status to be set during creation of a purchase suggestion
- 19685 - Canceling a hold from the Hold Found popup does not alert librarian about next hold
- 26629 - Link to clubs from patrons
- 21227 - Add option to make items unavailable during closure period
- 13798 - Display issues with forced item holds
- 19814 - Batch Check-in function
- 28757 - Allow users to place a reservation when their account is restricted
- 12141 - On Display Module
- 3514 + Returning items through patron Details tab doesn't activate all circulation functions
- 14730 - Let patrons upload their own images
- 18623 - Send notification on creation of manual invoice
- 22086 - Birthday Wishes email to patron